Sunday, December 3, 2006

wat leads to bad crm in sg

working as a sales person in singapore is the worse experience you can ever encounter. it makes you even more bad tempered than you were.

you can't blame them. you'll know if you are/were in one.

nvm. let me analyse wat the real sales ppl are thinking of when they are serving customers.

politically correct way of answering:-
suckycust: wat colours do you have for this phone?
me: i think they only have it in black. gimmi a while let me check.
*after checking*
me: i'm sorry i only have the white one.
suckycust: HOR HOR HOR! *disgusted look*
me: ...sorry for the wrong infor.

honest way of answering:-
suckycust: wat colours do you have for this phone?
me: i think they only have it in black. gimmi a while let me check.
*after checking*
me: i'm sorry i only have the white one.
suckycust: HOR HOR HOR! *disgusted look*
me: fucking hell i'm also human naturally will make mistake right.

politically correct way of answering:-
suckycust: how much is w850?
me: 99.
suckycust: oh. then how much is k800?
me: it's 198.
suckycust: oh. then n80 leh?
me: 298.
*and the list goes on, and leave w/o even a thank you*

honest way of answering:-
suckycust: how much is w850?
me: 99.
suckycust: oh. then how much is k800?
me: it's 198.
suckycust: oh. then n80 leh?
me: whalao you wana buy or not. v irritating leh. the price list there so big cannot see meh. you blind ah.

politically correct way of answering:-

suckycust: wat fxns do you have for this phone?
me: erm, you mean k1? cam w video, mp3, bluetooth and external memory slot.
*after 5 mins fo admiring the phone*
suckycust: how many pixel?
me: 2.
*admiring the phone for another 3 mins*
suckycust: wat memory card?
me: micro card.

honest way of answering:-
suckycust: wat fxns do you have for this phone?
me: cam w video, mp3, bluetooth and external memory slot.
*after 5 mins fo admiring the phone*
suckycust: how many pixel?
me: ...2.
*admiring the phone for another 3 mins*
me: your brain tio tat issit? think so slow. i give you one pen you write down all the qns la. you wan me to write the ans down also so you can S.L.O.W.L.Y digest? dun kope my pen hor.

politically correct way of answering:-
*looking at j100i (which cost $98)*
suckycust: the cam got wat pixel?
me: sorry the phone doesn't have a camera.
suckycust: ohh. then gt give free bluetooth?
me: sorry the phone doesn't have tt fxn.
suckycust: then wat fxn has it got???
me: erm. calling and sms-ing?
suckycust to his/her friend: whalao so lousy. let's go.
me: ...

honest way of answering:-
*looking at j100i (which cost $98)*
suckycust: the cam got wat pixel?
me: no camera.
suckycust: ohh. then gt give free bluetooth?
me: no such fxn.
suckycust: then wat fxn has it got???
me: whalao so cheap alr wat ya expect? you wan gd phone got la. n73, 728. but you no money right? no money dun expect so much.

politically correct way of answering:-

suckycust: i wana recontract my line. any 3g phones to recommend?
me: wat kinda brands do you prefer?
suckycust: wat brands? i dunno la. you recommend.
me: how about v3x? it possess all the fxns except radio. but rarely ppl wld use tt nowadays. and it's only 178.
suckycust: whalao. so ugly. i dun like. gt others?
me: how about z610i? it's one of the latest with design similar to sony mp3s.
suckycust: eee. the inside so plain.
me: n73? it's one of the best phones now.
suckycust: nice. how much?
me: 498.
suckycust: whalao so ex!
*and the list goes on*

honest way of answering:-
suckycust: i wana recontract my line. any 3g phones to recommend?
me: wat kinda brands do you prefer?
suckycust: wat brands? i dunno la. you recommend.
me: how about v3x? it possess all the fxns except radio. but rarely ppl wld use tt nowadays. and it's only 178.
suckycust: whalao. so ugly. i dun like. gt others?
me: ...z610i? it's one of the latest with design similar to sony mp3s.
suckycust: eee. the inside so plain.
me: you tot you come here to criticise phones issit? you so li hai you go come out your own brand la. best if come out 5mm kinda phone, 5m.p. cam with video mp3 radio bluetooth memory card 2gd kinda pda phone rrp $100. i'll buy the phone from you.

i'm tired. cont the list tmr.

Saturday, December 2, 2006


i was freakin' damn sway since wed night.

busy, yet no sales. argh. gt scolded for nth.

cust: hey, tt time you sold me a hse phone spoil 2 times!
me: erm. i haven't sell any hse phone since ages.
cust: ehh. not you la. your colleague.
me: ... did you bring the receipt?
cust: no la. you find la. must be inside the receipt book!
me: *bring out all the receipt books* you see got so many. (at least 5) or you tell me the date.
cust: ehh. i dunno. maybe 2-3 wks ago?
me: -.-

c'mon la freakin' assHOLE. you expected to me flip thru all the books for you? and why must you come in and make a since after 9? (note: our place close at 9) wth. i curse you fall down on the escalator.

nvm about tt.
the following day kim woke up late so she couldn't meet me.
i got down at the wrong bus stop cos i tot i saw 52 behind me. (i could get down 2 stops later cos there'll be both 52 and 74 which can reach sch)
52 was hell late.
i was finding for the stupid class 'cause CF change teacher, AGAIN.
tt auntie teacher couldn't teach.

nvm. finally things start to get better after the break, 'cause we zhao. LOL. pon class.

joanne was hilarious. though i'm a road idiot (lu chi), i know she went the wrong way a couple of times. (AT LEAST 3)

jas: keep right keep right!
*then it went nowhere*

kim: keep right
*then she U-turn back again 'cause wrong*

me: hmm. i wonder y did we pass paradgon twice? hahahah.

hahah. suppose to go mac, but due to the delay, mac breakfast was over.

me: hmm. maybe we shall go cine see see?
jas: oei! now can go klunch! go la go la..

and we ended up in kbox.

lol. damn impromptu. nvm. the day was not tooo bad.

thanks joanne for driving us home! =D

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

cold world

the world evolves into the state where when lying, you won't even see him stumble.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

HRM sucks!

one freaking item down. at least now i can focus more on impt and valuable things.

seems like i having been really blogging for quite some time. kinda dun get used to it. lol. maybe must wait till my blogging mood comes.

anyway, kim and i really have got an irritating HRM teacher! he just freaking suck!

when students stepped into the class more than 15 mins late (which is after 9.15am), he'll either

mr. blahblahblah*: can you come into the class after the break? (which is at bloody after 10.30am)


mr. blahblahblah*: *stare really hard at the student* (he can't stare till his eye balls dropped cos his eye hole is really damn small) you know coming in late to the class is very distractive. you made me forget about wat i was going to say to the class blah blah blah.. (and it goes on and on. wth. nobody even notices the student walked into the class and he just goes on and on and on...)

*his name is not etched hard into my mind for me to rmb.

wateva it is, i think his attitude sorta get slightly better. maybe tooo many ppl wrote his bad in the survey.

hahahaha. or bi quack.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

kim's highlighters

kim's mini highlighters.
so cute!
and her idiotic face. hahaha.


have kept these photos for quite some time. havent been able to use my laptop cos my bro had been using it during his Os.

he said he dun wana play maple cos it's addictive (it's installed in my com), and he can opt to play DOTA (it's installed in my laptop) instead, cos it's not. -.- wat the..

anyway, thank you kimmy for buying my sharpener!!! so sweet if you!!!

though i'm suppose to be blossom, but they dun have hers and only have buttercup with the yellow cap. (my fav.) mmmuack!
mine! and her bubbles with orange cap!
ain't she sweet? hehehe.

Monday, November 13, 2006

fruits basket theme

i was so happy
when you smiled at me
with a smile that melts away everything

spring is still far away
and the earth is still wet
was waiting for the day when the first grass sprouts

for instance even though today is painful
even if yesterday's wounds are left behind
if i open up the heart that i want to believe in

i can't be someone else
but i can protect it
let stay together forever


Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, the gods were bored, so they decided to hold a great banquet - a banquet for all the animals in the land. Invitations were sent out straight away: "The first 12 animals will be rewarded with the highest honor. They will be put in charge of one year every 12 years, in the order that they arrive. Together they will be the signs of the zodiac."

At the time, the cat and the rat were the greatest of friends. They did everything together. They lived together, they ate together, they were inseparable. But the rat was mischievous. He liked to play tricks. The invitation arrived and the cat, who was lazy, said, "When is it? I can't be bothered reading it." "It's the day after tomorrow," the rat said. The banquet was, in fact, the next day.

That night, the animals went to sleep early. They wanted to get a good night's sleep before the morning rush. Only the ox stayed awake.. He knew he was slow so he decided to set off while it was still dark. He wanted to be the first in the 12-year cycle. And so did the rat, and when the rat saw the ox leaving early, he jumped on his back. The ox did not notice.

The following morning, one by one, the rest of the animals woke.They yawned, they stretched and they set off for the banquet. They walked quietly so that the others wouldn't wake up.The cat, who loved to sleep, slept throughout it all.

Meanwhile, the ox had arrived at the banquet first - or so he thought. The gods laughed. "Sorry, old boy," they said. "You are Number Two." They pointed at the rat. The rat had jumped off the ox's back just before the ox had arrived. He had beaten the ox to the banquet.

The other animals started approaching. On the road, there was a great jostling of claws and paws and elbows and tails. Tempers were short. "Get your ears out of my feathers," screamed the rooster at the rabbit. "Get your smelly bottom out of my face," shouted the dragon at the boar. But soon everyone was sitting down and drinking. The first 12 animals, in order, were the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the boar.

The cat was still asleep when everyone returned. He woke when a very drunk horse stepped on his tail. It didn't take him long to find out that he had been tricked. "Why, you dirty little..." he growled. "I've been left out of the zodiac because of you." The cat leaped at the rat. He wanted to kill him. The rat squealed and ran. From that day on, the rat and the cat have been the greatest of enemies.

Friday, November 10, 2006

humans vs persocons

watching chobits.

that show simply rocks! (except for the pervertic part) i seriously believe every bit of that story might come true, that is if the 1st persocon was ever made.

fyi: persocon (personal computer) is a humanlike PC, which is of cos portable, cum phone cum maid cum st. directory. actually wateva you wan it to do, you can just install it like how you instrall things like normal computers.

here comes the bad part. since it's humanlike, and of cos will be pretty and handsome (since the physical appearance is under human control who'd make ugly ones?), there might be chances you might fall in love with it. (you seldom see ppl loving other species right?)

and since these persocons are soooo high tec., they would of cos possess the ability to learn, reacte and analyse, and of cos boils down to a conclusion. naturally feeling more for that somebody whose always tgr with them 24/7 and treating them well is possible, right?

moreover, persocons are suppose to be loyal, like how your PCs locked out those who dun possess the right userID and passwords. isn't loyalty one of the aspects you look out for when you're finding your partner?

not to leave out the fact that they'd also be damn patient with you.

aww man..! i dun wana be on the street not able to differentiate humans and persocons.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

damn the fuckers

i'd be expecting lotsa calls today.

calls to put me down.
calls from kpos.
calls to laugh at me.

dumbo. yes. i did join PPS2. c'mon la. wat's there to laugh about or ashame of. i didn't go anything bad. i just went for my dreams. though it's not exactly wat i wanted, but i always love music. you won't know if you ain't my friend, so fuckin' shut up for those who say i go for fame.

*ring ring*
feli: oei! you participate in PSS issit? my biao ge (cousin) said he saw you on the commercial.
me: oh. issit? i'm not in front of the telly right now. (fyi: i was in front of my com.)
feli: REALLY AHH? wha!
me: ... yah. wat's wrong? you called me just to ask tt?
feli: *giggle* hee. nth la. just kpo ma. ok bye.
*hang up*

sorry feli, but i felt i just received a call from a bimbo. moreover having to go though so much effort just to know if i was on tv. c'mon la, biao ge. you gave me enough trouble when you called me while i was working, asked about n73 for at least 15min, arguing with me to lower the price. it's a opportunity cost to talk to you and lose so many customers. (sorry huixin to left you busy-ing alone in the shop.) and the best part is he won't even feel paiseh.

frankly speaking, i know feli was like that. that's her. but having a friend to call just to ask about that and not even concern by the fact that i was even disappointed by the result. not even a word of concern. i was contemplating to catogerize her in the true friends or fair weather friends.

i know there are ppl out there mocking me. saying it's sucha throw face thing, no talent still go there dunno y etc. though it's not exactly wat i wanted, but at least i have my interest. i have my dreams. i dare to pursue. i didn't even laugh at you for not having dreams, so stop your gossipy stuffs.

honestly, it's kinda affected me. i dun believe if sucha thing happen anyone out there will not be affected at all. it did put me down, but only a while. thank you toot for having faith in me.
i made a blunder. i am not not can't sing. i did not not practise enough. i'm not those kind who will blame fate, blame luck, blame tons of things. it went wrong, i did not expect anything much. if i feel like i might try again next year, i might not. things just happen and time cannot be turned back nor errors can be undone.

wateva it is, i believe in myself, and i thank those and believe care and accept me.
(damn the others.)


Wednesday, November 1, 2006

animator vs animation

daammmmmmmmnnn coool!!!

p/s: the yahoo video's damn lousy. youtube is so much better. ohh yahh, it's freaking awesome!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

stupid life

i'm in a freakin' hell mood now.

i wana sleep without bathing.
i wana not clean up the table after food.
i wana stay up all night and sleep all day.
i wana not wear bra and pjs 24/7.
i wana laugh at all racist jokes.
i wana kill all bangalas.
i wana give all those insensitive and stupid ppl a good trashing.
i wana shout at all those ppl i hate.
i wana go to the guy i like, ask if he likes me, if not let me move on.
i wana dun play mind games.
i wana go up those suitors, sorry you found the wrong gal.
i wana curse and swear and ignore those 'whyareyousovuglar?' face.
i wana dun understand other ppl's feeling.
i dun wana give a shit about wat other thinks.

life sucks with so many rules. somethings cannot be control should be control, where somethings shouldn't set rules are set. fuck.

Monday, October 30, 2006


deleted the previous entry. was supposed to edit it, but dunno y the edited version doesn't seem to appear. forget it. might as well delete the whole thing.

slacked at home the whole day. hmm. maybe not exactly. at least i did pb tut. 4 more qns to go.

bought the whole set of deathnote comics. somehow my passion for comic just come back. haha. trying to finish magister negi magi at the same time, cos my bro gotta return the comics to his friends soon. i didn't really like it, maybe cos it's more of a guy thing? those kinda thing tt guy fantasize. (quoted from a friend) well.. since it's laying at my house, might as well just read it, yeah? 11 more books to go.

kinda had a full dinner. now feel like vomiting. had this runningtothetoilet24/7, throwingup, acidic feeling. but getting better. hopefully can recover soon.

damn lazy to blog these few days. got a wound to recover 1st. yeah, you'll see a recovered jasmine soon. even ahtoot is amazed by my recovery speed, always.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


just for you only, zf!

Time is precious for Virgo man and if you make him wait, he will consider that as an insult. He hates to hear criticism and hates to be criticize. If he is criticizing other people, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac. He is and he likes to be a perfectionist. He always think he is doing the right and appropriate thing , and often he thinks he makes no mistake. He is a bright guy and could accept comments if he thinks it can improve himself. He is the type who well adjusted to make changes.

He will spent money carefully and spent it worthwhile. He will only extravagant for his personnel pleasure only. He is quite romantic, a type of guy who can drive 100 miles just to tell you how much he misses you. If he does not care about you, he will not even spent a dime to call you locally. Long distant special low rate call is also out of the question.

He hates rough and crude people. His woman has to be clean and dress well. He inspects any thing in details beside being a perfectionist, so you could be lying in your bikini with a perfect figure and he can suddenly comments you about your big feet. If you gain 2 pounds , he may comments you are getting too fat. Before going out with this kind of guy, look at yourself head to toe in the mirror and ask yourself if you are really and entirely ready. Unless he dates a model, then he will have less comments.s

He is neat and tidy, so his lcife always in a schedule, a fix time to lunch, the same time to go home. He is well knowledge about food and conscious about nutrition, so you won't see this guy eating a junk food, or strangce and exotic food for sure.

You will see him in social events or party if only necessary. He is gifted with acting, so if he says he can not go out with you because he is sick, then you will belief him. He is a hard to please when it comes to what to eat, how to work, what kind of a woman to date. He always neat and tidy all the times, even if he is in the army, he will be the cleanest soldier in the camp. He likes to speak properly with no slang. He hates laziness and lazy people. He always act like a boring mature adults, but getting to know him , you will know he has his own charm.

He always see things clearly, so he is not the type to be blinded by love. He is a kind and cool guy, but if constantly irritate with rudeness, ignorant, or stupidity then he will show you that he is annoyed. You may see a guy in this Zodiac dress up in an old shirt and old Jean, but if you look carefully, you will see that his hair is neat and unconsciously he will touch his hair a lot. His desk is always neat and if he sees small scrap paper on the floor, he will pick it up or put it in the basket.

People may think he is selfish, because when he says "No", he really means it. Any favor asked , he will help but always in his own limit. The more he see faults in others, the less he wants people to see his. If you want him to change his faults, try to tell him gently or he could take it as an insult.

He wants love that comes with quality, so he only has a few loves in his life. Woman's trick will not work with him. If he breaks up with a woman, he will also try to avoid all her friends and her environments too. He is very picky and every breaking up, he will be double careful next time.

He can sweep woman with his charm, but he likes to keep his relationship like a friend. He likes a sincere self confident woman, neat and clean, perfect and tidy. A real two "P" , picky and perfectionist Zodiac.

how true issit zf? hahaha. are you the neatest soldier now? lol.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

mx bday

celebrated mingxuan's bday last fri with apple kovan's ppl. had great fun! esp with funny ppl like mx and jess. hahaha! i can't stop laughing tt night!
the 2 lamos (sitting at the sides) and 1 auntie.

jess was pretty upset by the fact tt there's no flash on her vs6, so she took mx (i think it's hers), on her flash and tadaa~, there's flash on her hp cam. how lame can anyone get? (jess dun kill me..)

other than jokes all night, we had fabulous food. ahh~ diet plan gotta come up soon!

aileen had this. taste kinda nice, though i only tried the sashimi! think it's tuna salad.

sharon had pizza! it's really nice tooo.

the bday gal had salmon. i usually like it raw though.
i had this! some mongolian sauce chicken chop. it's damn nice la.
the whole table of goodness.

the whole night was good. we talked about guys, horoscopes, diets, everything except skin? lol. we should have talked about tt so i could pick up some tips.

mx was damn good at horoscopes. now at least i know taurus guys are stingy, superficial, and as revengeful as crow. i dun deny taurus gals are, but at least we handle matters better than those guys mx mentioned. libra guys dun stop till they get the perfect reason to stop, and dun really rmb when they offended anyone. leo guys? in short, si yao mian zi. hahaha. they just behave like a lion.

lol. i know some guys out there just wana kill me. but i doubt many read my blog though. =ppp

Monday, October 16, 2006

weird dream

i think this sounds kinda crazy, but i had 2 weird dreams last night, but i can only rmb 1.

i think it has sth to do with jessica asking me, 'will you ever go out with your ex if he asked you?'.

my ans was HELL NO. but for others, well.. it has to depend on wat kinda r/s you shared and whether did you guys split in a peaceful manner. def a no for me.

but(!) guess it sorta ran thru my mind a little bit, causing this stupid dream.

(i dreamt tt) i bumped into him one day, and dunno wat is hell is wrong with me, but i sorta chatted with him (and his gal was beside him). then the 3 of us end up in a restaurant eating. sorta weird i know.

while eating in the restaurant his gal poked me with the chopsticks when he wasn't looking. she asked me not to seduce his bf with tt kinda bitchy look.

wat was worse is tt, she's wanning. lol. STOP ASKING ME WHY ISSIT HER. cos i really dunno man. i kept recalling in my dream why the hell didn't i figure out it's her when i was browsing friendster! lol.

weird dream, i know.


jessica had beening urging me to update my blog. lol. i know i've sorta neglected it, but i really feel kinda lazy at times.. esp. when my bro has taken over my com, and i can't upload photos!

but still, i shall blog about stuffs and outings i had with tons of fabulous friends. =D

but for now, let's blog about shopping stuffs. i wana go vivocity!!! hmm. but i guess i have to wait 'til next month. tooty toot please wait for me. lol.

for those who have UOB debit card:-

G2000 / U2
15% off regular-priced items islandwide
Terms & Conditions:
Offer is valid from 10 - 31 Oct 2006.
Offer is valid at islandwide stores except G2000 Metro Paragon, G2000 Isetan Scotts, G2000 Isetan Katong, U2 OG Orchard Point.
Not to be used in conjunction with other promotions, discount card/coupons or sale items.
Other terms and conditions apply.

15% off regular-priced items islandwide
Terms & Conditions:
Offer is valid from 10 - 31 Oct 2006.
Offer is valid at all Fox stores, except Fox Kids & Baby at Seiyu Bugis.
Not to be used in conjunction with other promotions, discount card/coupons or sale items.
Other terms and conditions apply.

Topshop / Topman / Warehouse
15% off regular-priced items at Vivo City
Terms & Conditions:
Offer is valid from 10 - 15 Oct 2006.
Offer is valid only at VivoCity outlet #01-72.
Discount not applicable on consignment and promotional items.
Not to be used in conjunction with other privilege cards.

bloody hell. why does topshop sales have to end today???

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

random II

i'm so happy i got the enttusai's free gift the other day. it's a box! hmm. jewellry box? or cosmetic box? i dunno. i just dump my extra skin care and cosmetics inside.

pretty ehh?
my new purse. i dun wan my expensive wallet to get stolen in class as we have to always leave our bags behind during lesson breaks. mng, $25-10%=? i dunno.
i just know i love it, from the bottom of my heart. haha. ask kim how obssess i am over it during lessons. i even leave the purse on my table while at lessons. hahaha.

anyway kim bought her new purse as well. $27. we're crazy over purses. haha.
saw cyndi the other day, and i saw her yellow spec case! *mmmuack* i so wana kiss the case.

the security guards at heartland mall gave us icecreams! how sweet! without spoons.
kim's gonna ask me y i upload random photos again. hahaha.

damn you HRM

damn you abdul ******

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

precious gems

on earth, you see many pieces of magnets- either north or south poles.

every other day, north-pole metals will attract south-pole metals, and vice versa. when they got sick of each other, or due to some other reasons, they just split, and find another metal which they are attracted to.

in between these metals there are precious stones. but as they hang out tooo often with the metals, dirts and rusts of the metals fell on them and made them looked the same, losing their shine.

but no matter wat, they're still precious stones.

on and off those n-p and s-p will mistake them as the other pole, and attracted and be tgr with them. and as the rest of the precious stone are alr covered with dust, they cannot find their own kind, and sometimes they might mistake the n-p/s-p as their own kinda precious gems.

but it's ok. let's have some patience. let all the n-p and s-p find and stick tgr with their own kind, and left all the precious stones around. by the time, maybe we'll all find our mr.right/left. =)

Monday, October 2, 2006

imagine me and you

i looove this movie. it's one of those sweet movies which will stay in your head for a long time. =D

Sunday, October 1, 2006

random (kim)

lol. as wat i said, it's about kim.

kim and her blue black. she said she hitted on sth. lol. rarely see her w toe ring tooo.
i decorated this for kim! how sweet can i be..? haha.
closer view.
hmph. she's not even appreciative. look at her expression.
lol. dun ask me about the sandal. dun ask me about the about her stomach either. lol.
tt's all for now. i promise to take more of her funny photos next time. haha..

Saturday, September 30, 2006

random (necdc)

i'm posting random photos again. lol. has been keeping them for quite some time. laura's dunno-who made this for her during the dragon boat festival. haha. sooo cute! look at the size!compare the size of the dumplings with her. =x

tt stupid lady chopped the receive stamp on me. -.-
auntie laura gave me meji biscuit! sooo cute! i mean my nails.
my seat. haha. dun ask me about the christina chan, cos i really dunno. lol.
presenting you- auntie laura. haha.
and the rest.

my everyday morning breakfast b4 i go to work.

lol. all about my work at necdc. tmr's about sch and kim.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

random photos 1

had lotsa random photos to blog on.

my little cousin drew that. soooo cute!

kim's nose-less minnie. hahaha.
cutie cutie small lime!
my favourite mos ice milk tea.
lol. we try to take picture of each other.
my yellow yellow seats!!! ain't they darling? haha.
my colleague eating. lol. the stall is located outside S-11 (tamp). only 2.50 and it's delicious.dun ask me wat issit. hahaha.

shikin's sandal which she bought in batam.
was baking cookies the other day.
the small tv philips lend us tt time when us plasma tv tt's all folks. cont next time.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


have i ever talked about r/s in this blog? lol. nvm.

went out with stephy aka ahhtoott ytd. chatted alot positive stuffs about r/s, but dunno why my thinking just change today.

it suppose to be kinda saddening when you were have little chats with friends and saying 'blah blah broke up with the bf, blah blah betray blah blah blah..' but now everything about this kinda stuffs seems so common.. so li suo dang ran.

kinda doubt anyone ever take r/s seriously nowadays.

you guys fall in love with each other's appearance,
chatted and realised chemistry were in the air,
accepted each other as bf/gf,
had your honeymoon period,
everything just seems to be a routine after that,
begin to take each other for granted,
one ignoring the other which the other chasing and complaining why her/his the one changed,
cold war,

everything just seems like a vicious cycle. ask every other past r/s. everything just seems to turn out this way.

it's just like green bean. if the other party (water) comes and you accepted the water, 2 possibilities- you grow into a beautiful beansprout, or you rot and die even b4 it is fully grown. and, beautiful beansprout will still die eventually.

who knows? the other party might not even be interested in you. why waste the effort and create so much trouble to spoil the beautiful r/s you alr have?

i know there's still some r/s still working out- get married have kids.. but i can't the idea of going through any of these again, esp the lower part. even worse, you gotta face rejection.

or, you guys can't even be friends after this cycle. ok, maybe yes for some, but the kinda r/s you share won't be as great as be that routine happens.

maybe it's just the selfish part of me who wants be keep everybody and not to lose anyone.

some will go like, 'so wat will happen to you when you're old? everyone will either die, have their old partner to be with, or having fun with their grandchildren. you'll be old and lonely. tt's so pitiful.'

lol. music won't leave me. i believe those old widowed (choy!) friends and spinisters won't forget me. we'll just live tgr happily ever after. i know friends won't abandon me. at least not all.

not saying that guys are jerks. i think it's just because we come from different planets, and it need each other to compromise. well.. i won't.

lol. either the right guys with the right feelings with the right attitude comes by.. hmm.

anybody wana book me to share money to buy house for yang lao??? lol.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

happy bday zf!

finally man! i tot blogspot's gonna die on me again.

just did my tutorial. phew!

jinghui: why you so hardworking still need to do tutorial?
me: ... no choice. ask my pbf lecturer.

precisely! i tot UOL=no tut? lol. nvm. at least it sorta made me study.

but wat i can't stand is that we are actually studying the history of banking system of different countries.

...yes yes, i heard you. i didn't get it wrong. it's the history.

nvm. forget about those stupid sch thingy. i'm gonna blog about the surprise birthday celebration kim and i gave zefeng.


we sorta had a discussion the day before about wat to give him. but it's kinda limited though, on the things we can buy for guys. lol. tee, tee, and more tee. wat else?

ok we decided to give him a surprise. yippee!

we headed down compasspoint around 8plus, to get the cake.

me: i think we better not buy chocolate cake. i think guys hate chocolate.
kim: eee.. but i dun like cream.
me: ... lol. ok then. if he dun eat then i blame you WHAHAHAHA.

luckily man. tt weirdo dun eat any other cakes other then chocolate flavoured.anyway, we g0t a card as well.

cute cute? it's actually kinda huge.

kim: wat else to buy?
me: lipstick. to kiss on the card.

that explains the lipstick marks. haha.kimmy with the card. now you can gauge the with my cap. lazy to style lar..

we called yongkai for directions, but in the end.. we didn't find our way there. his explanation was kinda confusing, and he wasn't really very sure. so no choice. we ended up calling zefeng.

kim: zefeng, where's your house.
zefeng: why?
kim: ...where's your house. we're lost in tanah merah.
zefeng: ohh. *blah blah directing us there*

but the surprising thing is he never thought that we were there to give him a surprise. haha. luckily he lack of six sense. =ppp

tadahhh!!! the, please do not eat the cake b4 the bday boy. haha. *yeah! drinks are served.happy birthday to you,
you are born in the zoo,
with monkey and tigers,
you are one of them tooo!
*make a wish**blow* pictures with the bday boy. how should i cut.. please, dun ask me why he cut like tt. haha. looks zefeng.good boy!kiss the card zf.please..?... forget it.chocolates zefeng bought fr japan for us. yeah!rare honeydew kitkat.

that's all! zefeng, hope you looove the surprise! =D