Tuesday, September 19, 2006

happy bday zf!

finally man! i tot blogspot's gonna die on me again.

just did my tutorial. phew!

jinghui: why you so hardworking still need to do tutorial?
me: ... no choice. ask my pbf lecturer.

precisely! i tot UOL=no tut? lol. nvm. at least it sorta made me study.

but wat i can't stand is that we are actually studying the history of banking system of different countries.

...yes yes, i heard you. i didn't get it wrong. it's the history.

nvm. forget about those stupid sch thingy. i'm gonna blog about the surprise birthday celebration kim and i gave zefeng.


we sorta had a discussion the day before about wat to give him. but it's kinda limited though, on the things we can buy for guys. lol. tee, tee, and more tee. wat else?

ok we decided to give him a surprise. yippee!

we headed down compasspoint around 8plus, to get the cake.

me: i think we better not buy chocolate cake. i think guys hate chocolate.
kim: eee.. but i dun like cream.
me: ... lol. ok then. if he dun eat then i blame you WHAHAHAHA.

luckily man. tt weirdo dun eat any other cakes other then chocolate flavoured.anyway, we g0t a card as well.

cute cute? it's actually kinda huge.

kim: wat else to buy?
me: lipstick. to kiss on the card.

that explains the lipstick marks. haha.kimmy with the card. now you can gauge the size.me with my cap. lazy to style lar..

we called yongkai for directions, but in the end.. we didn't find our way there. his explanation was kinda confusing, and he wasn't really very sure. so no choice. we ended up calling zefeng.

kim: zefeng, where's your house.
zefeng: why?
kim: ...where's your house. we're lost in tanah merah.
zefeng: ohh. *blah blah directing us there*

but the surprising thing is he never thought that we were there to give him a surprise. haha. luckily he lack of six sense. =ppp

tadahhh!!! the cakey.kim, please do not eat the cake b4 the bday boy. haha. *yeah! drinks are served.happy birthday to you,
you are born in the zoo,
with monkey and tigers,
you are one of them tooo!
*make a wish**blow* pictures with the bday boy. how should i cut.. please, dun ask me why he cut like tt. haha. looks kinda..smile zefeng.good boy!kiss the card zf.please..?... forget it.chocolates zefeng bought fr japan for us. yeah!rare honeydew kitkat.

that's all! zefeng, hope you looove the surprise! =D

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