Wednesday, October 4, 2006

random II

i'm so happy i got the enttusai's free gift the other day. it's a box! hmm. jewellry box? or cosmetic box? i dunno. i just dump my extra skin care and cosmetics inside.

pretty ehh?
my new purse. i dun wan my expensive wallet to get stolen in class as we have to always leave our bags behind during lesson breaks. mng, $25-10%=? i dunno.
i just know i love it, from the bottom of my heart. haha. ask kim how obssess i am over it during lessons. i even leave the purse on my table while at lessons. hahaha.

anyway kim bought her new purse as well. $27. we're crazy over purses. haha.
saw cyndi the other day, and i saw her yellow spec case! *mmmuack* i so wana kiss the case.

the security guards at heartland mall gave us icecreams! how sweet! without spoons.
kim's gonna ask me y i upload random photos again. hahaha.

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