Monday, October 16, 2006

weird dream

i think this sounds kinda crazy, but i had 2 weird dreams last night, but i can only rmb 1.

i think it has sth to do with jessica asking me, 'will you ever go out with your ex if he asked you?'.

my ans was HELL NO. but for others, well.. it has to depend on wat kinda r/s you shared and whether did you guys split in a peaceful manner. def a no for me.

but(!) guess it sorta ran thru my mind a little bit, causing this stupid dream.

(i dreamt tt) i bumped into him one day, and dunno wat is hell is wrong with me, but i sorta chatted with him (and his gal was beside him). then the 3 of us end up in a restaurant eating. sorta weird i know.

while eating in the restaurant his gal poked me with the chopsticks when he wasn't looking. she asked me not to seduce his bf with tt kinda bitchy look.

wat was worse is tt, she's wanning. lol. STOP ASKING ME WHY ISSIT HER. cos i really dunno man. i kept recalling in my dream why the hell didn't i figure out it's her when i was browsing friendster! lol.

weird dream, i know.

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