Wednesday, November 2, 2005

boring day

*on the phone with wanyi*

went out with my mum in the evening.

we met this selfish women in cp. we met this women in the lift who was pushing a baby cart with his husband. she should understand the lift was pack so you'd take some time to get out of the lift. but she just comment "everybody got hands and feet y everyone takes the lift?" wth.. wat's wrong man. both she and her family got hands and legs lo. it's not as if she own the shopping centre.. some people just dun think with their brains.

jurong told me there was a student plan for starhub, so went to change my plan when my mum n i were in ps. need admin fee of 10bucks.. but it's worth it. 1000sms. hehhehheh..

natee is in my house now. he's BLACK! played tooo much bball after his exams. watching tv now with my bro now, i think. wonder if they are asleep.

*yawn* sch tmr fr 12nn-1pm, then working in the evening. stooopid. gonna eat instant noodles for dinner to save money. hee.

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