Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Suay Day!!

*ahem* trying to blog thru email now.
not sure if it's working, but here it goes!

ytd was super a sucky day. haven't been even more sucky for as long as I rmb (note: I have a memory of a dory fish. tt's amazing! i rmb the character from nemo!)

It started out from the night before the day was even started ytd. I forced myself not to do anything more after I bathed n go str to bed, about 11plus? Tt was considered pretty early.

den abt 12plus, I was woke up by my mum n bro's talking. bloody hell! I went out to scream at them n close the door.

den i cannot sleep. -.-

really is &*$%$^#. My whole body itched like hell n again, as always, motorcycles are racing downstair.

Motorcycle racing like F1 just right my my block.

FUCK. I know its racing cos just when I was about to fall aslp, ZOoom... it went passed, and the zoom wasn't exactly short. i recovered from it, falling back aslp, then again the sound came back n I woke up with a startle again.

This is a damn vicious cycle! And it went on to abt 2plus I presume. -.-

But probably the body itching part was my fault. I knew I was allergic to scent moisturiser but I used it anyway, just 'cause there wasn't any other nearby. i SWEAR i will not do tt again. (watch me turn over a new leaf. haa.)

Anywaysss, since then, the 'suay-ness' came upon me.

1. I was the only person around for the scope-in-charge and I spent more than 1/2 of the time trying to clear others stuffs, when for myself my dateline is near.
2. I forgotten to bring calculator, pencil case, and my shawl. I practically freeze with one ard, let alone without.
3. I dunno wth is wrong with me, but I came outta the train in Cityhall n gotten into the train tt suppose to go Pasir Ris direction. -.- I dun even hafta change any train to go to Raffles Place! I was just sick in the head.
4. I scald myself with the tea I bought from the vending machine.
5. I kiap-ed my thumb with the damn door.
6. N not forgetting, I did all those with merely 3 hours of slp.

There you go! Ain't I amazing?? Kim even ask me to bathe myself with flower water. lol.

Oh yah, my dear Ryan forgotten he has dinner plans with his colleagues when we already got the day-after-work planned out.

I'm sooo gonna take revenge. *evil smile*

shall end with a photo. just wana test out the uploading of photo with email fxn. xD

you say cute or not?????

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