Monday, August 31, 2009

So this is the new Hollywood Secrets...

Was initally pretty thrilled to know Hollywood Secrets is re-open (or, sorta) and immediately book an appointment when found the website.

Gotta know they will be moving away from Paragon when one fine day I decided to trim my bushy brows smwhere in Feb this year, only to find that they were in the mids of renovating and will only be re-open in Mandarin Gallery in July.

I waited for time to pass, Mandarin Gallery still not open. Whatever, I googled online found their site n no, called them up, gotta know they went located temporary at the hotel beside Mandarin Gallery. Made an appointment, made a trip down just now.

And guess what?

They were providing services in a hotel room.

I was told to ask any of the hotel staff, and none know. Called again, told me take the lift up to 5th storey, change to another set of elevator, to the 8th storey (stating at it's the fitness centre level).

Apparently instructions wasn't clear! I was loitering up and down till a cleaner auntie told me to go to a room.

Blah. Damnit, she didn't told me it's a room! I was half expecting to be a temporary outlet.

Knocked, nobody came. Went in on my own, asked a guy, "is that Hollywood Secrets?" He said yes, but no further instructions from there.

I stepped in, asked a lady doing manicure. She just asked me to sit and wait while a bunch of bitchy girls (who acted totally like models though they were all fugly) finished up their makeups and hairdos. Oh yah, and the lady who was doing the brows, she was damn irritatingly slow.

Seriously! She was chatting (in quite foul language) and she stopped her hands while she gossiped with her fellow colleagues, which sounded like they were paid tooo little for the jobs they are doing? like hello, dun u know you have customers in the room as well?? And oh yah, the rest of the conversation goes like, I wan to walk down Orchard in bikini. You never read the papers meh? Got girls do that okay! I'm so assuming the next to walk into the police station in bikini is her as well. -.-

Nvm about tt. When it was suppose to be my turn, she just merely get me to sit beside her, took out her mobile, n took a great deal of time to type and send her sms without even the slightest courtesy to acknowledge my presence! I sat like an idiot beside her.

She didn't ask, I hafta open my mouth to tell her I wan au-natural. Imagine she pluck out all my brows! *roll eyes*

Here comes the exciting part. After it was done, I took out my $50 note everyone ignored me like they dun wan the payment. Hello... Then after she finished running her fingers through her hair and arching her back, she finally put out her precious hand to collect my money. (Like I was begging her.) She stared at the note, then told me she want a smaller note.

I told her I don't have any, I even had the courtesy to propose giving her another $2 and all I need was another 4pcs of $10. She shot her bloody eyes at me, No, $12.

Bloody fuck! Do you think I deliberately hide all the $10 from you?? I showed her another 2pcs $50, then she shut the fuck up. Still, she gave me the itsyourbloodyfault look. She asked if anyone had any to spare, and I heard the classic, I have, but I dun wan give you leh.

Does that women know she is in the working society or wat??

Finally after some cajoling, she decided to lend out her money, and plus another $20 from another customer, I gotten my $40 change.

So you think I'm gonna go back though gd brow trimming? I'm so gonna go Hairloom @Raffles Place next time round, or at least when the real outlet is open.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Coco before Chanel

Just watched Coco before Chanel on Sat.
Not as fantastic as I thot- maybe I was tooo overwhelmed by the fact tt Chanel will be coming out a movie and was expecting a lil tooo much. It's just a fashion history afterall, right?
Very quiet, yet very captivating. Was totally engrossed throughout the show. A lil on the arts film side, but I still love it. I can hear ppl commenting tt it's tooo quiet that they nearly fell aslp. But if you can't appreciate a arts film, you won't appreciate and love this.
But... the Chanel in this poster made her seems like a guy, and it reminds me more Shane in The L Word. =ppp

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Starhub gave me tt voucher *wink*

Eventually they still called me after tt email/feedback. I hid me exhileration well while she present me with the $100 voucher I've been wanting. ;) Seriously, they could had just given it to me in the 1st place the save the trouble of going thru everything.

Anyway, IT'S SAT!! so damn happy. had already jogged and mooo is still slping behind me.

Bad stuffs-
1. My com is still not working (able to start up and use with only Safe Mode. Normal Mode: It just start up but no image recognised from the monitor. Sigh.
2. Starhub bill came and it's almost $100. I suspect they charged me 3 months of Surflite for the 1st bill.
3. With my Starhub bill and my hp voucher in, I might not be able to get my cam afterall. Sigh.

Whatever, it's Sat still. *Cheerios*

Friday, August 21, 2009

I hate Starhub cos they treat Customers DIFFERENTLY

My Complaint Email:-


Your staff, M***, just called me and inform that I would be only award with $50 instead of $100 voucher.

As I said in my previous feedback, I am a loyal customer with almost 6 years with Starhub, and am really VERY DISAPPOINTED with the current offer. I tried to explain myself to Mariam, and I even gave her my boyfriend's line (xxxx-xxxx) to do a check so that she can provide me with me adequate explanation why he gotten $100 even though we are using the same plan and almost the same usage. In the end, she could only give me hypothetic reasons e.g. usage per month, plans etc. and not even a specific ONE difference between mine and his. Felt so disappointed and cheated of my loyalty.

Reasons for me to switch operators-
1. Offer was not there to attract me to sign another 2 year contract.
2. Your staff could not provide with a valid and specific reason for the discrepancies in offer which left me feel so cheated and yet, tried to coax me into it without trying to look more into the situation.
3. I gave her a few reason what could be the difference in offer e.g. due to mine is student plan. She told me not, and ended up not giving any reasons also.

I will switch operators once I spot a good promotion with Singtel, where they provide better promotion and give better attractive offer to loyal customers if no calls are received from Starhub to give another counter offer.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How 'Singaporean' are you?

Sth funny by


It's not enough if you pay taxes or carry a pink IC. To commemorate National Day, brings you a checklist to see how Singaporean you really are.

1. Thanks to SMS, you have an extra large thumb.
2. Tks 2 SMS, u oso dun no how 2 spel n e mor.
3. You pat MRT and bus seats to cool them before you sit down.
4. At lunch, you start discussing what to eat for dinner.
5. Your wedding photos include shots of you dressed up like Louis XIV, Michael Jackson, or Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic.
6. When speaking to foreigners, you somehow feel a need to adopt an accent. (If you're a DJ, this happens even when you're not speaking to foreigners.)
7. You won't raise your voice to protest policies, but you'll raise your fists to whack someone over Hello Kitty. (and break glass doors)
8. You're forever talking about businesses you want to set up but will probably never get around to starting.
9. You don't know ¾ of the people attending your wedding.
10. You separate food into 2 basic groups: 'heaty' and 'cooling'.
11. You're never completely sure how many times you've sung the second verse of the National Anthem.
12. You think that what makes you 'married' is not the legal registration but whether you've thrown a 12 course dinner.
13. You marry for the real estate breaks. (honey, let's apply for HDB)
14. You have kids for the tax advantages.
15. You move to where you want your child to go to school.
16. You feel you can't walk around naked in your own flat.
17. You force your children to take Speech & Drama classes, but pray they won't wind up in Arts later on.
18. You suddenly realize you're very interested in biotech - just like you suddenly realized three years ago that you were very interested in e-commerce, and before that, engineering, and before that, medicine and law.
19. You think being an entrepreneur is setting up a bubble tea/Portuguese egg tart/gao luck/porridge shop right next to an existing bubble tea/Portuguese egg tart/gao luck/porridge shop.
20. You think people are inconsiderate when they don't leave their table immediately after eating at the food court but think you have every right to take 25 bites to finish the last red bean in your ice kachang.
21. You find it impossible to make suggestions without drawing a fishbone chart first.
22. If you're a guy, whenever you get together with your guy friends, you invariably trade army stories.
23. If you're a girl, whenever you get together with your girl friends, you invariably trade stories about how your stupid guy friends are forever trading army stories.
24. You think the most important sporting event in Singapore this year was David Beckham switching from Manchester United to Real Madrid.
25. You somehow feel that food tastes better when eaten by a longkang.
26. It actually makes a difference to you being called an 'NSMan' rather than a 'Reservist'.
27. You've eaten more times at the Esplanade than you've actually seen shows there.
28. You need campaigns to tell you how to be courteous, to flush toilets, have sex, etc.
29. When you visit the Zoo, you wonder what the animals taste like.
30. You feel the urge to add the suffix '-polis' to everything, viz. Biopolis, Airtropolis, Fusionopolis, Entrepolis, etc.
31. You always feel oddly hungry at 11 pm, and are willing to drive to far away places for supper.
32. You meet in hotels a lot.
33. Your children have a rudimentary knowledge of Tagalog or Bahasa Indonesia.
34. You work at McDonald's when you're old rather than young.
35. You'll gladly spend $50,000 on a car, but will go to great lengths to save a few bucks on ERP charges or even a few cents on a parking coupon.
36. Pork floss and mayonnaise on bread is a completely natural combination to you.
37. If you're pregnant, you have the strange ability to make people on the MRT fall asleep instantly.
38. You ask for the bill by miming a signing movement.
39. You've started referring to foreign employees as 'talent' instead of 'expatriates'.
40. At the dinner table, you're always discussing which other food places serve better versions of what you're eating.
41. You copy down licence plate numbers of cars involved in accidents.
42. You think your boyfriend doesn't really love you unless he gives you part of his liver.
43. During sales, you book hotel rooms near malls to enable you to shop more efficiently.
44. You pronounce the letter 'R' as 'ah-rer' and the letter 'H' as 'haytch'.
45. No matter how old you are, you keep associating people with their secondary schools. (alternative: No matter how old you are, you secretly need to know what other people got for their PSLE, O levels and A levels.)
46. You're always on a quest for the definitive version of your favourite local dish.
47. When you explain things to people, you keep (a) using alphabets, and (b) speaking in point form.
48. You believe that you can generate 'creativity' through rules and committees.
49. You 'chope' a seat by placing a packet of tissues on the chair.
50. You're very forthright with your criticisms of the Gahmen, unless there's a chance they might actually hear you.
51. You diligently track the whereabouts of your favourite hawkers, know that the famous Tiong Bahru Bao is now in Jurong, the famous Outram Char Kuay Teow is now in Hong Lim Centre and the famous Lau Hock Kien Hokkien mee from the old Lau Pa Sat is now at Beach Road.
52. Your mother probably can't speak your 'mother tongue'.
53. You'd rather drink your own pee than pay someone more for water.
54. You secretly find that the best part of the Speak Good English Movement is hearing the Singlish bits in their ads.
55. You have an automatic sensor in your head which categorizes people you meet into stayer/ quitter, cosmopolitan/heartlander, normal/ express/ gifted, etc.
56. You think we're living in a modern, sophisticated country even when our leaders still insist on wearing their school uniforms.
57. You wish your constituency is in a walkover, because otherwise it's damn 'leceh'.
58. During elections, you decide that there is no credible opposition even though you don't know the name of the opposition candidate in your constituency.
59. You think having a constitution is like the condition you get when you don't eat enough fibre.
60. You can never quite remember what "the core values" of Singaporeans are.

Happy National Day from the folks at!

Suay Day!!

*ahem* trying to blog thru email now.
not sure if it's working, but here it goes!

ytd was super a sucky day. haven't been even more sucky for as long as I rmb (note: I have a memory of a dory fish. tt's amazing! i rmb the character from nemo!)

It started out from the night before the day was even started ytd. I forced myself not to do anything more after I bathed n go str to bed, about 11plus? Tt was considered pretty early.

den abt 12plus, I was woke up by my mum n bro's talking. bloody hell! I went out to scream at them n close the door.

den i cannot sleep. -.-

really is &*$%$^#. My whole body itched like hell n again, as always, motorcycles are racing downstair.

Motorcycle racing like F1 just right my my block.

FUCK. I know its racing cos just when I was about to fall aslp, ZOoom... it went passed, and the zoom wasn't exactly short. i recovered from it, falling back aslp, then again the sound came back n I woke up with a startle again.

This is a damn vicious cycle! And it went on to abt 2plus I presume. -.-

But probably the body itching part was my fault. I knew I was allergic to scent moisturiser but I used it anyway, just 'cause there wasn't any other nearby. i SWEAR i will not do tt again. (watch me turn over a new leaf. haa.)

Anywaysss, since then, the 'suay-ness' came upon me.

1. I was the only person around for the scope-in-charge and I spent more than 1/2 of the time trying to clear others stuffs, when for myself my dateline is near.
2. I forgotten to bring calculator, pencil case, and my shawl. I practically freeze with one ard, let alone without.
3. I dunno wth is wrong with me, but I came outta the train in Cityhall n gotten into the train tt suppose to go Pasir Ris direction. -.- I dun even hafta change any train to go to Raffles Place! I was just sick in the head.
4. I scald myself with the tea I bought from the vending machine.
5. I kiap-ed my thumb with the damn door.
6. N not forgetting, I did all those with merely 3 hours of slp.

There you go! Ain't I amazing?? Kim even ask me to bathe myself with flower water. lol.

Oh yah, my dear Ryan forgotten he has dinner plans with his colleagues when we already got the day-after-work planned out.

I'm sooo gonna take revenge. *evil smile*

shall end with a photo. just wana test out the uploading of photo with email fxn. xD

you say cute or not?????

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wedding? (You gimmi money??)

You know wat, this is frustrating, annoying, and pissing me off!

Just a little preview:-

Irene says:
wedding is of course necessary lah, if not don like marry leh
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
hmm. i rather dun get married if wedding is necessary.
Irene says:
y not
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
it's like use my own money, then let everybody eat shark fins, then everyone happy except me.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
but it's my money.
Irene says:
is fun leh, although it will pretty tired
Irene says:
will earn back 1 mah
Irene says:
nomatter how simple, u still need to take wedding photos mah
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
haha. only take wedding photos, tt's all.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
if even one person say must have wedding, then i dun get married.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
then i'll blame tt person if i cannot get married.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
or else rite, tt person sponsore me lo.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
tt simple.
Irene says:
wedding will also earn $ mah
Irene says:
u still young leh, still can save $$$$$$$
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
i rather take the money to pay for the hse or spend on myself then pay for other ppl's shark fins.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
Irene says:
u hah, is a celebration mah
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
haha. unless got ppl sponsore me.

This is wat I think:-

1. Wedding is not necessary to feel like marriage. You have the grandest wedding, and you end up in divorce. Wake up, little minds of the 70s.

2. Wedding photos can be taken as and when. Of cos, I do wan wedding photos. But is there a clause saying I have to a wedding for the photos? Hell no! all they wan is money! I can always look pretty in photoshoots then to wear the awkward pretty dresses during wedding dinners, which I totally look awkward n not pretty, at all.

3. Wedding is not a celebration whatsoever. It just consists of opinions flying everyone, the bride and groom cracking their heads to please everyone, money pouring out not for ourselves, not tasting a single mouth of food on dinner time, and latecomers yawning and spending a boring time during wedding dinner. And oh yah, did I mention gossips are gonna go on with the venue, food, dresses… just plain dumb, isn’t it?

And the dumbest thing is, everyone is following them! Wedding is just plain boring and tonnns of brainless ppl trying to get you drunk and puke all over. Spending money on pukes? No, thank you. And plus the fact tt I hafta smile at those ppl who try to make you puke and tease you offensively about your wedding nights. (wtf?!)

Man, I can go on list and list with stuffs have can ppl have weddings! It’s not like I’ll get Bill Gates as a husband! (which means he can provide me with 100 Chanel bags, all LV accessories, and practically let me own Juicy Couture)

No! marrying a normal guy means you hafta pay equally for HDB/Condo, share PUB/Cellphone/Internet/Cable bills and every other miscellaneous expenses.

How about using tt 20k+ to hire a part-time maid (assuming both will be working), or paying more every month for your flat so you will accumulate lesser interest? I can foresee the usefulness of the money than to pour in for some useless food and grand venues. I assume hotels will do fine without my money?

And stop saying asking my future hubs to sponsor me. If you wonder why, it seems to be tt future contribution would be made by both of us, be it more or lesser of whoever. If he contribution to some worthless wedding, I presume he would have less of the savings to contribution in the future. Which idiots out there dun understand???

Conclusion: if you ain’t gonna sponsor, stop talking craps, unless you intend to contribute $300 angbao money per head and ahhh, probably I won’t mind being the organizer plus the model of the day. *wink*

Monday, August 17, 2009


watched UP with kim last friday, n i swore, this is the BEST movie i've ever watch in years!! (in terms of tears pouring due to overwhelming of loves and shrieked in laughters at silly stuffs!)

i had nv seen other movie (or at least of wat remains in my memory) that illustrates love in such a matter that you can't help sobbing n thinking wat mite happen to you nx time when u age, or at least how strong love moves the sea, or at least a house.

moral of the story: nv underestimates the power of simple love, and the probably the most boring stuffs that you did b4 are the things you're gonna miss more. =)

feel quite wasted tt we didn't managed to the 3D tix, but owell, the story itself is already tooo great to moved us. xD

5 outta 5 stars if you ask me!

moo mooo... u'll REGRET not wanting to watch with me. Hmph!

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Booster to Wake You Up

That kinda crap early in the morn rlly woke me up.

While I was watching Good Luck Chuck on my MP4 when on my way to work this morning, my phone rang (n I saw my shuttle bus driver doing a ‘lil dance to my rock Japanese song) and it was my mum, calling me with her hp.

N FYI, I was trying to watch, shun the screen of my MP4 from the lady sitting beside me (in the company’s shuttle bus) cos there was this sex screen going on... (n honestly, I wasn’t expecting any sex scenes. HONESTLY.)

Weird, I thought. She normally won’t waste her prepaid card money- She would rather use the house phone. Whatever. I picked up the call ½ expecting her to say ‘you’ve forgotten this and that’, instead, she asked ‘What are you doing??’

...... Isn’t it obvious enough what was I suppose to be doing?? 'Going to work. Why???'

'Papa received a call. Need to call Bon. Tell you later.'

Crap. That freaked me out, totally. But I needed to put down so she can make that call to my brother.

Turn out to be, there was this bloody arsehole who call my house (number being private) n crying out ‘Papa, I was hit by someone and my head is bleeding… ’ and unfortunately, his (or her) voice sounded like my brother's and mine's (those childish voice I suppose). My smart Papa didn’t exactly freaked out 100%. He tried to talked to the person in hokkien (haa). He paused, and said Speak to me in Chinese.’ A million dollar giveaway hint- You know what I meant.

He also mentioned he won’t beat up someone without any valid reason- apparently ‘he’ (suppose to be me or my brother) offended him in some way, and now he’s having his sweet revenge.

My mum immediately called us to make sure and after she did (which was goddamn lucky that both of us picked up the calls) while my dad called the police after hanging up on arsehole.

He didn’t exactly get to say the main motivate of the call (extortion of money/prank call/wrong number) 'cause my dad hung up on him even before he could expressed. But we both are safe & sound, and that is all that matters.

Bloody person without asshole... that’s why they're full of shit themselves. I concluded he’s 60, and his 60years old shit is stuffed up to his brain, to think tt actually people will fall for tt kinda trick. You think we don’t have cell phones??

Hmm. That says alot about something.

Melamine milk is already on the market since ages ago.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


seriously, holding a full time job + 1 F9 module + japanese classes + teaching 1 tuition kid is not pretty exhausting, it's FREAKING exhausting! even a girl like me who used to have an exaggerating school life is about to admit defeat.

n FYI, used to meaning studying 4 UOL modules at the other part of the country + weekend part time job + 2 tuition kids.I wasn't quite kidding.

Smmore, I managed to get through with it n score pretty okay- a 2nd lower class Honours Bachelor Degree, n I'm wondering why am I not even half as exhausting as now. Isit true that a full time commitment to a job drains you like wat I'm feeling now??

Even Kim the wonderwomen seems affected by daily work. In this case "affected" means spoiling of mood even after working hours, and same here- I can't stop organising my tiny to-do list for work daily in my head. I used to organise tiny shopping list in my head. Sigh.

I need to get a life. I can't have my life just revolving around work, school, and other silly politics. This is unhealthy.

Speaking of Shopping List(!), let me start having a life by organising 1 now. xD

Shopping List for the Year:-

1. Lumix LX3 or FZ28
2. Blackberry Bold 8900
3. Tons of Shawls in all different shades, colour, texture, sizes...
4. Tons of Bangles in different colours n materials

Things to Achieve:-

1 & only. Get Ryan to get me at least half of the shopping list.


Provoking Thought


One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big advice on the door on which it was written:

"Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym".

In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to know who was that man who hindered the growth of his colleagues and the company itself. The excitement in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd within the room.

The more people reached the coffin, the more the excitement heated up. Everyone thought: "Who is this guy who was hindering my progress? Well, at least he died!". One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood nearby the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul.

There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said:

"There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth: IT IS YOU. You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your partner changes, when your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life. "The most important relationship you can have, is the one you have with yourself" Examine yourself, watch yourself. Don't be afraid of difficulties, impossibilities and losses: be a winner, build yourself and your reality. The world is like a mirror: it gives back to anyone the reflection of the thoughts in which one has strongly believed. The world and your reality are like mirrors laying in a coffin, which show to any individual the death of his divine capability to imagine and create his happiness and his success. It's the way you face life that makes the difference!

If an egg is broken from outside force .. life ends.
If an egg is broken from inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from our inside.