Monday, December 21, 2009

Appreciate... Just for You. =)

Was going through my old posts to amend and delete those inappropriate ones, then I found a half-done entry. Wanted to write something special for my soul-mate, but guess words couldn't really form so I saved and decided to do it some other time.

And then it got forgotten.

Isn't these cycles annoying?
You read something touching that reminded you to cherish/appreciate people and simple things,
You decided to do something special to show your appreciation...
Then you did them half-way, got stuck, then abandon them.
Then you rattered through your stuffs again some time later and found them, feeling all guilty and regretted not finishing what you had started.
... And then you decided you have no time, chunk them somewhere more conspicuous so that you will remember and follow up...
Then you forgot and it will be held indefinitely.

Right now I'm at the feeling all guilty & totally regretful part. =x
So instead of risking the possibility of holding it indefinitely, I am gonna finish it up now. =)


Maybe our first look on each other doesn't feel like love at first sight,
But now when we see each other, we are sure we want to spend the rest of our life together.

Maybe you look nothing like Hollywood movie stars,
But there's nothing else in this world that caught my eyes like you did.

Maybe sometimes I couldn't even make out what song you are singing,
But it doesn't matter, 'cause it went straight to my heart instead of passing through the ears first.

Maybe sometimes I give a you hellava time...
But I want you to know, I never meant do.
It breaks my heart tooo, and I'm sorry.

Maybe sometimes things between us seems like they are never gonna work out fine,
But they always eventually do, and I'll never give up.

Maybe we didn't have the chance to go through as much ups & downs as those who had been seeing each other since Secondary Schools,
But no matter what might happen in our future, I will never leave you, unequivocally.

And now, no more maybes, no more buts,
I love you indefinitely, unassumingly, relentlessly.
I've chosen to be yours, & I want you to be mine.
And I know you will agree. =)

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