Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Love is Just Like Career...

I'm lying on my bed, typing this entry at 3am in the morning. My body clock always don't work when I ain't working.

Sometimes I feel that one's career path is just like one's love life.

You remember how u feel when you just got to know love you were full of hope and always feeling so vibrant? And every cute boy that walk past u thought to yourself, is he the one? You watched every cheesy taiwan/jap/korean drama and imagine yourself as the main leader, while awaiting your prince charming to appear and sweep your feet away.

You were so positive.

As time passed and you gotten into your first few relationship, you started to see that reality ain't anything like fairy tales, love stories ain't as dramatic as serials, and flaws ain't cute at all. Worst of all, some were seriously hurt when their love got betrayed.

When you grew a little older, clearer picture started to form and you realised, what happen in fairy tales, remain in fairy tales. You needed a soul-mate, not unrealistic drama main lead. You draw out a few main criterias which mattered more to you, and started to look out for decent guys. Just when you thought it was a huge jump from Dan Humprehy to a boy-next-door, you realised that, even the boy-next-door is weird. And then you got all freaked out & thought instead, you were weird.
You striked out more & more criterias, yet none seems to match. Those you like, never called back. Those that called back, you know it's just 'cause the rest that they called didn't pick up. Then you thought, should I just downgrade and pick anyone instead??

After years and years and all your friends are in long term relationships, you never had anyone by your side. Your self-esteem hitted rock bottom, and you started to plan for alternatives, like getting a condo 'cause u can never get a HDB being single.

*to be continue, 'cause I have yet to found out the ending. =)*

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