Saturday, December 19, 2009

Messed Up. BMS Ever!

I have to blog about this, even though I'm all ready set to sleep and all. It's the worst experience I had with cinemas and movies. Worst. Experience. Ever.

I already had planned to watch Princess and the Frog at Cineleisure with my mum today, so since I was gonna be in town on Thursday (which was yesterday), I decided to get it there instead of booking it online. 'Cause 1, it was cheaper with UOB card and 2, you though it would be safer to get them OTC instead, wouldn't you? Just in case anything were to happen to the transaction done online.

While I was on my way to Cine yesterday, I realised I didn't have enough money inside my UOB account (I was using a Debit Card). I was at Heeren, and I couldn't figure out where is the nearest UOB Cash Deposit machine, so I decided to give it a miss and hope for the best that there is still available tickets the next day. I looked over to the POSB ATM machine at Heeren whilst waiting for the green light at the traffic junction and thought to myself,

"If I know where is the nearest UOB Cash Deposit machine, I'll draw the money out now."

And then I crossed the road and realised there was a hugass UOB full working banking branch.

-.- I hit myself hard on my head and crossed back.

And then I crossed back to UOB, then crossed another 2 traffic lights at the junction to get back to Cine to buy tickets.


In short, I had to crossed 5 traffic lights to get the tickets! And you thought it was all worth it.

Today, I rushed my ass off through shopping cos I was freaking excited about the movie! C'mon! Admit that it is so rare to have 2D Disney Princess movie nowadays.

I got there, Cathay staff let me in, I went to the seats...

Then I realised they were already seated by somebody else.

Fair enough, must be seated wrongly. I talked to them politely, asked for their tickets for confirmation once again.

Then we realised of our tickets got the same seating.

Fuck up. I took their tickets, went to the admission staff...

And then I realised mine were dated on Saturday!

You thought going through all these effort were worthwhile! Some arsehole that sells tickets hatta mess them all up! How unlucky can one get??

I admit it was my mistake that I didn't do a thorough check, but reeeally? Of all people me???

Man... I just need to complain about my luck. Maybe the lucky thing is I managed to Mossan at Mos Burger, and a hat & ankle length boots at Mng sales. At least there's smth to make my day.

And also had Dim Sum with Mooo, whole family & Ah Ma!

Shall post about Dim Sum again next time. =)

*anticipating impatiently for morning to come, for KFC breakfast(!)*

1 comment:

Kitty said...

you have an exciting daily life...hahaha...btw, this is a great 2D disney film...:=)