Monday, December 28, 2009

Studying at KFC @RP!

This post is very late, but nonetheless, Imma post it up! 'Cause class for next semester is starting soon, and I'm dreading it... (Weird Mooo is looking forward to it. -.-)

Photos up!

Mooo is studying while...

I'm cam-whoring. Haha.

Studying studying studying...


And he doing that is getting me gancheong...

And for now, the funny photo after studying tooo hard...


Haha! And the history shall repeats itself again & again for all other semester. XD

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Love is Just Like Career...

I'm lying on my bed, typing this entry at 3am in the morning. My body clock always don't work when I ain't working.

Sometimes I feel that one's career path is just like one's love life.

You remember how u feel when you just got to know love you were full of hope and always feeling so vibrant? And every cute boy that walk past u thought to yourself, is he the one? You watched every cheesy taiwan/jap/korean drama and imagine yourself as the main leader, while awaiting your prince charming to appear and sweep your feet away.

You were so positive.

As time passed and you gotten into your first few relationship, you started to see that reality ain't anything like fairy tales, love stories ain't as dramatic as serials, and flaws ain't cute at all. Worst of all, some were seriously hurt when their love got betrayed.

When you grew a little older, clearer picture started to form and you realised, what happen in fairy tales, remain in fairy tales. You needed a soul-mate, not unrealistic drama main lead. You draw out a few main criterias which mattered more to you, and started to look out for decent guys. Just when you thought it was a huge jump from Dan Humprehy to a boy-next-door, you realised that, even the boy-next-door is weird. And then you got all freaked out & thought instead, you were weird.
You striked out more & more criterias, yet none seems to match. Those you like, never called back. Those that called back, you know it's just 'cause the rest that they called didn't pick up. Then you thought, should I just downgrade and pick anyone instead??

After years and years and all your friends are in long term relationships, you never had anyone by your side. Your self-esteem hitted rock bottom, and you started to plan for alternatives, like getting a condo 'cause u can never get a HDB being single.

*to be continue, 'cause I have yet to found out the ending. =)*

Cute stuffs!

Bought some stuffs in town yesterday and today! Sooo excited about the cute stuffs that I gotta blog about them tonight! Even though I'm already so goddamn tired, plus I haven't bathe yet... =x

Cute????? Haha.

I bet most of you have seen it before, but I don't think all of you know that, you can sit on them!! Yes! Like a stool! I'm sitting on Mickey Mouse right now 'cause I like him the least and and he's black, so I don't have to worry about getting him all black, 'cause he's already black... I don't know if that make sense. Hmm.

Stitch for Mooo's clothes,
Pooh for my sweaters,
Mickey for my heavy jeans.

Gotta do those 'cause my lousy Ikea wardrobe is pretty overloaded with our clothes, and it seems like it's gonna crash anytime.

Remember my Metoo bear bear pouch Kimmy posted some time back?

My mum bought the miniature Metoo coin pouch version! Sooo cute!! And she didn't got any for me! Ahh!!
 See them side by side. Sooo cute!

And guess what is this?

And no, I'm not an idiot. I also know this is Eeyore. I mean literally, what is this??

A pen! You can never guess that, can you? =P

Plus another cutie pen. xD

I've got more cute things!
But damn, I need to clear up my room soon...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Appreciate... Just for You. =)

Was going through my old posts to amend and delete those inappropriate ones, then I found a half-done entry. Wanted to write something special for my soul-mate, but guess words couldn't really form so I saved and decided to do it some other time.

And then it got forgotten.

Isn't these cycles annoying?
You read something touching that reminded you to cherish/appreciate people and simple things,
You decided to do something special to show your appreciation...
Then you did them half-way, got stuck, then abandon them.
Then you rattered through your stuffs again some time later and found them, feeling all guilty and regretted not finishing what you had started.
... And then you decided you have no time, chunk them somewhere more conspicuous so that you will remember and follow up...
Then you forgot and it will be held indefinitely.

Right now I'm at the feeling all guilty & totally regretful part. =x
So instead of risking the possibility of holding it indefinitely, I am gonna finish it up now. =)


Maybe our first look on each other doesn't feel like love at first sight,
But now when we see each other, we are sure we want to spend the rest of our life together.

Maybe you look nothing like Hollywood movie stars,
But there's nothing else in this world that caught my eyes like you did.

Maybe sometimes I couldn't even make out what song you are singing,
But it doesn't matter, 'cause it went straight to my heart instead of passing through the ears first.

Maybe sometimes I give a you hellava time...
But I want you to know, I never meant do.
It breaks my heart tooo, and I'm sorry.

Maybe sometimes things between us seems like they are never gonna work out fine,
But they always eventually do, and I'll never give up.

Maybe we didn't have the chance to go through as much ups & downs as those who had been seeing each other since Secondary Schools,
But no matter what might happen in our future, I will never leave you, unequivocally.

And now, no more maybes, no more buts,
I love you indefinitely, unassumingly, relentlessly.
I've chosen to be yours, & I want you to be mine.
And I know you will agree. =)

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Seriously, BEST. MOVIE. EVER. I can even say that it's better than Transformer!

I haven't watch that much movies, but within those genres that I do watch (by that it means no horror & gore), it is the best in terms of visuals effects, stunning graphics, phenomenal scenaries, and storyline.

Well, not exactly I would say it's way beyond our imaginations... (like it just seems like a tropical rain forest with horses, rhinoceros, plants, trees, dragons...), but about the network of electrons that link the whole Pandora, it's just brilliant!

And I do some resemblance of the avatars to surrogates... do you?

Anyhow, this is simply a show worth watching. To choose spending $10 on Avatar or Paul Blart Mall Cop, I would say the decision to make is tooo obvious.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ah Bon's Birthday!

Saved these photos for waayyy tooo damn long!

Gonna blog about my bro's birthday! Candles blowing session!

Gotten his chocolate cake from Breadtalk!

Mama preparing the cake while the boys... Sigh. Lazy Males.

Birthday Boy!

Erm. This photo was retaken again cos my dad insisted that the cake look better with the mushroom toothpick holder. Godknowswhy.

Bday boy with my specs on!

Seriously, he need to know his angles well.
That was a serious bad angle.

He did that when I told him to sit up straight.
Decent photo...
Singing his song... (He looked so happy! xD)
Cut cake...

Happy Birthday!
And yum!

Next year's gonna be tough for him, with NS and all.

Well, gotta wish him a good year ahead and blessings shower from everywhere!


Messed Up. BMS Ever!

I have to blog about this, even though I'm all ready set to sleep and all. It's the worst experience I had with cinemas and movies. Worst. Experience. Ever.

I already had planned to watch Princess and the Frog at Cineleisure with my mum today, so since I was gonna be in town on Thursday (which was yesterday), I decided to get it there instead of booking it online. 'Cause 1, it was cheaper with UOB card and 2, you though it would be safer to get them OTC instead, wouldn't you? Just in case anything were to happen to the transaction done online.

While I was on my way to Cine yesterday, I realised I didn't have enough money inside my UOB account (I was using a Debit Card). I was at Heeren, and I couldn't figure out where is the nearest UOB Cash Deposit machine, so I decided to give it a miss and hope for the best that there is still available tickets the next day. I looked over to the POSB ATM machine at Heeren whilst waiting for the green light at the traffic junction and thought to myself,

"If I know where is the nearest UOB Cash Deposit machine, I'll draw the money out now."

And then I crossed the road and realised there was a hugass UOB full working banking branch.

-.- I hit myself hard on my head and crossed back.

And then I crossed back to UOB, then crossed another 2 traffic lights at the junction to get back to Cine to buy tickets.


In short, I had to crossed 5 traffic lights to get the tickets! And you thought it was all worth it.

Today, I rushed my ass off through shopping cos I was freaking excited about the movie! C'mon! Admit that it is so rare to have 2D Disney Princess movie nowadays.

I got there, Cathay staff let me in, I went to the seats...

Then I realised they were already seated by somebody else.

Fair enough, must be seated wrongly. I talked to them politely, asked for their tickets for confirmation once again.

Then we realised of our tickets got the same seating.

Fuck up. I took their tickets, went to the admission staff...

And then I realised mine were dated on Saturday!

You thought going through all these effort were worthwhile! Some arsehole that sells tickets hatta mess them all up! How unlucky can one get??

I admit it was my mistake that I didn't do a thorough check, but reeeally? Of all people me???

Man... I just need to complain about my luck. Maybe the lucky thing is I managed to Mossan at Mos Burger, and a hat & ankle length boots at Mng sales. At least there's smth to make my day.

And also had Dim Sum with Mooo, whole family & Ah Ma!

Shall post about Dim Sum again next time. =)

*anticipating impatiently for morning to come, for KFC breakfast(!)*

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

at Creation's Cafe & Photography Session!

As much as I hate Picasa to only allow direct upload of maximum 4 photos, it waayyy tooo long tt i posted proper post. Am gonna do it now! =)

These photos were taken way back den, and *ahem*, I actually changed new cellphone and camera. Should have blogged abt those first since all the photos were taken with those.
But what the heck.

Was studying at Shaw's Starbucks say... 3 weeks ago? Yongkai and Mel booked seats for us for revision while Mooo and I went Si Ma Lu to bai bai first.
Technically, Mel (who doesn't wana show her face. I presume cos she wasn't wearing any makeup) was preparing for her CFA paper while Mooo and I for F3 and F9. My dear cousin?? That lucky chap was surfing FB.

Sighhh. What good life.
But what the heck, exams are over.

Den Yongkai suddenly mentioned how Creation Cafe's pasta gotten so good, Mooo got tempted and we leave for pasta (!!) while YK and Mel went for movies with their friends.

Sweetie waiting eagerly for his food...finally! a starter!Den wait for main course...
Mine: Seafood Cream Sauce Linguine!
His: Laksa Cream Sauce Spaghetti!

And indeed! Improved alot!
And I never though that Laksa Cream Sauce could taste sooo gooodd! Really wana go there sooonn again. *Drooling saliva*
finished without even a tiny bit left!

den comes coffee and tea!
den we went shopping at suntec city...
... and we took loadsa photos!
And... this will be my dream car!
And must be masked with Agnes b. also. Haha!
Hehe. That's about all...

And Merry Christmas! xD