Wednesday, September 12, 2007


see. i'm sucha nice nice nice gal put it up sooo big! anyway really had a nice nice time just now. shall upload sm photos tt i edited using my bro's photoshop. OMG, I'M USING PHOTOSHOP!!! haha. kk, i'm get crazyyyyy. anyway managed to edit only a few and haven got the rest of the photos from the rest of them so decided to shall posting the pics from the start of the day!
sorry kim! tt i got you ended up late in sch. or rather, i got the later than you expect it to be. all thanks to the POSB STAFFS! DAMN THEY TOOK A MIGHTY LOOONG TIME TO SETTLE MY STUFFS!
and thanks to them, we were at least 1/2 hour late, and we still have the mood to take pics in the bus. lol!
we even take pics of our bags!!! ok, its not mine, but i borrowed from my mum. haha.
had audit lesson, and the lecturer was sooo boring! i nearly died. sm more there wasn't enough seats, and we sat right at the back, which was those kinda tables and chairs you can only find in secondary school. c'mon lo, we paid tonnns of sch fee can. moreover, there were only 2 chairs. fyi: there were 3 latecomers, plus another gal. damn damn damn damn damn. surely there were ppl who crash can.
and i almost killed the gal sitting right in front of me! i think we had telepathies, in a bad way. i move left, she move left. i move right, she move right. sm more she soooo big size!!! and had bad hair texture that i dun even wana look at it.
nvm about tt. let's mooove on! i promise not to be late as long as i can.
at least mood was perked up a lil during break. you can see why. lol.

haha. more pics.

then more pics in the bus to vivo!haha. more pics to come! just wana upload this pic 1st. look so funny! seems like we're posing for 2 different cams. haha. kim! pang seh!!!
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