Sunday, September 30, 2007

friends.. forever.

kimmy hate emo freaks! then am i one? haha. anyway, nth much to it. everyone thinks, just that not everyone puts them into words, write them down, right? prolly everyone only has the vague idea. i just merely put them into another form.

i shall stop my emo thingy for the time being, and write some happy stuffs!

recently had been thinking about how r/s last. not that kind, but rather friendships. i am appreciative that i met kim, wanyi, steph, jas. (guys, later part. lol.)

had the longest r/s with my 2 darlings.

1st impression of kim was- erm, kinda popular. had lotsa friends ard her. (prolly all chij kids just wana hang ard themselves) being the unpopular one, i just wana hang with some notsopopular kids, and want less attention. haha.

once in pe she pulled me to partner with her to do sm exercising thingy which requires you to climb up and down the stairs. lame, i know. when mrs. joey tan asked you to go faster, i tot to myself i guess you were the only one who dare to show tt kinda face to her. lol. bad bad gal.

then apparently wanting to hang out with sm notsopopular gals failed, cos i think all of them just wana be mean girls who dun wan to befriend with gal like me. got drifted off in science convention centre and hanged out with kim instead, cos she had sm kinda quarrel with jane. we chatted, and i got to know her better.

seriously, i cant rmb when did we ever start hanging out so closely, but things turned out well and we became so close tt we can hog on the phone from the time we reach home till night time, after we bathe and slp. haha. then we saw each other the next day in sch.

was so hilarious. start from you liking victor and me liking aik chuan, to wilmer after you and terence liking me. lol. everything was so funny. and she was the worst gal in class. you slept on my lap during mr.liew's lesson, and he almost drenched me with his saliva when he asked me wat happened to you. 1st time i lied without any guilt. and rmb how you rebel sheng lao shi, though i tot she still like you as much even though you did all those. rmb how you wrote hang yu ping ying on the board when she told you to write the han zi? omg. you were sooooo bad.

ppl are gonna be so surprise about how wanyi attracted my attention when i 1st saw her- her looks. lol. rmb we were supposed to group up in sec 1? though you were far across the rm, i still asked you to come over. hahahaha. hey, meaning you really got it! cos you were still short hair with centre parting tt time. hahahaha.

how we got close? seriously, i cant rmb. but i rmb the part where we start to go out and how we bitch about serene and yvonne. yikkes. wonder why would we made such friends then. but, maybe they turned out to be nicer ppl now. lol.

rmb the time went out with angel. well, once only, but i still rmb. haha. fun though, even though i'm alr not in contact with her. haha.

here comes times in escape. it was so damn fun! we wana decode the malay words nani said, and trying to figure out who backstabbed who, who gossiped who. and hershey pies all the way, and we were super happy when we received bk coupons. we were soooo mad.

how i got close with stephy? hmm. i dunno. but i rmb us carrying the same hp, but being the old me liking to call ppl up to chat and disturb. haha. she's the best listener on earth, and give the wisest advices. and my twin, always sharing the same thoughts. =D

i rmb how we always head down to airport to study for Os, but always end up reading mags, eating, chatting, discussing how are we gonna go havoc after we grad. wat we wan after grad, and how i sms-ed ter nonstop. shopped at tamp after out 'revision', and we still board and alight at the old interchange.

i alr notice jas way back then in sp. me and steph. she was the qiutinglookalike. pretty gal, and we dare not and no chance to get close to.

1st day in sim, and joanne introduced kim and i to her. my 1st words are you're from sp right? i alr noticed you back then, cos you're so pretty! hey, sincere words k.

in the end we pangseh joanne and we start hanging out so often. lol! poor thing. though we still know each other not tt long, but history is still in the making. =)

kim's quotes:
-The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
-It doesn't matter if you have five friends or five-thousand friends. When it all comes down to it, popularity means nothing. All that matters is that you know those five will be there holding your hand, as the five-thousand walk by.

yep, same sentiments. the bestest friends are you still feel so comfortable even without a conversation going on.

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