Monday, September 10, 2007

1st day of school

1st day of school! finally. i dunno why but i think i'm crazy.
i'm actually looking forward to sch!!! =p

anyway 1st day was alr damn hilarious.

1. when we step outta the house, it immediately rain. guess that was the retribution for cursing people. luckily it sorta stopped when we reach school.
2. we're 2 blur kids.

*while crossing the overhead bridge*
kim: ehh, where's our classroom?
me: dunno leh. wat's the mod later?
kim: ... dunno.
great. both of us dunno where and wat issit about when we're both already late for class. lol. luckily we managed to check it in the office fast. and we had a gd (yet demanding) lecturer. dunno gd or bad. well, at least tt's a motivation for me to study!
we had a few photos taken in school. for memory sake! lol.
we really were studying ok!
our long long wait for our you mian and xiang gu ji si mian!

waited for wanyi and we headed back sk tgr, but for different purpose.

and sim looove cheating my money! go sch also can shop. whalao.

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