Sunday, September 30, 2007

friends.. forever.

kimmy hate emo freaks! then am i one? haha. anyway, nth much to it. everyone thinks, just that not everyone puts them into words, write them down, right? prolly everyone only has the vague idea. i just merely put them into another form.

i shall stop my emo thingy for the time being, and write some happy stuffs!

recently had been thinking about how r/s last. not that kind, but rather friendships. i am appreciative that i met kim, wanyi, steph, jas. (guys, later part. lol.)

had the longest r/s with my 2 darlings.

1st impression of kim was- erm, kinda popular. had lotsa friends ard her. (prolly all chij kids just wana hang ard themselves) being the unpopular one, i just wana hang with some notsopopular kids, and want less attention. haha.

once in pe she pulled me to partner with her to do sm exercising thingy which requires you to climb up and down the stairs. lame, i know. when mrs. joey tan asked you to go faster, i tot to myself i guess you were the only one who dare to show tt kinda face to her. lol. bad bad gal.

then apparently wanting to hang out with sm notsopopular gals failed, cos i think all of them just wana be mean girls who dun wan to befriend with gal like me. got drifted off in science convention centre and hanged out with kim instead, cos she had sm kinda quarrel with jane. we chatted, and i got to know her better.

seriously, i cant rmb when did we ever start hanging out so closely, but things turned out well and we became so close tt we can hog on the phone from the time we reach home till night time, after we bathe and slp. haha. then we saw each other the next day in sch.

was so hilarious. start from you liking victor and me liking aik chuan, to wilmer after you and terence liking me. lol. everything was so funny. and she was the worst gal in class. you slept on my lap during mr.liew's lesson, and he almost drenched me with his saliva when he asked me wat happened to you. 1st time i lied without any guilt. and rmb how you rebel sheng lao shi, though i tot she still like you as much even though you did all those. rmb how you wrote hang yu ping ying on the board when she told you to write the han zi? omg. you were sooooo bad.

ppl are gonna be so surprise about how wanyi attracted my attention when i 1st saw her- her looks. lol. rmb we were supposed to group up in sec 1? though you were far across the rm, i still asked you to come over. hahahaha. hey, meaning you really got it! cos you were still short hair with centre parting tt time. hahahaha.

how we got close? seriously, i cant rmb. but i rmb the part where we start to go out and how we bitch about serene and yvonne. yikkes. wonder why would we made such friends then. but, maybe they turned out to be nicer ppl now. lol.

rmb the time went out with angel. well, once only, but i still rmb. haha. fun though, even though i'm alr not in contact with her. haha.

here comes times in escape. it was so damn fun! we wana decode the malay words nani said, and trying to figure out who backstabbed who, who gossiped who. and hershey pies all the way, and we were super happy when we received bk coupons. we were soooo mad.

how i got close with stephy? hmm. i dunno. but i rmb us carrying the same hp, but being the old me liking to call ppl up to chat and disturb. haha. she's the best listener on earth, and give the wisest advices. and my twin, always sharing the same thoughts. =D

i rmb how we always head down to airport to study for Os, but always end up reading mags, eating, chatting, discussing how are we gonna go havoc after we grad. wat we wan after grad, and how i sms-ed ter nonstop. shopped at tamp after out 'revision', and we still board and alight at the old interchange.

i alr notice jas way back then in sp. me and steph. she was the qiutinglookalike. pretty gal, and we dare not and no chance to get close to.

1st day in sim, and joanne introduced kim and i to her. my 1st words are you're from sp right? i alr noticed you back then, cos you're so pretty! hey, sincere words k.

in the end we pangseh joanne and we start hanging out so often. lol! poor thing. though we still know each other not tt long, but history is still in the making. =)

kim's quotes:
-The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
-It doesn't matter if you have five friends or five-thousand friends. When it all comes down to it, popularity means nothing. All that matters is that you know those five will be there holding your hand, as the five-thousand walk by.

yep, same sentiments. the bestest friends are you still feel so comfortable even without a conversation going on.

i am proud of you.

me: dun you think all my friends ard me are so very pretty?
stephy: yah, but you dun have to feel inferior about it!
me: well, alil. look at you, kim, wanyi, jas. but seriously, i'm proud to be surrounded by pretty gals.


kim dun wan me!!!

kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
lucky u can giv up eevrything for tv
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
tt's quite gd
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
blog blog
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
i jus read
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
usuper emo la
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
if u r my gf i kill myself
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:

even kim also dun wan me! how??? lol.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

random. plus gore anime.

i'm having a nauseous time after watching the last ep. of school days. god.. its def the worst anime, ever! 12 eps is enough to make me throw up everything i had for the day.

gore-tt's all i can say. it all started simple innocent love story, to ohsosick typical r/s, to throwingup scenes, to absolutely no appetite for any food. yes, its tt bad.

the first which nearly killed me was a scene in fma, which the inhuman father didn't kill, but combined his pet dog and his daughter to present it as a newly invention, just for sm fucking promotion. the previous promotion, he present his wife.

i wonder why i took it so seriously, but seriously, ******** are tt scary. it might just happened, one day.

finally uploaded photo. rmb the gal who had telepathy with me? *roll eyes*and yes, i felt like strangling her.

my bitchy conversation with kim! lol.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed off.
unexpectedly pissed off.


addicted to froggy says (11:41 PM):
addicted to froggy says (11:42 PM):
addicted to froggy says (11:42 PM):

well, i shall do that.


haha. we shall ignore tt guy. kim and wanyi just left.

*in the aftnn during lesson*
kim: hey, ask wanyi wana meet and study later in the evening?
*after awhile*
me: wanyi said ok.

i got evidence ok! they end up watching hey gorgeous and devil wears prada in my hse. -.- sooooo naughty. and ya, they had cup noodles in my hse. plus loadsa gossips, as usual.

went to drink wine near a place at dempsy rd ytd after work. its super nice. shall go there again sm other time. a pity it closes so early.


ehh. cannot. wanyi ask me to eat breakfast with her! =ppp

Sunday, September 23, 2007


had "breakfast" at jalan kayu. since ages i havent eat there. should run thru my blog and see when's my last meal there. or rather i might not have even blog about it.

i still couldnt slp!!! i think i'm gonna have bad temper again later. i shall control!!!!!

oh yah. dedicating to mr.gooose:-


you ask me blog more right? lol.

under and over

at mr.gooose's house right now, and everyone's slping!!!!!

and i can't get to slp. -.- so sad.
maybe i napped tooo much way b4 they were slping.

watched underDOG. was slightly better than i expected. i tot its gonna be some nachoalike show. well, a typical disney movie i shall say. (i didn't know its a disney movie i went into the cinema. =p)

work was horrible, as always. shan't comment tooo much about tt. ge qiang you er.

finally i got a chance to see korean and penang!!!!! those who know about it surely know who issit. haha. well, not as tall as expected, but gd looking, at least to me. ta kan shang de, na li hui bu hao kan? hahaha.

kena asked about johnny's stuffs again. i think i'm kinda numb about it alr. well, he's the only person who i can tell stories about, or not. lol. shan't say tooo much. only wanyi knows the best.

i wana go home!!!!! =p=p=p

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

happy birthday zf no.2!

finally uploaded all the photos. kinda lazzzyyy so decided not to edit with photoshop. who bothers anyway?

anyway this is zf's present. got his isetan vouchers cos he cant decide wat present he wans! or rather he havent decide wat skincare his wans for his precious skin! hehe.

ZF WE LOVE YOU COS ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! so we dun love you anymore. lol.

we had fun while waiting for rol to have dinner can see their weird relationship right? lol.
yes yes, same height. lol.then we had dinner!

then sing song and have fun!

then we head home. even went maddd in the train!mr yuwei super act cool! always ready for a photo. lol.

kim's bag, and wanyi's super cute finger to spoil the photo. haha.

anyway, happy belated birthday. =) sorry for wishing you late. haha.
1 more thing. wanyi's heavenly face when she had she strawberry thingy b4 dinner! lol!
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in ma class.

sch ytd. dun really understand everything. maybe was sitting too far from front. was late again! thanks to me refusing to leave my bed. kim was lixuan was worse. look at wat were they doing.

taking a closer look.

i told you she cmi. she's playing bingo with lixuan!!! omg. and she's officially crowned the bingo queen. she won, all the games. lol.

she's in love with you. the picture shows. lol.
crazy piggy. my ruler have a fire who looks like her keychain's friend. so funny. so qiao.
stupid kimmy. lol. look at her tongue.
lixuan was captured un-noticed. lol.
my lovely cup of milo from my tut kid's mum. =)
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my dinner.

my dinner on sun. my throat's acting up like craaazyyy so i bought i fav luo han guo. kim hates it!!! but we love it right wanyi? lol. and my super big da bao, plus tonnns of chilli. will die without chilli. jas steal the cookies from next door, but neither tian tian nor i dare to eat. our throat will kill us!

and now i feel super apologetic for tt day. sorry to those i flare my temper at. i think its almost everyone.
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slacking the whole night.

uploaded a few photos. =)

went slacking with chris and my new found friend, mr xiao didi. lol. think he kinda get pissed when i call him tt. well, who dun like being young?

anyway saw this steamboat shop when we reach east coast. just celebrated xmas with johnny tt year, which was the day which tsunami happened. time flies... and we're old.

wanted to go hk cafe but apparently they're close freaking early. or were we there too late?

xiao di was damn bo liao..

and i was even worse. lol.

kimmy! see! even mac reminds you of me even though you're not with me. stop haunting me!!!the scenary at the airport was pretty. =)

havent slack the whole night for sucha long time. =)Posted by Picasa


finally has the time to come online! =p

using my com right now, so no photoshop, and cant upload photos from my hp, so no photos. next time next time.

and i still havent get back my voice!!! chris called me a frog, kim called me a whale. thannnnnks.

the stupid construction site downstairs just won't let me have my peaceful slp. the rhythmic thumping sound's killing me. smtimes i just wish i have a gun and shot down the stupid man.

and wat's wrong with ppl fucking my new hp. 2 persons saying tt alr.

*clarence holding my hp*
clar: fuck!
me: dun fuck my phone!
clar: *looking at my phone* no hole leh.
me: -.-

*xiao di holding my phone*
xiaodi: fuck!
me: ... dun fuck my phone.

yes, i got it from an asshole but i'm the owner. =x nvm, shant say too much.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


see. i'm sucha nice nice nice gal put it up sooo big! anyway really had a nice nice time just now. shall upload sm photos tt i edited using my bro's photoshop. OMG, I'M USING PHOTOSHOP!!! haha. kk, i'm get crazyyyyy. anyway managed to edit only a few and haven got the rest of the photos from the rest of them so decided to shall posting the pics from the start of the day!
sorry kim! tt i got you ended up late in sch. or rather, i got the later than you expect it to be. all thanks to the POSB STAFFS! DAMN THEY TOOK A MIGHTY LOOONG TIME TO SETTLE MY STUFFS!
and thanks to them, we were at least 1/2 hour late, and we still have the mood to take pics in the bus. lol!
we even take pics of our bags!!! ok, its not mine, but i borrowed from my mum. haha.
had audit lesson, and the lecturer was sooo boring! i nearly died. sm more there wasn't enough seats, and we sat right at the back, which was those kinda tables and chairs you can only find in secondary school. c'mon lo, we paid tonnns of sch fee can. moreover, there were only 2 chairs. fyi: there were 3 latecomers, plus another gal. damn damn damn damn damn. surely there were ppl who crash can.
and i almost killed the gal sitting right in front of me! i think we had telepathies, in a bad way. i move left, she move left. i move right, she move right. sm more she soooo big size!!! and had bad hair texture that i dun even wana look at it.
nvm about tt. let's mooove on! i promise not to be late as long as i can.
at least mood was perked up a lil during break. you can see why. lol.

haha. more pics.

then more pics in the bus to vivo!haha. more pics to come! just wana upload this pic 1st. look so funny! seems like we're posing for 2 different cams. haha. kim! pang seh!!!
=D Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

random pics

finally gotten my capital land debit card the other day! so happy tt i wana eat it up.
and painted my bro's nails black. lol. i think most ppl cant accept it but i really like it. =D
and really damn pissed off with mr. brandon, the person who lost my phone. he got me a phone without warranty chopped. if you're not responsible enough, pls do not make irresponsible acts.Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 10, 2007

1st day of school

1st day of school! finally. i dunno why but i think i'm crazy.
i'm actually looking forward to sch!!! =p

anyway 1st day was alr damn hilarious.

1. when we step outta the house, it immediately rain. guess that was the retribution for cursing people. luckily it sorta stopped when we reach school.
2. we're 2 blur kids.

*while crossing the overhead bridge*
kim: ehh, where's our classroom?
me: dunno leh. wat's the mod later?
kim: ... dunno.
great. both of us dunno where and wat issit about when we're both already late for class. lol. luckily we managed to check it in the office fast. and we had a gd (yet demanding) lecturer. dunno gd or bad. well, at least tt's a motivation for me to study!
we had a few photos taken in school. for memory sake! lol.
we really were studying ok!
our long long wait for our you mian and xiang gu ji si mian!

waited for wanyi and we headed back sk tgr, but for different purpose.

and sim looove cheating my money! go sch also can shop. whalao.