Tuesday, November 20, 2007


haven been blogging for a damn long time. wth have i been doing. hmm.

been shopping? haha.
xmas coming! yay! the holiday season is finally coming.
hopefully i can go macau during cny. i reeeally wana get outta sg.
had enough here.

a break from tut for almost 1 month plus. yay!
maybe its time to start revision.
or rather, start studying.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


The Priss
Deliberate Brutal Love Dreamer (DBLD)
Mature. Responsible. Aristocratic. Excuse me. The Priss.
Prisses are the smartest of all female types. You're highly perceptive, and confident in your judgements. You'd take brutal honesty over superficiality any time--your friends always know where they stand with you. You're completely unfake. Don't tell me that's not a word. You're also excellent at redirecting internal negative energy.
These facts indicate people are often intimidated by you. They also fall for you, hard. You have a distant, composed allure that many find irresistible. If only more of them lived up to your standards.
You were probably the last among your friends to have sex. And the first to pretend that you're pregnant. LOL. Though you're inclined to use sex as weapon, at least it's not as one of mass destruction. You're choosier than most about your partners. A supportive relationship is what you're really after. Whether you know it or not, you need something steady & long-term. And soothing.
Brought to you by OkCupid.

Friday, November 9, 2007


its been a looong time since i updated my blog. many thanks to my FR and MA lecturer. he's tooo fierce for me to ignore his words. had been rushing his assignments like mad.

i've come realised that i'm definitely a person who can live without a com. but i can still hog on a com for nth, still. but i dun think tt'd be the best past time. prolly getting sth done would be much more meaningful. cos i realise all i could to online is e-shopping, friendster-ing, facebook-ing. and the more i stare the more i just wana stare and stop the clicking cos it's all starting to get on my nerves.

its just toooo bo liao. at least for me.

body haven't been gd to me recently. sore throat, flu, rashes havent left me. and body starts aching like mad. haven been sick for a v long time. and like wat kim says, dun come dun come, wan come all come. hahahahaha.

had been reading horoscope, and had just reminded me i should be a hardworking cow. wat the hell had i been doing???

oh yah. got ticked off by a b*****h lecturer last week right in front of the whole lecture hall, along with kim and jas. haven been so embarassed for sucha long time. hahaha. i wish i could go back to the time which we just dun give face and thrash the lecturers upside down. super exciting super you man zu gan.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

random 2

was walking to the bus stop the other day, and i saw an ah gong riding a bicycle with a ah ma sitting in front. how sweet! i wonder how long will this kinda sweet moves last for this generation's ppl.

tian tian treated me jelly! ehh.. not very nice. =p
wanyi wanyi! i finally bought calamol lotion! and its spelt C-A-L-A-M-O-L! lol. yes, it's all under control. haha.
irynn treated us all doughnuts! omg its sooo nice. i ate 3. super sinful can. but its god damned nice. munchy's, at causeway point inside cold storage. now i know why is there a long queue.
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ehh. my photos have been piling up. time to blog sm pics!
my cute gum which i blog not too long ago. had breakfast with frouse before he head aust, then asked him to acc me walk ard, and i saw this.
looks cool and cute, and works and smells well as well. =)
i finally ate my panda cookies! mama bought for me sm time ago at this jap supermarket, and i bu she de chi, until this one fine day i decide i should eat it up before it turn bad.
my new slippers with a pierced diamond!
ehh. i wore like that to go work the other day cos it was freaking cool, and i didn't expect it to rain that heavy till my shoes got wet thoroughly.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Colbie Caillat... Bubbly

I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin like a child now
Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tinglies in a silly place

It starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

The rain is fallin on my window pane
But we are hidin in a safer place
Under covers stayin safe and warm
You give me feelins that I adore

It starts in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just... mmmmmmmmmmm

It starts in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

I've been asleep for a while now
You tucked me in just like a child now
Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth

It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feelin shows
Cause you make me smile
Baby just take your time now
Holdin me tight

Where ever, where ever, where ever you go
Where ever, where ever, where ever you go

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


i just wondered wat happened to me. my rashes just itches like hell. AND KIM CALL ME A MONKEY!!! argh.

calamol lotion better work. if not i'll just soak myself in a tub of feng you. then kim will just avoid me forever till the smell is gone. lol.

work tmr. tut fri after school. life's just sooo boring.

I CANT STOP SCRATCHING!!! even my head itch. wonder issit cos it spreads.
and my nose won't stop running. sooner or later it'll definitely run away.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

fuck you, wooden chopsticks.

was copying kim's msm notes. i saw the amount of things to copy, i nearly pass out. omg, tt bangalah really know how to torture us.

today was looooousy. i wonder when can my gd days be back.

early in the morn when i woke up, i saw my delicious packet of noodles bought from the market by my mum on the table. i poured a glass of water, and when i tried to take out the wooden chopsticks outta the plastic, and fuck. the jagged edges of the wooden chopsticks pierced into my finger.

right hand index finger.
straight into my flesh.

i used my mighty courage to pluck them out, and i saw there's another one more in it. i cursed and sweared in from of my mum, and i plucked that piece out again.

i seriously thought tt would be the end to it.

halfway thru tut, my finger started to swell again. and i saw and felt another tiny piece of it still inside. and its still stuck there, till now.

conclusion: FUCK WOODEN CHOPSTICKS. the qualities are getting from bad to worse. i prefer those which you pluck the 2 pieces sticking tgr. i think its still a whole lot better.

Monday, October 15, 2007

lousy day.

decided to take a few entries down. well, i guess most of you call them 'emo'. to me its normal, but probably i'm a weird gal who thinks its those who thinks i'm weird are weirdos. well, did a quiz the other day saying i'm less than 50% normal. i guess its somehow supports the previous statement.

i dun wana lie and say i'm a normallilsweet gal you'll find on the streets, and having you to blame me for not warning. yes, this is emily the strange. i dun just like her for no watsoever reason. so, i decided to move them elsewhere.

dun bother asking where. only open minded ppl are welcome. i dun wan ppl to chase after me and tell me that i should be normal, reasons to be normal and how to be normal. if you think controlling my brain is that easy, try controlling yourself to be respectful.

dun wana go too indepth. i know i hurt ppl's feelings easily. end of sarcasm. back to normal topic.

today is sucha bad day. or shall i say unlucky. things which irritates me just started pouring in from the morning. and 1st time in my life i typed WTF in my smses. lol. upgraded from wth.

early nn while omy to sch: received offensive sms. spoiled my start of the day.
aftnn in class: damn fucking sick tt i skipped the later 1/2 of the class to chat outside class.
after class: called in to ask for off. the other gal was threatened to cancel her off if i cant go in. tut kid didn't pick up my call so i dunno wat time to go in for tut tmr.
during work: fucked up james irritated me as usual. was told of by smone i shouldn't be as rude but should be polite as a form of strategy to get things done faster.
after work: a big fatass sat beside me in bus with a strong smell of cigar. stupid bitch behind me kicking my fucking chair like she never did before.
gg up the lift: went in with an uncle who smelled like he smoked a dozen packets of cigars.
now: having rashes all over.

luckily zhiqiang's a nice guy to work with, and was bullied by me without any complains. haha. oh ya, he's nicknamed xiao qiang, *proudly* by me. lol. he replied! he replied when i called him that! =p

oh ya, my fever+sorethroat+cough+flu+rashes are not gone yet. taking freaking long time. ever since the hair event. well, fever and sorethroat kinda gone, but apparently my rash getting worse. shit. better not leave any scars cos i had be scratching hard. KIMMY NOT HERE TO STOP ME! =p

loadsa photos not uploaded yet. uploading soon, i hope.

save the earth. save ourselves.

i dunno if i had ever copy this entry from my the other blog, but i just wana copy it over again if i ever did.

yes, i am affected this time. i'm moved, in fact. normally i'd be like, chey! another event tt's trying to get the public's attention and get us to think tt the media has a heart also and not just trying to be all cool and earn all the bucks. hmm. there's no donations and stuffs, so i guess this isn't. moreover, this is a world wide event.

yes, the earth is dying. the world's end is coming, and think human race are so ignorant to only realise it now. well, who'd have guessed tt this day would come when we first saw a car driving around the street? (probably the normal reaction would be to go yippee hooray finally smthing tt could take some burden off my feet!) we never though fuels could be used up eventually, did we?

imagine we used to walk on our 2 feet, everywhere tt we had to go. letters took forever to reach its destination, and i serlude to our dearest postmen. to visit a granny in the countryside took months. schooling in the school tt is 5 streets away seems impossible, let alone visiting the other half of the world. invention of cars, of course, seems like a gift from god.

maybe it is, but smhow humans took full advantage of it, or smtimes it seems like, we abuse it. we get our dads to drive us to schools which only requires 20 mins walk. a sudden craving for roti pratas, and we drive our way to jalan kayu. a mood for a spin? think of how much pollution you've caused.

i always feel things are invented for a good cause. light bulbs are the finest inventions. trying to read/study at night with just a little candle seems like hell. too many candles seems like you're doing some rituals and might even take up too much oxygen. light bulbs won't. but again we abuse it and on lights 24/7. we're afraid of the dark. yes, me too. tt's why we are abusing it. my dad used to go to bed at 6 evening 'cause he hated darkness and dogs howls like wolves in the kampong during the night. we? on lights all night, or worse still, forget it off the kitchen lights. you pay only the bills for now, and probably the older you, or even next generation pay with their health. hk's night scenes are always so romantic with all the lights up in the tall tall buildings, but i choose to believe polar bear are trying to juggle their steps through the ices at the other end of the world.

our greatest invention, or probably our best invention in the technology side- our coms. starting from humongous coms to flat screen monitors to foldable laptops, its amazing how technology improves, ain't it? yes, technology improve, but our oh-so-last-season coms pile up in the rubbish chute. chinas have too much coms thrown away that they dunno wat can they do with them. and just fyi, the outer layers are made of plastics, non-degradable. i dun blame them, seriously. why repair when buying a new 1 cost so much lesser and trouble? tt, we have to ask our govrnt to impose a law tt repairing should cost lesser than buying. lol!

and i think contributed the most to the pollution are- working companies. ask the accounts departments. ask them if 1 entry takes up 1 A4 size paper, how many did they use and throw away each month? oops! typo and a reverse entry hatta be done, and how much will tt take up?

so many are suffer for our convenience sake. if i'm a polar bear, i'd feel so not worth it if i know that trees are cut down for ppl who writes 1 word and goes, tt handwriting looks ugly and threw the whole sheet away which causes the ice grow thinner and thinner. imagine if the hens saw kids throwing their eggs around for fun, and leopards saw their partner's skin are torn down for fashion's sake.

god gave us nature, and the ability to create. we created things that slowly destroys the nature. how thankful can we get.

i'll continue to do my part, and just hope everyone will wake up to the reality someday.


Your Birthdate: May 2

You may watch someone from afar before you finally decide to make your move.
It takes a long time for you to develop an attraction to someone.
Generally, you prefer to pick who you love. Anyone who tries to rush you is in for some heartache.

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 3

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4

You are most compatible with people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of the month.

You Are a Brownie

Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted.
Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are.

Men See You As Choosy

Men notice you light years before you notice them
You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky
You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter
It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait

Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect

Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing!

You Are Apple Red

You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun.
And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial.
Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well.
However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you.

You Are Right Brained In Love

Bit of a drama queen
Peacemaker, first to end a fight
Good at thinking up creative dates
Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily
Going with your gut instead of your head
Empathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault
Good at recognizing patterns in relationships
Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count
Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love
Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow
Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind
Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart

You Need to Grow Up a Little

You're definitely not a kid anymore, though sometimes it's hard to tell.
Your life is somewhat adult, but chances are, you aren't really satisfied with it.
Whether this means getting a better job or dumping a loser boyfriend...
It's definitely time for you to start living a fully adult life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

first come first serve!

went to watch no reservation with wanyi last wed. really really nice show. but we took a bloody long time to reach town cos of the stupid no.7. but guess wat we saw?

lol. yes. and we dunno wat issit. think its sending sm kinda satillite into the space. and we camwhore in the bus stop.

and we camwhore b4 while waiting for the movie.

haha. saw the stars and moons? its in cathay cinema.
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capital tower

went to find chris with kim at capital tower, to only realise i performed there b4. omg omg. i almost forgotten about that place already.

nvm about that. i was quite impressed how we can camwhore, everywhere. haha.

see the lanterns??? it's even more amazing at night.
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mac last tue morn.

had breakfast with wanyi LAST TUESDAY at mac! omg. and i am only blogging it today.
anyway, she's horrible. with her peppersss and saltsss.

see see? i told you. never ever seen anything like tt.

and i was full after 2 hotcakes.

always ready for a photo. =D

chatted with jas on the phone in mac. went wanyi's house to look at all her past photos and love letters which brought back so much memories.

and she treated me sweet! smthing i find not bad, with 3 layers.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

friends.. forever.

kimmy hate emo freaks! then am i one? haha. anyway, nth much to it. everyone thinks, just that not everyone puts them into words, write them down, right? prolly everyone only has the vague idea. i just merely put them into another form.

i shall stop my emo thingy for the time being, and write some happy stuffs!

recently had been thinking about how r/s last. not that kind, but rather friendships. i am appreciative that i met kim, wanyi, steph, jas. (guys, later part. lol.)

had the longest r/s with my 2 darlings.

1st impression of kim was- erm, kinda popular. had lotsa friends ard her. (prolly all chij kids just wana hang ard themselves) being the unpopular one, i just wana hang with some notsopopular kids, and want less attention. haha.

once in pe she pulled me to partner with her to do sm exercising thingy which requires you to climb up and down the stairs. lame, i know. when mrs. joey tan asked you to go faster, i tot to myself i guess you were the only one who dare to show tt kinda face to her. lol. bad bad gal.

then apparently wanting to hang out with sm notsopopular gals failed, cos i think all of them just wana be mean girls who dun wan to befriend with gal like me. got drifted off in science convention centre and hanged out with kim instead, cos she had sm kinda quarrel with jane. we chatted, and i got to know her better.

seriously, i cant rmb when did we ever start hanging out so closely, but things turned out well and we became so close tt we can hog on the phone from the time we reach home till night time, after we bathe and slp. haha. then we saw each other the next day in sch.

was so hilarious. start from you liking victor and me liking aik chuan, to wilmer after you and terence liking me. lol. everything was so funny. and she was the worst gal in class. you slept on my lap during mr.liew's lesson, and he almost drenched me with his saliva when he asked me wat happened to you. 1st time i lied without any guilt. and rmb how you rebel sheng lao shi, though i tot she still like you as much even though you did all those. rmb how you wrote hang yu ping ying on the board when she told you to write the han zi? omg. you were sooooo bad.

ppl are gonna be so surprise about how wanyi attracted my attention when i 1st saw her- her looks. lol. rmb we were supposed to group up in sec 1? though you were far across the rm, i still asked you to come over. hahahaha. hey, meaning you really got it! cos you were still short hair with centre parting tt time. hahahaha.

how we got close? seriously, i cant rmb. but i rmb the part where we start to go out and how we bitch about serene and yvonne. yikkes. wonder why would we made such friends then. but, maybe they turned out to be nicer ppl now. lol.

rmb the time went out with angel. well, once only, but i still rmb. haha. fun though, even though i'm alr not in contact with her. haha.

here comes times in escape. it was so damn fun! we wana decode the malay words nani said, and trying to figure out who backstabbed who, who gossiped who. and hershey pies all the way, and we were super happy when we received bk coupons. we were soooo mad.

how i got close with stephy? hmm. i dunno. but i rmb us carrying the same hp, but being the old me liking to call ppl up to chat and disturb. haha. she's the best listener on earth, and give the wisest advices. and my twin, always sharing the same thoughts. =D

i rmb how we always head down to airport to study for Os, but always end up reading mags, eating, chatting, discussing how are we gonna go havoc after we grad. wat we wan after grad, and how i sms-ed ter nonstop. shopped at tamp after out 'revision', and we still board and alight at the old interchange.

i alr notice jas way back then in sp. me and steph. she was the qiutinglookalike. pretty gal, and we dare not and no chance to get close to.

1st day in sim, and joanne introduced kim and i to her. my 1st words are you're from sp right? i alr noticed you back then, cos you're so pretty! hey, sincere words k.

in the end we pangseh joanne and we start hanging out so often. lol! poor thing. though we still know each other not tt long, but history is still in the making. =)

kim's quotes:
-The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
-It doesn't matter if you have five friends or five-thousand friends. When it all comes down to it, popularity means nothing. All that matters is that you know those five will be there holding your hand, as the five-thousand walk by.

yep, same sentiments. the bestest friends are you still feel so comfortable even without a conversation going on.

i am proud of you.

me: dun you think all my friends ard me are so very pretty?
stephy: yah, but you dun have to feel inferior about it!
me: well, alil. look at you, kim, wanyi, jas. but seriously, i'm proud to be surrounded by pretty gals.


kim dun wan me!!!

kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
lucky u can giv up eevrything for tv
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
tt's quite gd
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
blog blog
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
i jus read
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
usuper emo la
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:
if u r my gf i kill myself
kimmy :) - do what you wan others to do unto you. (i'm sucha nice gal) =D says:

even kim also dun wan me! how??? lol.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

random. plus gore anime.

i'm having a nauseous time after watching the last ep. of school days. god.. its def the worst anime, ever! 12 eps is enough to make me throw up everything i had for the day.


gore-tt's all i can say. it all started simple innocent love story, to ohsosick typical r/s, to throwingup scenes, to absolutely no appetite for any food. yes, its tt bad.

the first which nearly killed me was a scene in fma, which the inhuman father didn't kill, but combined his pet dog and his daughter to present it as a newly invention, just for sm fucking promotion. the previous promotion, he present his wife.

i wonder why i took it so seriously, but seriously, ******** are tt scary. it might just happened, one day.

finally uploaded photo. rmb the gal who had telepathy with me? *roll eyes*and yes, i felt like strangling her.

my bitchy conversation with kim! lol.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed off.
unexpectedly pissed off.


addicted to froggy says (11:41 PM):
addicted to froggy says (11:42 PM):
addicted to froggy says (11:42 PM):

well, i shall do that.


haha. we shall ignore tt guy. kim and wanyi just left.

*in the aftnn during lesson*
kim: hey, ask wanyi wana meet and study later in the evening?
*after awhile*
me: wanyi said ok.

i got evidence ok! they end up watching hey gorgeous and devil wears prada in my hse. -.- sooooo naughty. and ya, they had cup noodles in my hse. plus loadsa gossips, as usual.

went to drink wine near a place at dempsy rd ytd after work. its super nice. shall go there again sm other time. a pity it closes so early.


ehh. cannot. wanyi ask me to eat breakfast with her! =ppp

Sunday, September 23, 2007


had "breakfast" at jalan kayu. since ages i havent eat there. should run thru my blog and see when's my last meal there. or rather i might not have even blog about it.

i still couldnt slp!!! i think i'm gonna have bad temper again later. i shall control!!!!!

oh yah. dedicating to mr.gooose:-


you ask me blog more right? lol.

under and over

at mr.gooose's house right now, and everyone's slping!!!!!

and i can't get to slp. -.- so sad.
maybe i napped tooo much way b4 they were slping.

watched underDOG. was slightly better than i expected. i tot its gonna be some nachoalike show. well, a typical disney movie i shall say. (i didn't know its a disney movie i went into the cinema. =p)

work was horrible, as always. shan't comment tooo much about tt. ge qiang you er.

finally i got a chance to see korean and penang!!!!! those who know about it surely know who issit. haha. well, not as tall as expected, but gd looking, at least to me. ta kan shang de, na li hui bu hao kan? hahaha.

kena asked about johnny's stuffs again. i think i'm kinda numb about it alr. well, he's the only person who i can tell stories about, or not. lol. shan't say tooo much. only wanyi knows the best.

i wana go home!!!!! =p=p=p

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

happy birthday zf no.2!

finally uploaded all the photos. kinda lazzzyyy so decided not to edit with photoshop. who bothers anyway?

anyway this is zf's present. got his isetan vouchers cos he cant decide wat present he wans! or rather he havent decide wat skincare his wans for his precious skin! hehe.

ZF WE LOVE YOU COS ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! so we dun love you anymore. lol.

we had fun while waiting for rol to have dinner altgr.you can see their weird relationship right? lol.
yes yes, same height. lol.then we had dinner!

then sing song and have fun!

then we head home. even went maddd in the train!mr yuwei super act cool! always ready for a photo. lol.

kim's bag, and wanyi's super cute finger to spoil the photo. haha.

anyway, happy belated birthday. =) sorry for wishing you late. haha.
1 more thing. wanyi's heavenly face when she had she strawberry thingy b4 dinner! lol!
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