Tuesday, October 16, 2007

fuck you, wooden chopsticks.

was copying kim's msm notes. i saw the amount of things to copy, i nearly pass out. omg, tt bangalah really know how to torture us.

today was looooousy. i wonder when can my gd days be back.

early in the morn when i woke up, i saw my delicious packet of noodles bought from the market by my mum on the table. i poured a glass of water, and when i tried to take out the wooden chopsticks outta the plastic, and fuck. the jagged edges of the wooden chopsticks pierced into my finger.

right hand index finger.
straight into my flesh.

i used my mighty courage to pluck them out, and i saw there's another one more in it. i cursed and sweared in from of my mum, and i plucked that piece out again.

i seriously thought tt would be the end to it.

halfway thru tut, my finger started to swell again. and i saw and felt another tiny piece of it still inside. and its still stuck there, till now.

conclusion: FUCK WOODEN CHOPSTICKS. the qualities are getting from bad to worse. i prefer those which you pluck the 2 pieces sticking tgr. i think its still a whole lot better.

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