Thursday, August 24, 2006


i f*cking wonder how insensitive can a person be, who's complaining other people are treating him/her the same way.

e.g. i've got a friend who told me she perfer having flings/flirts than committed r/s. nth wrong, and he tooo told me the extend she could go is to bed with that guy.

some people might immediately give her another name, named slut/bitch etc.

then the next min you complained that you like jin cheng wu and wishes to go to bed with him.

-.-''' ain't give the slut a slap and name yourself for e.g. bitch?

wth. if you cannot accept sth, then dun accept it all the way? why slap yourself with your own words?

and, even if you cannot accept it, doesn't mean others cannot do it. we are all individual entity who stands on our own. not necessary you cannot accept, others can't. c'mon, get a life! and even you still think she's a slut, why must you open your bloody mouth and insult her? it's not as if she's encouraging you to sleep around.

somethings are very objective and not necessary everybody has to be as narrow-minded as you.

i know i've been in this topic, but everywhere i go, ALL I MEET ARE NARROW-MINDED PEOPLE.

i can just shut up with, cos i know if i reason out things, you'll lose out. i just dun wana hurt you, and you just crown me with another ms cannot-take-'jokes' queen.

so next time when you see me, bloody think thrice b4 you open your mouth. (not twice cos i know the narrow-minded-ness is etched deep deep deep in your brain.)


p/s: i decided to have split personality. when i'm mean, or decide to flare my temper etc., it's eMiLy, not jasMiNe. rmb. so when i flare temper at you, dun blame jasMiNe, 'cause it's not her.

the example i'm giving is not the one i experienced, but it's sth similiar.

it's just another of my rants. it's not a personal attack.

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