Tuesday, August 15, 2006


my horoscope for today!

There's a hole in your heart where a certain person used to reside. You can try to distract yourself, but you know you won't feel complete until you find a way to reconcile. Call them up as soon as possible. (a BIG hole.)

Today you will be the beacon that all others follow. Your leadership potential has slowly (but surely) been maturing, and now you will be able to step confidently into the role as leader. This is a new beginning for you, something you can really sink your teeth into. So go ahead and get excited! Your responsibilities might not rival those of world leaders, but they will be important to you -- and that is all that matters. It is okay to admit that you don't know it all. (lol. not really.)

Single's Love:
It's time to toss that 'to-do' list out the window -- along with that must-have list for any potential dates. Scrap all your expectations. Your guidelines are far too narrow. It's time to let the universe drive. (hmm.. they ain't high expectations. i just have requirements.)

You can indulge your customers' petty demands much more easily than usual, and you might make a few folks extremely happy to do business with you -- at no extra cost to you. (lol. no frontline job today.)

You need to just kick back and chill right now. You're feeling great, and there's no reason for you to push yourself hard -- after all, you've been pretty busy in the recent past. (hmm.. alright la. not THAT busy.

You are as alluring as it gets these days. Mirror that inner intensity with jewel-toned nails, richly lined lips and a shine-boosting hair pomade. Remember: Your sparkling mood deserves an equally eye-catching exterior! (lol. so not my style!)

You'll insist on being your slow, methodical self today in spite of the fact that the rest the world is moving at warp speed. You'll have a blast infuriating everyone while you relax and take your sweet time. Hee hee .... (omg. i think i am.)

Loyalty means the world to you on Monday, and your friends are as loyal as Labradors. A picnic on Tuesday lifts your spirits. The blue sky, the green grass, friends -- all the great picnic virtues are out in full force. Enjoy it, because Wednesday throws you back into the grind of everyday life: your job, your responsibilities, your bills. On Thursday and Friday, communicating your feelings doesn't occur to you, which is exactly why you should. There's a lot happening, and your pals would like to support you in any way they can. A party is in order this weekend. (so true! i'm gg for steve's bday celebration this sat!)

aye. boooring entry!

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