Wednesday, August 23, 2006

got this from ruyi!

finally i can log on man! wat's wrong with blogspot recently?

anyway, got this from ruyi.

Instructions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write six weird facts/ quirks/ habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you have to choose 5 people and list their names...

1. i sleep with my.. *mumble mumble*.
2. i'm timid, and i dun watch horror/gorror movies.
3. i HATE to be FAT.
4. i only had 1 official r/s outta my entire life (till now).
5. my mind wonder to god-knows-where during classes.
6. ehh.. i love cartoon, and i dun mind spending tons of money on them.

Best Friend: angel (but we sorta distant..)
Crush: andy!!! check him out in my friendster. (he was much more cute-er last time.. *oops*)
Movie: i think.. beauty and the beast? I THINK.
Lie: i stolen the trick thing where they had a bandage with a nail on it, so when you wear you can bluff other you've got nail in your thumb.. lol. i lied that my cousin gave me.

-When was the last time you-
Had a Cigarette: when i was damn small. an uncle of dunno-who gave it to me.
Got a Ride: just now? by the 163 bus uncle.
Watched a Movie: last wk. the breakup.
Used the Phone to: was sms-ing bryan, then didn't reply cos dunno my hp go where.. he's gonna kill me.
Bought a CD: lol. forgotten.

-Have you ever-
Dated one of your best friends: i dunno. lol.
Been Arrested: nope.
Skinny-dipped: nope.
Been on TV: somehow.. yes.
Missed someone ya don't know: how will i know when i dunno the person? lol. wateva.

4 Things you did today: went to relc to pay fee (and lost my way), blogged, sang, ate.
4 sounds you can hear at this very moment: cars vooming, beegees' stay alive (stop laughing!), the keyboard clicking (if not wat does the typing sounds like?), my heart pumping.

People to do this: kim, yuwei, weisheng, bryan, didi!

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