Thursday, August 31, 2006


was darn bored the other day so i decided to take photos of some of the thing i bought.

bought 2 purses at walletshop the other day, during lunch.

"don't start with me
you won't win. boo ya"
"no i don't have PMS
i just really hate you
(get over it)"

next time when i flash this in front of you, dun be angry ahh. lol.

bought 2 straps of black beads and made a long necklace with it. $4.50 per strap.nice? think it's kinda worth it, cos my mum had enough to make another bracelet and had some leftovers. how about the scarf behind the necklace? shikin helped me to buy at KL. 11.20bucks. i looove it.some random photos.

painted my nails hot pink! no guitar lesson this sun, so meanwhile i can enjoy coloured nails!

look what i've found when looking through those schemes.
"Jasmaniah Binte Jasmin"

look like some names i'll have in malay. lol.

kkkk, tt's all for now!

necdc last day at fish&co.


they treated me to fish&co., and as usual, i took lotsa photos.

but my colleagues dun wana take photos with me. =( according to them, financial people are meant to be SHY PEOPLE. *roll eyes* heyy, then what about me???

hmm.. but nevertheless, i still managed to secretly take some photos. shh..christ!

me, trying to be in the photo. lol. laura. caught un-noticed. haha.

steph: dun take me dun take me! not even with shikin!!!

they were quite fancinated with my photo taking. not the skills, but the nonstop-ness of taking photos.

laura: if those dunno you, they might think you wana be a photographer.

steph: issit you just got your cam not long ago?

anyway, here are those photos.

the starter b4 main course. shikin and i shared seafood platter.
laura had.. wat do you call this kinda mee-pok looking spaghetti?

yahh, as wat you see in the pic, she started eating b4 i can take the b4-eaten photo.

christ and steph finish their fish&chip even before i could take photo. =(
but here's the flag, which they left. steph, christ, shikin and i had passion fruit. i had that cos their coffee machine broke down. i wanted capuccino! but luckily passion fruit tasted nice. laura had lime kola. (i think.) ok! end of those at fish&co. photos. now for some random photos taken elsewhere.

birthday celebration of some unknown colleague was held, and we had some tiny-weeny things to eat!!!

look how excited we 2 have gotten?



haha! 1 more photo with shari and i'm off! muack muack dearie shari. gonna miss everyone there!


happy birthday lipeng!

haven't been blogging for some time.

but anyway, here's what happened on lipeng's birthday eve.


we went TCC (at clarke quay) to have supper! (hmmm, it's actually dinner for most of us.)

but 'cause the cafe was tooo full, we went to walk around clarke quay while waiting for a table. wow, i didn't know there're so much people in sg who love night life!


after we got back, we ordered a spread. and i really mean a spread! look!
i had oven-baked marinated chicken. (i think.)

lipeng had something-something macaroni. but the macroni is all covered up by the cheese. lol.

aileen had salad! she's so strict on her diet. now on the drinks!

shihui had orea mocha (left), i think, and i had orea milkshake (right)! omg, it's super milky. i thought hers was better than mine. lipeng had some soya thingy. i think it's just the same as normal soya. haha! (but i couldn't find the photo.)

sharon had.. i dunno! i only know it's the one on the left. aileen had the best drink! i think it's some blueberry thingy (right). it's soooo tasty! here comes the desserts.

OMG! i had chocolate fudge. it's soooo chocolaty! but i like.. but somehow their chocolate fudge is tooo hard! (couldn't find the photo. -.-)

shihui had black forest. the classic. (lost! -.-)

lipeng's the clever one, with the most delicious cake. it had got biscuit-like thingy inside. and it comes along with a candle for the bday gal! aww.. aww.. i'm sooo touched!

*trying very hard to post for the cam* aiya, ppl normally dun post for cams ma..


and that bday gal tried to do sth funny in the loo after that. tooo bad my cam snapped to slowly! ahh!the best supper i had in ages. actually wanted to go MoS after that, but shihui's boyfriend disallowed!

nvm, i had to go ktv with jessica the very next day, so i don't really feel the night was wasted.

but still.. i won't get a boyfriend who'll control me. WON'T.

sorry shihui, but i won't. =ppp

Thursday, August 24, 2006


i f*cking wonder how insensitive can a person be, who's complaining other people are treating him/her the same way.

e.g. i've got a friend who told me she perfer having flings/flirts than committed r/s. nth wrong, and he tooo told me the extend she could go is to bed with that guy.

some people might immediately give her another name, named slut/bitch etc.

then the next min you complained that you like jin cheng wu and wishes to go to bed with him.

-.-''' ain't give the slut a slap and name yourself for e.g. bitch?

wth. if you cannot accept sth, then dun accept it all the way? why slap yourself with your own words?

and, even if you cannot accept it, doesn't mean others cannot do it. we are all individual entity who stands on our own. not necessary you cannot accept, others can't. c'mon, get a life! and even you still think she's a slut, why must you open your bloody mouth and insult her? it's not as if she's encouraging you to sleep around.

somethings are very objective and not necessary everybody has to be as narrow-minded as you.

i know i've been in this topic, but everywhere i go, ALL I MEET ARE NARROW-MINDED PEOPLE.

i can just shut up with, cos i know if i reason out things, you'll lose out. i just dun wana hurt you, and you just crown me with another ms cannot-take-'jokes' queen.

so next time when you see me, bloody think thrice b4 you open your mouth. (not twice cos i know the narrow-minded-ness is etched deep deep deep in your brain.)


p/s: i decided to have split personality. when i'm mean, or decide to flare my temper etc., it's eMiLy, not jasMiNe. rmb. so when i flare temper at you, dun blame jasMiNe, 'cause it's not her.

the example i'm giving is not the one i experienced, but it's sth similiar.

it's just another of my rants. it's not a personal attack.

calculator for heights

try this. kinda accurate.. i guess.

got a calculator? great.

1st step, take out calculator.

2nd, take *daddy's height* x 0.923 + *mummy's height*

and divide the amount by 2.

tadaa~ this is your height (that is, if you're a gal.)

now for guys.

1stly, repeat step 1.

2nd, take (*daddy's height* x *mummy's height*)

divide the amount by 2.

tadaa~ your height!

might not be the exact one, but around there.
can try it to see how tall is your future kid! or can work backwards to find out how tall must your partner be for a tall kid. lol.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

got this from ruyi!

finally i can log on man! wat's wrong with blogspot recently?

anyway, got this from ruyi.

Instructions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write six weird facts/ quirks/ habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you have to choose 5 people and list their names...

1. i sleep with my.. *mumble mumble*.
2. i'm timid, and i dun watch horror/gorror movies.
3. i HATE to be FAT.
4. i only had 1 official r/s outta my entire life (till now).
5. my mind wonder to god-knows-where during classes.
6. ehh.. i love cartoon, and i dun mind spending tons of money on them.

Best Friend: angel (but we sorta distant..)
Crush: andy!!! check him out in my friendster. (he was much more cute-er last time.. *oops*)
Movie: i think.. beauty and the beast? I THINK.
Lie: i stolen the trick thing where they had a bandage with a nail on it, so when you wear you can bluff other you've got nail in your thumb.. lol. i lied that my cousin gave me.

-When was the last time you-
Had a Cigarette: when i was damn small. an uncle of dunno-who gave it to me.
Got a Ride: just now? by the 163 bus uncle.
Watched a Movie: last wk. the breakup.
Used the Phone to: was sms-ing bryan, then didn't reply cos dunno my hp go where.. he's gonna kill me.
Bought a CD: lol. forgotten.

-Have you ever-
Dated one of your best friends: i dunno. lol.
Been Arrested: nope.
Skinny-dipped: nope.
Been on TV: somehow.. yes.
Missed someone ya don't know: how will i know when i dunno the person? lol. wateva.

4 Things you did today: went to relc to pay fee (and lost my way), blogged, sang, ate.
4 sounds you can hear at this very moment: cars vooming, beegees' stay alive (stop laughing!), the keyboard clicking (if not wat does the typing sounds like?), my heart pumping.

People to do this: kim, yuwei, weisheng, bryan, didi!

Monday, August 21, 2006


i am DAMN SLEEPY!!!!!

wat the heck i haven't been sleeping as late as ytd. nearly died man.

but there's 'wo shi jin shan shun' today. ahh.. my sleep, MY SLEEP!

samson lame

my revenge:
proud to present you, the pig.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

hokkien bond


new hair!

just the other day, i was still looking like this.

now, i look like this.

lol. actually i sorta look thru net and try to find styles (short) tt i like, and here are those style..

(i told the stylist i wan her fring!)

hmm.. but somehow my mum tagged along, and she forbade me (though she didn't say out) to cut short, so i ended up like this.

she was frantically flipping the toni&guy's mag, and see if there's anything else looonger than wat i wanted, and i like.

mama: ehh, this 1 nice or not?
me: like not bad leh.
angelina (my stylist): yahh. quite nice. you wana try?
me: ohh, okk..

tt's how i ended up like tt.

but.. nice not? =ppp