Wednesday, June 28, 2006

journey to work

it's early in the morning, and i'm sorta like pestered by kim to blog, so..

seriously, i have the boring-est life. there's nth interesting to blog, unless you see my entries as goodnight stories so it might be useful to cure your insomnian. (how do you spell it?)

well, i woke up 7.35am this morning.

mama: *beat my ass with a dumb pillow* qi lai le! qi ge zi le! (wakeup! it's 35 already.)
me: hah-nah..

*after preparation and ready to get outta the house at 8am* (fyi: my work starts at 8.30am)

papa: 8.15am wo zai ni qu. yao bu yao? (i fetch you there at 8.15am, wan?)
me: yao! (wan!)

*reach my no.27 bus stop*

papa: dao le. (here.)
me: huh? here?!?!?! *make a big fuss*

hello. the bus stop??? i might as well walk there. it doesn't even take me 15mins! wateva it is, i made him fetch me to my workplace.

it's kinda annoying when people don't make themselves clear, isn't it?

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