Tuesday, February 28, 2006

2 down 1 to go!

just watched lu zhen xing ren wang.

finally have the time to blog! k, actually was quite tempted to blog, but i have to tell myself to study! =(

AFA was ok, thou not up to my expectations. just feel tt i could do better. ya, due to the same thing. always you xin wu li.

ate at fc3, then went to study MA with ziyi in school. haha! ziyi hates MA!

we were studying here. after awhile we found it was tooo hot, so we decided to go to the air-con studying room.

ziyi studying..

ziyi: ask you dun take me lar..

i think i saw johnny in the studying room. i admit, i freaked out.

i wasn't wearing my specs, so i couldn't really see clearly. i practically stared at him (one of the reasons was i was in a state of shock), and i think he saw me, cos i was telling ziyi, "hey, i think i saw my ex."

ziyi: you mean the one in class95 tee? wat is he doing here?
me: no idea. i only know he should studying in NAFA. he did his attachment in sp when he was still in ITE. tt's all i know.

then he started to stare at me.

erm.. i think it should be him? so bu xing. after a yr plus n i saw him in the school which i'll be graduating soon. i wonder wat if he reads this. aiya, should listen to wanyi- "it's alr in the past" i dun give a d*** anyway..


just the other day, i felt like taking a nap. i looked at my bed.

erm, ok. laptop and notes all over. then i went to my bro's room. (he was out that day.)

my guitar...... nvm. i shall try my mum's room.

2 remote controls plus a storybook. not tt bad.

i hurried and fell asleep fast. i dun wan my mum to come screaming at me to clear up all the things in like, everybody's room? haa..

i'm waiting for 9th mar to come! prom night!!! yeah yeah.. i finally get to wear a gown. *happy*

2 down 1 to go!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

csp tmr!

i guess i should be studying, but somehow i just feel like anyone else out there, I DUN HAVE THE MOOD! haha..

feeling like writing my lyrics.

though those words don't sound logically, i mean, if you look at it logically, i just feel that it's ok. well, it's just wat i've been through. i can't possibly write sth tt feels logical yet.. it doesn't feel right? wateva.

i never know the hurt he gave me allows me to write so many songs. alright, but it's still quite alot to me.

-.- this entry is pointless.

have i gotten over yet?

Monday, February 20, 2006


just ate and watched ba li lian ren. just simply love the gal!

isn't she lovely? i think she looks like persian cats. (ya, wanyi tooo.)

ok, i love this guy to bits! he's sooo shuai!!!

went school to do revision with ziyi. k, for me is study. i have to study everything which is taught in a sem within.. less than a wk? omg.

i was dreaming, msg-ing, chatting.. wateva. only managed to accomplish 4 chapters of csp. god bless me please..

marie joined us after awhile, and left early tooo. haha! i think she looked totally not in the mood either. =p

gg to bathe and watch lu zheng xing ren wang. will revise a little afterward before gg to bed. luckily the panadol is working alr.

Friday, February 17, 2006

explosion. beware.

i'm gonna explode. real soon.

a msg just came from feli.
call echo rose asap lo.. sorry just now forgotten to call you.

wan my life meh?! now?!?!?!

then mx just told me eng below b4 have to go for another interview where you have to discuss about a topic ON THE SPOT! F***! I GOT C5!!! wth..

n ruyi's friend just got shortlist for nie.

shit. it just feels like i've been defeated even before i go for the battle. wat is this man..

Thursday, February 16, 2006

a journey to the past

ok, i forgotten to call yuwei. he's gonna kill me!

was gg thru my past entries. guess i was kinda childish then.

I hAtE hIm!!! :'(
It's in d mOrn now...n I woke up cos I jus tot of him. It's ridiculous! He treated me so badly n I jus have tis feelin of wantin him back! Hey, it's like a 1/2 yr relationship n 4gettin him isn't as easy as it seems...wat's more we were so close??? We met up almost everyday n stuffs...but gals tend 2 fall deeper n deeper but think guys tend 2 get sicker n sicker...isn't it sickenin? Think he jus got sick of me, tt's y. HmM...I abandon d other diary cos it's all full of him, but now I'm creatin another diary but seems it's also stil full of him. ShItTy...
Ok, enough of him. I'm gonna meet Steph 2 study Stats later 4 V.day's Stats test, n I'm gonna skip lecture bcos of tt...(weird riTe?) N hope he gets off my mind 2day...n once n 4 all. (It's gonna b hard...) After tt got my singin lessons...
N Mh asked me out tmR, but I haven't given him an ans cos Kim also asked me out...tt's all abt my V.day! N supposely...SiGh...disappointment...

ok, that was.. guess i was utterly disappointed.

I'm attached!
M in sch now..suppose 2 reach sch @ 10am but i was late! Feelin so bad man..cos i woke up late. Hehe..
Oh yah, Wy..1 2 cum or not? Hmm..thou no shuai ge..but we still can haf fun!
Hmm..ppl..jus 1 2 tell all i'm attached now..patched back. Hehe..d 1 hu i worry n dun tell is Max..but nvm le cos i've told him. Hehe..shld noe y Max..
Was slackin like hell ytd man! Was suppose 2 meet Max but he nv cum find me lor! So was like slackin d whole day..then baked muffins! Yum..nice man! Hmm..think until now only Wy tasted my cupcakes! N tt wasn't i bake de wor..it's my mum! Think only my family tasted d 1s i made. Not bad de wor..Hehe..but made an error last nite cos i mistaken 15g of butter 4 50g! *Oops* Hehe..
Oh yah..like XiangQuan also v agitated when he realized i'v changed my nick. Haha..Ivan also..but think these ppl won't cum read my diary de la..anyway ppl, hope he won't leave again..rite Johnny?

F***. the more i read the more i wan2 puke. how stupid can a person go?

Things r not always wat it seems 2 b
Had an entry b4 tis so if u guys free go read..
Just wanna vent my frustration here..
I had a fucky day with my projs n tutorials..n tot my boy won't console me when he reach hm or wateva..i kept on tellin myself he 4gotten 2 take out his hp tt's y he didn't msg me, but he just confronted me when he came online..nvm..i just tot he would teach me beta after tt incident..nvm..just..nvm..
i nv knew i was wrong. I msg-ed him always last time whenever i go, wateva i do, but all d reply i got is "icic". I rather not msg rite? Pls..i'm also not bu yao lian go find sum1 hu find me irritatin..n i was d 1 hu msged him @ nite b4 I went 2 slp, but he didn't reply me or @ least haf d tendency 2 tel me he's off 2 work. Nvm..i tell myself he 4got..
Hey..i tried 2 b nice once, but i was dumped instead. I'm not gonna care now. I dun1 2 b so fan jian like last time. I suffered, just fr my family members abt tis..just tt i didn't tell him. it's not like he's always better then i treat him like it seems 2 b..like he always fetch me hm fr sch. I dun say out everythin. Not all things r wat it seems 2 b.

my eng sucks! hmm.. everything started to go downhill.

Dunno y kinda think of my own prob when i read Ry's diary.
Sometimes really just wanna relief myself. Just thinkin tt whether did i make the right decision by patchin up. i did tt time cos i felt tt maybe he's really the 1 for me. my mr right. look @ d way he treated me when he wanted a patch, n now. sorry dear, but maybe i'm just as paronoid as ry. maybe it's almost the same prob as her just tt i kept all my upsets n disappointment inside. i dun1 others 2 feel the sad bcos of me, but i think i'm really breakin down.
let me vent them out now-
i hate chattin online n msgin. i just sense no sincerity in them, but i'm still doin d same thing 2 him now bcos it's his habit of communication.
ok, so it's all about msgs n msns. i hate it when i sense no sincerity in his letters. it seems like i'm chattin wif my beloved n he just replied me in a heck-care tone. i felt so neglected.
i hate it when i said "take it as i nv said b4. if u r fine, i'm fine 2," n he really take those words. pls..i'm a girl, n a super sensitive n a think-alot type. when u dun gimmi a reply i really freak out sometimes, n tot "m i really overdoin it?" when u r just heck carin everythin.
n i really hate it when u used 2 fetch me hm every wed after my cca which is until 9pm n now u complained it's late when i asked u 2 find me @ 8pm after sch..when i haven't been seein u for a wk.
i've been keepin all 2 myself bcos i'm afraid u mite break up wif me after knowin so many things, but i really m gonna breakdown soon..4give me..

woops! he sucks afterall. should have patched back in the 1st place.

2004-12-13To him*
Seriously, i dunno wat's d main problem, always. n i'm really sick n tired of d same cycle- quarrel, cold war, got back 2gather w/o solvin d prob, then back 2 quarrel again due 2 prob not solved. i'm gonna state d prob now.
1) i can sense d difference fr when we just got in2 tis relationship till now. u always fetch me home cos u r worried (u said), u msg-ed me now n then, n even called me sometimes, u must c me once a day, u called me dear n gimmi little surprises now n then. now? u msg-ed as little as possible, sees me not even once a wk, n didn't even bother 2 pick me up even though u have d time 2 stay @ home n slack. u claimed it's laziness, but i dun think u'll b lazy if u love tt somebody.
2) deleted
3) u never explain anythin. everytime u'll use d same phrase- "tt is wat u think.", n when i ask u wat r u thinkin then, u'll say "different fr wat u r thinkin." excuse me? sorry 2 say i'm really fucked up by tis cycle. u never elaborate anythin n u expect me 2 understand? then u'll start 2 say i never understand u. how will i ever understand u? then u'll start 2 ask me silly qns like- wat colours u like wat u like 2 eat.. hey! it's about ur character not wat u like. i even know Jordan Chan like pink, but does tt means i like him? duh..
4) i sometimes wonder y do u suddenly like group outin with me instead of just a date with only 2 of us? issit bcos i'm really tt borin or wat? badminton stuffs.. sorry but u know i'm never in2 sports. asked me out then cancelled cos u said u r lazy.. i dunno wat does tt suppose 2 mean. or like 4get out dates which we planned long ago.. my heart is like torn 2 pieces. n even if u have d time 2 slack u rather stay @ home n do nth.i guess after readin tis, n if u really come across tis, i think it's either u tell me "u dun appreciate my doings" or "u dunno wat i'm thinkin" or "u dun understand me", or u dun bother 2 say anythin. i always brin up d prob so we both can solve them 2gather but u just dun bother 2 make an effort. i'm sick n tired n i'm really SICK N TIRED!sorry peeps but i dun wish any1 2 tag n make any comments n console me. i only wish 2 get an ans fr him. n let me say tis- tis r not just d only probs. there's more 2 it. i just dun wan2 say everythin.

haha.. seriously, i dunno whether to laugh or cry after reading.

i guess everything just ended there. didn't manage to find any other entries about him. yep, after reading i just find that i really changed, and.. quite alot. hmm.. i dun find myself to be able to think that way anymore. i dun think i can be so disturbed over little things. or.. maybe they ain't little things. they just dun happen to me anymore. haa..

anyway, i still love this entry. cos i'm still pondering over the same thing.

2005-03-07an empty vase
sometimes i just feel that i'm an empty bottle.not lala that kinda bottle, but as in i'm the bottle.hmm.. or should i say a vase?hmm.. i always think i try 2 act ok, nice, wateva.. on d outside, but sometimes i just feel i'm actually empty on d inside.really envy those who actually feel and show the real kinda of happiness.dunno, maybe i'm just so superficial. maybe i'm usin 2 much of d outside n try 2 cover up wat i lack inside.i look 4 nice clothes, expensive cosmetics, branded bags.maybe i'm just try 2 make myself feel better.after some time i just feel i'm just kinda cheatin myself.appearance doesn't equals to wat u really are.hmm.. maybe people won't notice those kinda plain janes walkin in d streets.if it's me, i'll care alot.but who knows? they might b d happiest person in d world. who cares about how people look @ you?i really wish i could think d same way as wat i said. maybe i think 2 much. i sometimes hate myself why can't i see things in a simplier way?i know i've got d best family in d world- a kinda mother who would do anythin if i open my mouth, a kinda dad who will give me everythin i desire, n a brother who would even piggy-back me down d stairs when my muscle aches n won't snap @ me even when i'm unreasonable.but y m i feelin so empty? issit my imagination? wat exactly is d thing i lack?i wish i can dun think about who's gonna read my blog, who's gonna worry about me, who's gonna care 4 me watsoeva.i wish i can b satisfy with everythin i have- flare lesser of my temper, get fulfilled easier n fill my vase full of happiness.can i do that? every1's givin me happiness 2 fill up my vase, but y can't i just put them in instead of lookin @ them n wonder- r they really "happiness"?i think alot, but when can i then sort out my tots?

ok, finally found sth funny to share. haha! really FUNNY!

2005-04-22diu lian for the night..
lazy 2 update.. haha~ so just copy fr wanyi's blog.. =p
==here it goes==Went to PS for movie.... alright la the show...okok nia... stupid show... haha~ And we watch the wrong movie! (Not in the sense tt we went into the wrong cinema) Cus wanted to watch the Jap one..instead ended up watchin the korean one... and the best part... Jas din realize until i told her after after the show ended... hahahaha...
As usual... disgrace ourselves again! And Jas wanted to pee... so knock into tis man wif her popcorns... hahhaa~veyr funny thou.. cus she was luffing.. den the worse part was.... goin up the stairs to give the person our tix... both of us we luffin lyk mad until Jas can't walk...den i oso no strength to gif the person the tix... shiT lo! Den the person lookin at us...i tink the person oso feel lyk luffing le lo...
Ok...finally made our way into our cinema....den... we went in to put our popcorns n drinks.... den went out again.... tink the couple must b tinkin we very sickening... cus we passed them 3 times askin to excuess... haha...but haG la~ Den i tink the couple sittin next to me feelin irritated.. hahahaha... cus both of us keep luffing from the moment we enter....
The moment of diu lian tt stupid Jas cfm mention tis in her blog... so i rather say it in my own blog first....
When we came back from the toliet back into the cinema... i walk towards the wrong row... cus we were sitting "K row" den i walk past K row without noeing.. den i felt weird...how come walk until so front... den stupiD! When i turn back.. tt stupid girl aka Jas... was luffing her head off lookin at me walkin down! KAoz~! Also duno how to call me.. den the couple which i mentioned that we walk past 3times i tink oso luffing at me lo! KAOZ~~~~~!!!!!
Ok... enuff "diu lian" for tonight....
haha! SUPER funny!!! =p

ok, enough! =p

another day

*talking to yuwei* he freaking hell dun wan2 study.

if this sentence valid (fyi: from i not stupid), i think i've already die. today's paper just SUCK.

today just sucks. even work sucks. ask peng. there was one irritating customer. i dun think he deserve to be a man. he's worse than a women.

cust: hey, any free phone with line?
me: ya. there's 3220 (i didn't mention x660 cos there wasn't any stock)
cust: can let me see?
me: *take out the set from the shelf*
peng: i tot it's a sealed pack?
me: ya, i know. (i was intending to let him see picture from the box)
me: sorry, it's a sealed pack. i can only let you see how it looks like from the pic.
cust: *frown* wat?! hey, i'm serious in buying the set lo. wat's wrong with opening?!
me: erm, i'm sorry but it's the policy here.
cust: i'm serious in buying la. i need to feel the set. i dun think even hellos! shop have this policy.

actually i just f***** hell dun like him, tt's y i dun allow.

me: peng, really meh? (f*** la. if hellos! allow then go there la, bast***)
peng: *shrug*
me: sorry i really can't. my boss dun allow.
cust: give me the set. *tries to open*
me: if you open, i have to treat it as it's sold.
cust: but you have to let me see wat it looks like wat!
me: ... let me call my boss.

on the phone with aileen
me: aileen, there's one customer insisting on opening the 3220. can we open?
aileen: aiya, open la.. irritating right?
me: yeah la!!!

F*** HIM LA! ok, he dun deserved to be f***. i doubt he's married. fancy making a fuss over a free phone.. wat a 'man'.

enough of him. i just hope he just read my blog by mistake, and get a feel of how irritating he is.

shall blog some photos.

studying at papa's shop ytd.

hey, i did study k! guess they are just irrelevant, tt's all.

ya, and getting sick of book. the cam just seems so much more interesting..

hey, did any of you manage to catch a glimsp of the moon ytd? it was beautiful.

so is the moon today. (taken on my way home from work)

True friends are those, you look at them; you see a clearer picture of yourself.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

blah blah blah..

just came back from papa's shop.
ripping songs from my so-long-ago cds into my nano. sick of those songs i've always been listening to.
went for iap's presentation today. didn't manage to finish the presentation as there was a time limit (15mins). but surprisingly i didn't feel any nervousness. yah, maybe before the presentation, but not during presenting. yay! i wan2 overcome my stage fright. hee.

lotsa his 'friends' came. guess wat?! they age fr 15 (sec3) to like.. 30+? wat a wide range of friends he got..

one of his friends, anthony, looked like the pervert (the one who had this obsession over women's stockings) shown on ch u every weekday at 9pm. haha! hey, he's one good looking guy
k. didn't manage to take his photo to blog. shy la. haha!

anyway wan2 post those presents my bro bought for the god-knows-who.
the pig who save the day..

the cute flower!

ok, the girlfriend is so blessed. i wonder how issit like to have a boyfriend in sec sch. hmm.. no choice. it's over alr. haha! must be sweet and free from worries.

suppose to be studying for tmr's paper (audit). hmm.. nvm, tooo lazy. didn't sleep much last night.

anyway, there's sth interesting.

i told you guys he look like shawn!!! haha..

can i be a bitch? i think life will be so much easier.

a day of slacking+kim+iap

just did the essay for the application form of ntu. super tired!!! omg.

woke up at 2pm today. i should really change my sleeping habits. i should sleep early! if not i'll age faster. women's nightmares. haha!

watched madagasca (how to spell?) and had brunch. chatted with kim awhile before she came my house.

did all those application thingy. didn't manage to finish but yeah, at least manage to complete some. right kim? hee. chatted also. there's sooo much to catch up with her! didn't see her for ages.

went to cp around 7plus, after the application stuffs. hmm.. did SOME things. haha.. nvm, secret.

did preparations for tmr's iap presentation since like.. 8plus? bloody hell lotsa things. hopefully tmr's presentation goes well. there are like 20 over slides each for jack and i?!?! ...

avril was kinda worried, but.. nvm. haha! maybe she's having another paper tmr, tt's y.

anyway, my bro bought vday presents! for god-knows-who. (ok, i really dunno who!) but shall upload the photos some other days. sth wrong with blogspot today!

Monday, February 13, 2006

dinner at swissotel

*watched 1/2 of cinderella story* my family was alr watching 1/2 way thru when i reached home. anyway it's really a sweet story. =)

went swissotel with weisheng in the evening. it was really nice!!! even the toilet was nice. hee.

this was the kinda scenary we get from that level.. wow..


the lamb on the side of the table..

weisheng and his, erm, cool look? haha!

when the night approaches..

erm, ceiling?

his dessert..

and mine! sooo nice!

and we saw the 8min fireworks from up there!

the toilet! (thou it's a bit blur..)

went to watch the taiwan percussionist perform in esplanade. they are sooo pro! weisheng just hit it off so well with yu hui (one of the percussionists) with the help of weilin. right weisheng? haha..

and guess wat we see?

sooo nice right? so romantic for couples.

hmm.. then we ended day just like tt. ok, end here with my photo. taken in sengkang station while waiting for train.

i'm not gonna be stupid anymore.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

early vday celebration

*just read black jack*

*yawn* slept at 3.30plus last night. sooo tired. anyway work was ok.. and the part where xuan came in was kinda funny. a lady came in to buy hi card ytd, and she just sat in the shop to test the card without paying for it yet.

xuan: hey, she haven't pay leh. should i ask her to pay?
me: ehh.. maybe wait awhile ba.
xuan: i know wat. i'm gg to ask her whether doesn she need a receipt. maybe she will zi dong yi dian..
*xuan went to ask the lady*
lady: erm, no need. thanks *went back to play her hp*
xuan: *came back to me* hey, die la. she haven't say she wan2 pay lo.
me: nvm la, you go serve customer. i help you look out.
*few mins later*
xuan: should i ask her to pay?
me: erm.. say "bu hao yi si, ni ke yi xian fu jian ma?"
xuan: *hesitated, then went to ask the lady*
lady: oh OH! i forgotten to pay! aiya, should just tell me ma. sorry sorry.
*look at me and laughed*

she looked at me and laughed! wth. she must knew we had been discussing about her not pay cos we kept whispering to each other. so pai seh!!!

went out with yuwei after work. i was so freaking sway on fri! i lost my swaroski bracelet (cost me like.. 200+?) while having dinner with huayi performers. we went around to look for a replacement, but tooo bad.. i guess the bracelet obsolete.

had dinner at olio. (issit spelt like tt?) hmm.. took some photos with yuwei's hp, but he haven't send me the pictures so can't upload. shall upload next time? hmm.

and hey ppl, look at this.

this is wat yuwei gave me..

this is the box..

this is the yellow rose..
i'm gonna make it into dry flower..
this is the necklace.. =)

and then, look at wat my dad bought for me..

wat the hell, it's like.. almost the same?! and the necklace is.. ok, identical. can't stop laughing.

oh ya mingxuan, this is for you. and it's found in singapore.


Thursday, February 9, 2006


today's a lousy day. =(

went sch damn early today. michelle's such a petty person, so better not be late for her class.. n guess wat? i was the 1st to reach in the class.. sat with stephy n hazel for a while till a few of my classmates + zhen zhen came, then i went back to sit with my classs. (fyi: i was sitting at zhen zhen's seat). ya, as usual, hazel is as crappy as ever. haha..

me: hi! (to stephy and hazel)
hazel: wha! new look! (note: i was wearing specs)
me: ya! now i look like you. (fyi: we had similar specs)

did iap till like.. 6plus? really super sucky. shan't elaborate on it.

went for guitar lesson at 7pm. reach earlier, so i was the only person in class. haha! like was having individual class instead of group. zhuan dao! hee!

i wonder y m i always so nervous in front of tino. maybe he's just tooo pro. others start to come in only at 7.30pm. all late! but nvm, i enjoyed my individual class. hee~

but i think i somehow "deprove" (opp. of improve). gotta buck up..

ate dinner while watching lu zhen cing ren wang. i think i'm addicted to the show. no, i'm addicted to ling feng! haha.. i like tan guys.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

slacked the day away

i dunno wat's wrong with my hands. just kept feeling itchy. =(

ppl, please please please present me with best service award. I SERVED A CUSTOMER FROM 11AM TO 1.30PM!!! i was like.. timing? ok, she questioned me from how to switch from cam to video to how to insert contacts. i so feel like strangling her..

the worst is i was having stomachache at that point of time.. wha. really super sway.

aileen: *looking at my hair*
me: ???
aileen: *touch my hair*
me: ?!?!?!
aileen: *sigh* was thinking how long and black and silky your hair used to be.
me: ...

i practically slacked the rest of my day away. was actually planning to apply for the uni courses, or nie (just in case i can't get in).. but i ended up readin comics (black jack) and watching tv. HAHA! hey ppl, any idea how to apply for nie??? and any1 wan2 apply for nie as well???

ok, my mum looked like a ghost with her facial mask on.

ok, time for some nice pictures!!!
erm.. dun be jealous? HAHA.

swollen finger

i'm sooooooooooooooo sad! my hand is swollen.

see my thumb tt side..


i think weilin cursed me while i was talking to her on the phone. it just became swollen!!!

did iap in sch till so late. 9pm!!! no choice cos presentation on on vday! VDAY!!! can you imagine??? wonder wat are all the teachers thinking.. dun wan us to go dating..

had a very late dinner after i reach home. and guess wat.. the table is full of ants!!! *puke* even the bottle i drank water had ants in it. eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww~~~

*talking to yuwei* irritating dunno how to entertain me. haha..

Monday, February 6, 2006

weird day

*listening to wo zhen di shou shang le*

today is such a weird day!

was walkin to sengkang station in the afternoon. i need to cross this particular pathway in order to get to the station. but there was this indian women who was walking her puppy. she stood in the middle of the pathway, with her back facing the dog. she was dreaming away, i guess, and didn't notice that the puppy was blocking my way.

the puppy looks cute. maybe it won't bite me.

i tot to myself and plucked up the courage to cross, just walking pass the puppy wasn't tt bad.

i smiled at the puppy while crossing, then WTH! IT NEARLY BITE ME! i siam-ed like.. nvm. i think i looked like an idiot.


reached sch, and the sky was raining so heavily with the sun ever so bright. -,-"

went to work after sch. the journey sucks as well.

this auntie was sitting beside me in the train. she looked chee-na, but she was reading newpaper. nvm, tt's not the point. the main thing is SHE'S SCRATCHING ALL OVER! not just tt. she scratched and tried to flick off the dirt in her nails. WTH! wonder did it got onto me.

it didn't end there. she sat a bit tooo close to me. she opened her papers tooo big till they fall on my lap. nvm, i just move a bit further away from her cos the papers are simply tooo ticklish. GUESS WAT! she quickly closed her papers and diao wo. kao! my fault ah!

mingxuan came to find peng and i just now, during work. was like.. ok, sales are all snatched away by her! haha!

ting ting came to buy hp also. was really shocked to see her with her big belly, thou i know long ago she got married and pregnant last yr.

mingxuan: hey, same age leh. alr married and pregnant! wat are we doing?
me: ya lo! wat are we doing!!!
peng: i haven't even experience my first love lo..
me: ...


I Loved You
by Alexander Pushkin
I loved you-
even now I may confess
Some embers of my love their fire retain
But do not let it cause you more distress-
I do not want to sadden you again.

Hopeless and tongue-tied, yet, I loved you dearly
With pangs the jealous the timid know
So tenderly I loved you, so sincerely,
I pray God grant another love you so.
by Carl Sandburg

Maybe he believes me, maybe not.
Maybe I can marry him, maybe not.

Maybe the wind on the prairie,
The wind on the sea, maybe,
Somebody, somewhere, maybe can tell.

I will lay my head on his shoulder
And when he asks me I will say yes,
Jenny kissed me

Jenny kissed me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in:
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me,
Say I'm growing old, but add,
Jenny kissed me.
A Friend Like You
by Author Unknown
There's lots of things
With which I'm blessed,
Tho' my life's been both Sunny and Blue,
But of all my blessings,
This one's the best:
To have a friend like you.

In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask... I'll help you through it."
But you don't wait for me to ask,
You just get up
And you do it!

And I can think
Of nothing in life
That I could more wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And love a friend... like you.

Sunday, February 5, 2006


ok, i admit. i've been visiting joshua's blog these few days.


anyway, for those ppl who are also interested in the 2 cute guys (boys?) who acted in i not stupid tooo, go http://www.campusmoblog.com.sg and search for 11uminati (shawn) and nutzhen (joshua). joshua chats more often over at the chat room (at the left side of the page). guess shawn won't be chatting as must due to his O's. but still, i think he's cutier and.. wateva, i still like him more. =p

anyway, joshua's username for friendster is also nutzhen. can try searching. but tooo bad he limited his friendster account to only his friends. =(

ok, i'm an idiot. i mixed all those leftover food into these. HAHA!

any1 interested???

fame, money, appearance are so superficial yet so irresistible.

Thursday, February 2, 2006


can somebody just let me die? I FREAKIN' HELL HATE MENS!!!


i took all these during xmas but forgotten to post them. forgive me?

ain't they cute???

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

shopping list

i'm not gonna get uzap anymore! dad knows the boss from oto and i've received so many more positive comments for the one over at oto! so..

oto trimax

and i'm not gonna anyhow spend my money. i gotta save money for my electric guitar.

emilystrange bag

hmm.. maybe those emilystrange shoes ain't that nice after all.. =p


emilystrange sneakers

maybe i'm just a little tooo bored 'til i have to talk about my shopping list. haha!