Sunday, March 12, 2006

prom night!


our class and dac3b23 (jane's class) booked hotel asia (which is beside sheraton hotel, where the prom night is held) and a few of us reached there at 2plus for the makeup and hairdo, and it sucks! $28 for sth which i can do it myself.. -.- luckily i know how to request for the stuffs i wan.

it couldn't be seen very clearly.. but tt's marie and me.

a picture of the hotel room. it's kinda wulu from the outside, but inside was quite nice. oops! i dunno y marie's in the pic. haha!

and you know wat? she was tt bad tt we had to touch up our hair OURSELVES!

tt's yongxiu helping ziyi to curl her hair, and meiying straighten her hair herself also lo! wth.. luckily i didn't take her photo, if not i'm gonna post it here and warn you guys not to ever get her to do makeup for you..

a bit of this and tt, and class 23 guys (justin, jack, gabriel) like coming in to disturb (cos they claim their room was tooo boring) and it was sooo pai seh to makeup do hair in front of the guys.taken while waiting for the rest to get ready.. golden nails! =p

ready? off we go! omg.. look at how sexy our marie is.. =p she's gonna kill me!

actually it's not meant to be so short, but the lady altered the skirt wrongly and it became this short! it's ok la, cos she has sexy legs.. *whistle* btw, it's meant to be this LOW! haha..

photos taken during the prom. =)

class dac3b23!

after tt all of us went MOS, and it was really FUN! ok, i had alot of fun! tooo bad forgotten to bring my cam so didn't manage to take much photos. =(

it was r&b night (my fav!), but we still went around. went the retro side, dance awhile and played a bit of some silly dancing games, and i went back to sit (which the seat was beside the dance floor).

the dance floor was empty for some time, and this ang mo went up to dance alone, then he suddenly looked at me for god-knows-wat reason and asked me to dance with him. STUPID ANG MO MAKE ME THROW FACE! ... -.-

went back to r&b side to dance. so fun! ziyi clubbed for the first time and saw meiying dance for the first time! soooo cute!

bumped into yansze tooo! she was getting down from the platform, and it just caught my eyes. i ran to her immediately and hugged. aww..

took some pictures with steph in mos!

danced till 4plus b4 gg back to hotel. i stinked damn badly! bathed, and went class23's room to cont the fun.

ziyi was sooo funny! she climbed up the dressing table to take out her contacts.

actually was quite boring in 23's room. they just merely played games and drink. hmm.. i think mostly on drinking ba. justin was dying, and died pretty soon after some time, and jooseng was kinda mad also. liting was superb! she had like, 5-6 glasses but still was pretty much awake? this is crazy! i can never do that! but still, she got hangover the next morn. =x

felt a bit dizzy after drinking some (as usual) fell asleep str after gg back to our own room. still, i can rmb joyce felling down. sooo funny!!! and she's talking lotsa craps!

went back around 2plus the following day. everything was wonderful. i'm so gonna miss everyone! and i hope liting's fine. =x

hey! anyone interested in yamaha's contempo electric guitar classes???

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