Sunday, March 26, 2006

i pity you

i am so disappointed.

worked the whole day today, and seriously the day didn't go well. ok, maybe not that well. it was alright in the early afternoon, until the around 3-4pm, i think.

there was this lady who phoned in and requested to reserve a n6280, and i did for her cos she said she will come in immediately (note: she lives in kovan) and there were 2 black n6280 and 1 silver n6280 left. i lied there wasn't any silver left cos silver was quite popular, in addition to the fact there were 2 black n6280 left.

god knows, 2 customers just came str fr nowhere and demanded black n6280 each. i stick that lady's contact no. on one of the black n6280, but aileen just asked, "wat's this? it's nth right?" then i sorta explained to her everything, but guess she didn't really catch me cos it just was tooo chaotic in the shop. tooo many customers. "anyway she sounded she was more interested in the silver right? nvm, it'll be better then."

and she just stormed into the shop and starts to accuse everyone of not doing their job. seriously i just quite startled and angry with her at the start, but come to think of it, i've met so much of this kinda customers since back then in escape (not so much in haagen daz cos i was still a small small waitress). serving customers are just like war, wonder which one will be the di lie. (how do you spell tt?) after a while, not much of the anger, but more of disappointment. how can there be such an arrogant girl out there who doesn't even know how to care? well, she CLAIMED she know how to care. she just stormed into the shop and says MY MUM IS SICK AND WE STILL RAN 3 STREETS WITH AN UMBRELLA ALONG WITH MY DAD TO COME AND BUY THIS PRESENT FOR MY WHOEVER WHOEVER AND YOU TOLD ME THERE'S NO BLACK??? I WAN2 COMPLAIN!!! ... i just pity this little tiny girl, cos i think no one likes her.

hello, i'm not even telling you i didn't have any set left for you and now you are telling me i'm freaking bullyin you? GET A LIFE.. aileen and mingxuan said they believe in karma. wat goes around comes around.

i believe wat i see and wat i feel.

i pity her for not knowing how to give care and concern, neither to receive any.
i pity her not knowing how to appreciate helps from strangers, neither doing any favours for them.
i pity her and her principals, which doesn't make her a better person.
i pity her for believing her care and concern for others, which i dun think anyone would appreciate cos they are just used to make herself feels that she is a gd person.

if you are always screaming you wan2 get outta singapore, please get out. singapore will be a much better place for humans to live in after you leave.

Monday, March 20, 2006

swimming day!

finally i can blog! was doing up gp's accounts. so messy! well, i didn't really kept update the accounts regularly. couldn't blame anyone. =p


went bishan swimming complex with kim ytd. it was fun!

my alarm went off at 8am, but i went off to sleep again. luckily she called me at 8.07am! asking me to bring shampoo and conditioner, and not to bring body foam.

*the phone rang*
kim: ehh, you are awake?
me: ya..
kim: wat did you bring?
me: erm, actually i'm still in bed..
kim: wat?! get up get up! still say wan2 meet 8am. 8plus le still dun wan2 get up.. anyway, help me bring shampoo and conditioner k? cos i dun have anymore bottles. and dun bring anymore body foam k? cos i brought 2 bottles!
me: ... okok.

kim, i was alr awake ok! see, i can rmb wat exactly you said. =p

she came my house around 8plus to take passport-size photos for SIM applications, then left for bishan swimming complex. well, we didn't go there b4, but it seems kinda big from this picture we found online.

and guess wat? we took about /2hour to find the swimming pool. i kept telling kim it's bloody morn walk before swimming. -.- street 14 was just to difficult to find.

it was just bloody street 13 no matter where we walk.

few minutes later we found ourselves at street 12, then 11. ok, wrong way! let's U turn.

... ok, finally we were back at street 13.
... still street 13.
... ok, STILL at street 13.
................ FINALLY STREET 14!

we were like sweating all over alr when we reach there. ahh.. no shuai ge some more. hmph. and guess wat? kim bought the child ticket, and she said she learnt it from me. were i tt cheapo?!

and there's this swimming coach wan2 get to know us.

him: hi, i'm steve (i THINK he's name is steve.) you girls are..?
me: erm, i'm jasmine
kim: ...
him: oh. didn't see you girls here b4.. so where you girls study? nyp? np?
me: ... npy.
him: oh. which year?
kim: ...
me: year 2.
him: oh. so you girls having holiday now? when does your holiday end?
me: *look at kim*
kim: erm, april.
him: oh.. so you girls know how to swim?
me: *shake head*
kim: *nod head*
*silence of awkwardness*
him: ok then, shan't disturb you. you girls have fun. cya next wk.

see him next wk?! doubt kim and i go back there for the next century!

it was so funny. kim dun even dare to go to the locker alone to take sun tanning lotion. haha! cos she has black face, black hands, black legs, and WHITE BELLY! erm, sounds like some bear or sth. =p

photos taken after showering. xiang pen pen..

had pastamania at j8 after tt. sooo nice! i'm so gonna have meals down there next time. =p

had this chat with kim, and realise that kim can be sooo kiddish at times, yet sooo mature enough to understand you sooo well. shan't blog wat she know about me. =x


i think my dad is addicted to voka, since the bottle we bought during our trip to thailand. he bought another 1!

and look at wat i've found in the morn?

it's sooo cute! wonder who did it. my mum and bro denied.

i wan2 go ktv! haven't sing since dec, after the talent time. ktv, anyone?

Friday, March 17, 2006

wat's the opp of shopping queen?

ahh!!! i wan2 get some stuffs from i picked my stuffs, thought over very clearly i wan them, filled in the infor and just about to get out my credit card, i dunno wat came over me and told me to stop. the guilt just to me and asked me not to spend money. =(

come to think of it, i haven't bought anything since.. after cny? not anything as in really NOTHING, but not much, except i bought a pair of birkenstock online tgr with lipeng. wat's wrong with me?!

anyway, i love this pic. taken with her in mos after the prom night. MUACKS!

but hadi sent me a friendster msg saying it was SCARY! lol.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

night out at zouk

i think i'm mad. i dunno why am i doing here in the middle of the night instead of going to bathe and sleep. haha!

went zouk with aileen, mingxuan, lipeng, joyce and marie. find it ok only, cos it's mambo night. i miss r&b! =(

desmond was there also, (aileen's pt bf) and he brought a few of other apple staffs from other outlets. only 1 guy, and it's jimmy! *yawn*

aileen practically went mad. mingxuan said she bought 12 bottles of breezer! haha! luckily i managed to control myself and not drink so much. i dun wan2 let history repeat itself and puke all over zouk. haha..

saw a few cute guys. (ahh! finally..) one of them look like lincon from ming xin ou xiang, and i saw my type of guy while dancing on the dance floor!!! erm, can say typical poly type of guy. wateva. erm, so wat kinda guy do i normally look at? anyone out there know?

i just wonder wat's wrong with me. it happened the same thing over at mos. in mos, there's this bloody someone who tapped on my shoulder while i was walking through the dance floor, and when i looked back, it looked like there's no one who actually tapped me.

just now in zouk, when i was walking down the stairs, a person tapped me, and i saw the person who tapped me this time round, but he pointed to his friend. -.- hello! wat's so funny about tapping ppl and not admitting?

ktv outing is coming up next. who's interested???

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

slacker's life

i'm bored bored BORED!

working like almost everyday, if not it's slacking at home. actually quite envy those gg ns- dun have to worry about anything cos they dun have to think wat they are gonna do for the next 2 years. ahh!!! i'm worried sick. my future is like, so dark?

everyday routine:-
11am+: wake up, watch tv & eat brunch
12nn+: watch video tape/read comics/computer-ing
2pm+/4pm+ (depending on my work time): get ready for work.
9pm+: papa come fetch
10pm+: reach home, bathe, watch tv
1am+: sleep

wat wondering routine right? if SIM accepts me, i'll be starting school in apr for the exempted modules, then take a test in the first wk of june to decide whether they can be exempted for me.

actually i've regretted that i haven't been studying hard enough in poly. i dun think i dun have the ability to get into local uni if i put in effort, but, aye. forget it la. wat i can do now is to work harder in SIM (if they wan me).

but at the same time, i dun regret spending so much of my time in music.

aye, my regrets:-
1) getting into escape
2) getting into living thinks
3) having my first boyfriend
4) not studying hard enough
5) not getting into apple early enough
6) not learning guitar earlier

sick. if only i know wat's gonna happen in the future, then my poly life won't be in a mess and everything will go as plan.

well, again, if it goes according as wat i wan, i won't be me right now, right?

sick. i'm so tired of living.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

prom night!


our class and dac3b23 (jane's class) booked hotel asia (which is beside sheraton hotel, where the prom night is held) and a few of us reached there at 2plus for the makeup and hairdo, and it sucks! $28 for sth which i can do it myself.. -.- luckily i know how to request for the stuffs i wan.

it couldn't be seen very clearly.. but tt's marie and me.

a picture of the hotel room. it's kinda wulu from the outside, but inside was quite nice. oops! i dunno y marie's in the pic. haha!

and you know wat? she was tt bad tt we had to touch up our hair OURSELVES!

tt's yongxiu helping ziyi to curl her hair, and meiying straighten her hair herself also lo! wth.. luckily i didn't take her photo, if not i'm gonna post it here and warn you guys not to ever get her to do makeup for you..

a bit of this and tt, and class 23 guys (justin, jack, gabriel) like coming in to disturb (cos they claim their room was tooo boring) and it was sooo pai seh to makeup do hair in front of the guys.taken while waiting for the rest to get ready.. golden nails! =p

ready? off we go! omg.. look at how sexy our marie is.. =p she's gonna kill me!

actually it's not meant to be so short, but the lady altered the skirt wrongly and it became this short! it's ok la, cos she has sexy legs.. *whistle* btw, it's meant to be this LOW! haha..

photos taken during the prom. =)

class dac3b23!

after tt all of us went MOS, and it was really FUN! ok, i had alot of fun! tooo bad forgotten to bring my cam so didn't manage to take much photos. =(

it was r&b night (my fav!), but we still went around. went the retro side, dance awhile and played a bit of some silly dancing games, and i went back to sit (which the seat was beside the dance floor).

the dance floor was empty for some time, and this ang mo went up to dance alone, then he suddenly looked at me for god-knows-wat reason and asked me to dance with him. STUPID ANG MO MAKE ME THROW FACE! ... -.-

went back to r&b side to dance. so fun! ziyi clubbed for the first time and saw meiying dance for the first time! soooo cute!

bumped into yansze tooo! she was getting down from the platform, and it just caught my eyes. i ran to her immediately and hugged. aww..

took some pictures with steph in mos!

danced till 4plus b4 gg back to hotel. i stinked damn badly! bathed, and went class23's room to cont the fun.

ziyi was sooo funny! she climbed up the dressing table to take out her contacts.

actually was quite boring in 23's room. they just merely played games and drink. hmm.. i think mostly on drinking ba. justin was dying, and died pretty soon after some time, and jooseng was kinda mad also. liting was superb! she had like, 5-6 glasses but still was pretty much awake? this is crazy! i can never do that! but still, she got hangover the next morn. =x

felt a bit dizzy after drinking some (as usual) fell asleep str after gg back to our own room. still, i can rmb joyce felling down. sooo funny!!! and she's talking lotsa craps!

went back around 2plus the following day. everything was wonderful. i'm so gonna miss everyone! and i hope liting's fine. =x

hey! anyone interested in yamaha's contempo electric guitar classes???

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

exams are finally over


ok, i know this comes a bit late cos i haven't been blogging for quite some time, BUT JUST LET ME SHOUT THIS OUT STILL YEAH? haha..

have been slacking all these while, plus work also. hmm.. interviewed at wanyi's workplace but kelly didn't call me. i think i can forget about it.

submitted my applications at the website which weilin recommend. they better call me soon yeah..

neither did nie call me. bad luck~
sim better accept me, if not i got nowhere to go!

went to eat breakfast with mingxuan and weilin on sunday before percussion practise, i saw this cute puppy! sooo cute! i think it's a baby shepard dog, issit?

sooo cute right? ahem. but mingxuan and weilin dun like it. =p

anyway to KIM and MINGXUAN: no matter wat, i'm still getting a cat as a pet! and kim, dun you dare scare my cat with your dog, cos i'll train my cat to be strong! WHAHAHA..


cooked fried noodles ytd, and somehow i just got influenced by kim to take picture of the food i cooked.

my mum threw almost 1/2 plate of the noodles away. she said the noodles are tooo soggy and it's tooo salty. =p cos i'm tooo greedy that i put everything in.

but still, i'm very proud of my round round egg. haa..

gg to work later. ahh~ sian.