Wednesday, May 24, 2006


am talking to benlow. (well, i call him below. haha!)

it's all about this crazy danbrown thing again. -.- as always..

i'm not a anti-christian/cathotic person, but somewhat or another, i believe in respecting each other. religion is a very sensitive issue. i dun prefer to discuss with anyone ('cause most of them will gimmi the wat-do-you-know expression), but they are just my THOUGHTS! wat i think. i didn't say I KNOW EVERYTHING..

i know a little of this and that(buddist, cathotic, christians blah blah blah..), but i'm a free thinker. yes, i believe there's god, and he's a very friendly person (as wat kumar said). everyone has their own beliefs, own path to follow, but dun criticize, please!

religions are good. they create a correct path for us to follow, have the correct mindset for us when we are feeling down, lead us to more friends and sometimes even your future partners. however, i think it's the humans who made them look bad.

i'm not trying to say the strong believers are bad, but PLEASE, dun try in insert your thinking into everyone. every religion has different stories and histories, but they boils down to the same thing eventually- they teach human to walk the correct path, don't do bad things blah blah blah. BUT, dun try to influence those people around you. it seems to me that you are just lack of confident and need more believers just to keep your beliefs going. it's just the same thing as you need more people to tell you you are beautiful to allow you to believe you really are.

i think you are beautiful only when you believe in it, then it is when others start to think you are beautiful. you dun like lies tooo, ain't you?

i said this to benlow.

jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
maybe you should make a survey.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
see if all those who dislike danbrown are christians.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i think mostly are.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i still think there's no need to get so workup.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
it's not as if we like danbrown cause we dislike christians.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
we like him because he's a writer.

and this is his reply.

Sometimes i feel, like i am caught behind a wheel. says:
Sometimes i feel, like i am caught behind a wheel. says:
duh, like if someone decides to write
Sometimes i feel, like i am caught behind a wheel. says:
all chinese are morons/idiots
Sometimes i feel, like i am caught behind a wheel. says:
a book on it la
Sometimes i feel, like i am caught behind a wheel. says:
and uses all the historical facts to support it
Sometimes i feel, like i am caught behind a wheel. says:
u will oso get offended wad.

yah, this is true.

but come to think of it, it's the same mindset as, we call the china gals slutty 'cause most of them are the ones standing along geylang road right?

ok, this is bad. i mean.. respect. if you did nth wrong, don't keep protesting. actions speaks louder than words.

if someone writes a book about chinese being morons, i shall be the director of that particular person's country. HAHA!

p/s: this entry won't be up long. i reckon some will be quite upset with this entry, DUNNO WHY ALSO.

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