Wednesday, May 10, 2006

birthday (details)

finally it's WED!!! haha.. sooo happy, cos that's like my 1st day of the week which i'm able to take a break from my hectic schedule? hmm..

oh ya, my birthday photos!

we (me, kim, wanyi, zefeng, jinghui) went town. =)

met wanyi after work. helped lipeng to work on labour day in the morning 'cause she had been working nonstop! erm, actually requested to help aileen 'cause she had worked 3 full days consecutively, but she came to work and let lipeng rest instead. aww..

ok, back to the point. anyway, i'm suppose to meet wanyi at kovan station, and she will miss call me when she reached kovan (she will be taking from sengkang station), then i will board the train.

*hp ringing*

i boarded the train, but no wanyi!

i called her.

me: ehh, where are you???
wanyi: lac lac.. the train not there yet.

-.- i returned back to the seat. the train which goes to sengkang went passed behind me.

*hp ring*
wanyi:where are you?
me: still waiting la. the train not yet here ma.

wanyi: i'm alr at serangoon!
me: ??? *thinking* !!! i waited at the wrong side!!!

wth. i'm the blurest human being on earth.

anyway, met the rest over there. really had a hard time deciding wat to eat! all stupidly wan me to decide wat to eat.. and finally, we decided to eat nydc at wheellocks'!

and everything became disaster after the 1st few decent photos. haha! some cute pics.
cute right? =p and they are so sweet and surprised me with chocolate cake from angie the choice! kim and wanyi then came over to my house to sing birthday song! tooo bad zefeng and jinghui can't make it. =(

anyway, it think there's sth wrong with my skin recently. keep having bumps, or sth like that.

just the other day, laura (my colleague) blanja me chocolates!

she's the sweetest auntie i've ever known! (note: my mum is not an auntie. call her jiejie next time when you see her.)

haha.. me and my dad. so cute!

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