Saturday, September 10, 2005

thank god

*just put down the phone with kim*

stupid kim. with jinghui still call me. but jinghui was cute. haha! n funny.

worked just now. was thinking quite alot when i was working.

maybe i really shouldn't complain so much. maybe coming into this world isn't as bad as i thought.

sometimes when i dun get the things i want doesn't mean the end of the world. ok, it is not. haha! maybe not able to stand up on stage to sing to everyone doesn't mean no one likes to hear me sing. thanks clarice for complimenting when i sing. =)

well, i guess the thought of being able the stand up on stage above anyone else and the kinda recognition you get is just a dream come true for every person who yearns to be a singer. right mf peeps?

hmm.. maybe not being able to do that isn't as bad as it seems. or rather, being able to do that doesn't seems that good actually. maybe singers don't get to do wat they want. or even worse, they don't get to sing the kinda style/songs they actually want? haha! ok, maybe i'm just jealous. =p

getting applause fr outside the toilet and in ktv rooms don't seem that bad. there might even be peeps who sing better than me out there somewhere in this world who dun even have anybody to support them. well.. i still have friends who loves me to sing, right? =) u better say yes if not i'll just slaughter you into pieces.

hmm.. perhaps i should be glad with what i have. thank god for giving me the passion for music along with a good vocal. thank god for blessing me with a happy family. thanks god for letting me have so many friends who are truely concern for me deep down.

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