Wednesday, September 21, 2005

stupid day at woodlands

stupid feli! made me and joyce laughed like nobody's business and throw our faces in woodlands!

i bet the person who wanted us to do survey will rmb us for life! thanks huh feli!

anyway she doesn't read my blog! =p

*as we were walking towards woodlands interchange fr causeway point, a person who wanted us to survey for him approached us*

guy: hey gals, do you mind helping us to do survey? our surveys need to be done by students like you all.

feli: oh no we ain't students, we are working.. (joyce ignored him, i busy msging)

guy: erm.. actually we need working adults as well. *smiles*

feli: oh no! we are students.

-,-" thanks huh feli. anyway joyce and i laughed like crazy!

joyce, you can copy and paste in you blog le. hahahahahaha!!!

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