Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Just came back from Scuba Diving theory class. It was fruitful, picked up a lot of tips and noted some important key points. Most of all, I picked out something that isn't just applicable to scuba dive, but to life.

People around you can only judge from how you appear to look; only yourself knows truly the situation you are in. Voice out, if you have to.

Many times, we expect someone else to read what we are thinking, what exactly do we want. Yes, I do agree our emotions are reflected through the expressions in our face, but it can only show so much. All of us have a mind of our own; if your childhood includes “Banana in Pajamas”, you probably know where you gotten the idea of mind-reading from.

 I’m not saying to hang an emotional tag around your neck, but when a certain conclusive decision is derived through our own unique philosophy, maybe it’s time to voice it out. Else, expecting a total fit of understanding will be seemingly unfair, to whoever it may be.

Building up myself doesn’t require to go by a certain type of book or rules. Little enlightenment through the simple paths I walk everyday aids me to grow and bloom. =)

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