Thursday, October 16, 2008

advices, suggestions, criticisms or just plainly views.

may others' views ain't that impt after all...

alright, i admit i do already care less about wat others think of me, but some things you just wana hide deep down inside you, hoping no one would ever find out.

like maybe...
how my childhood friend and i stole that cranking magic toy from 7-11 and lied to everyone cos we made a new friend there and the staff gave it to us.
how i pretend drop my pri sch friend's pen while she wasn't watching, and pick it up later and put it in my bag, like it was mine.
how i shoved that veggie under the sofa, and how i couldn't react when i got caught.
how my dad found out i threw rice outta the window, and the speechless moment when he pointed downstairs to our neighbour's clothes hanging out there, with my half eaten food.

ok, i said them already. i know people are gonna say it's ages ago, but nobody likes to be reminded of the most awkward situations we all have, at least once.

and maybe not just those. like things that you believe in totally, and others just slap right into your face to tell you to wake up. not just telling you they were wrong, but probably tell you how stupid you were in the first place to believe and do such things.


if you were christian, people tell you you were obsess.
if you were buddhist, people tell you they were fake.
like you love that tote bag, but people tell you how gay you looked with it.
like how fat people made up their mind to lose weight, but you twig out there just put them down and say it's impossible. and when they give up trying, you try to say how easily they give things up.

sadistic people are just everywhere.

ok, here i am putting people down who puts people down.
i hate people who judges tooo much, like they were some form of god who has the right to criticise. (and ya, i'm not a contestant in americal idol.)
and i know, i'm just being judgement at people who judges.

i dun wana be a photocopy of anyone of you out there, so please, advices are gladly accepted and will be taken into serious considerations. don't force thought and thinkings. i'll take that as we're the same poles, and like poles repel. probably me repelling you, technically speaking.

this is my fucking blog, and smtimes with those comments... i still feel the need to cater my every entry to the big picture.

like i shouldn't curse and swear.
like i shouldn't proclaim my love tooo much.
like you dunno wtf i'm blogging about.
like there isn't any tagboards.

and for god's sake, isn't it obvious, i dun need any comments from you. why would i need a tagboard for?

and i still emphasize, advices and suggestions are gladly accept. criticisms? please apply for a position is wateva idol competition you see on tv. i'm not contestant of any sort, and no judges needed here.

c'mon, scoff at me like i'm some kinda alien.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

happy one month, darling.

†oge†her.™ says:
Darling.. we are together for a month.. wad a month!! my love for u are growing gradually before even we start. this r/s!
just wanna tell.. u're the best girl i ever met. i thank god and tua pek gong for giving me this chance to know u. from friends.. we have become lovers.. my love for u is growing everyday. i cant imagine life w/o u. u have already became a part of my life. I LOVE U darling..
†oge†her.™ says:
happy 1 month anniversary !
jasMiNe says:
looove you.

†oge†her.™ says:
i really love u darling
†oge†her.™ says:
love love love love u till i cant see myself at times
†oge†her.™ says:
jasMiNe says:
wat is cannot see yourself?
†oge†her.™ says:
†oge†her.™ says:
u are the proprity in my life
†oge†her.™ says:
u are everything
†oge†her.™ says:
i took better care for den to me at times
†oge†her.™ says:

happy one month, darling. =)

Monday, October 6, 2008

what ifs.

images of what ifs keep flashing.

what if i chose not to take the initiate to contact my cousin.
what if i chose not to go out after the 1st movie-hancock.
what if i chose to walk away when my cousin pissed me off when he told me you were working till late and we had to wait for you.
what if you were pissed with me shouting over the phone and decided not to come.
what if i didn't come for the last min ktv.
what if i chose another suitor.
what if i chose to remain single.
what if i wasn't in my best shape.
what if i was still in citibank and had a busy job.
what if i still remain punkish.
what if i decided that boys ain't for me.

what if the girl decided to pick you.
what if you decided to go after the pretty girl in poly.
what if you didn't choose to like the other girl when the cute girl like you.
what if you didn't ask for my msn.
what if you decided to stop when we can't handle our first conversation well.
what if you decided i was the same usual fierce girl when you see in the first meeting.
what if you decided that i wasn't tall enough.

wo cai yi dian jiu cuo guo ni.

i hate tears. i think it's unneccessary and redundant situation to be handled. but everytime you dedicate a song, care so much, did so much, love and miss so much, i can't bear to remind myself what if all these becomes memories.

what if one day you decide someone else was better.
what if the feeling was lost.
what if we run out of words.
what if darling and sweeties dun sound the same as before.

i already start missing when you held my hands and sang. it is barely 24hours.
i can foresee my heart being rip apart, be it physically or mentally, like how lions rip the baby lambs, fleshes torn, some bloody bits in their mouth, some rotting pieces on the floor, wasted.

i can feel the weight on the shoulders.
i felt my brain bursting.

maybe never is better, maybe it's smthing that will never happen again.

miscellanious photos.

gonna be a boring entry.

fucking high at my chemical romance's concert. the queue was fucking long at the free standing. fucking lucky i took the seats.

why i curse so much? cos gerard swore like it's just inborn.

*ahem* was it last year's or the year b4 last's xmas? man, i just couldn't rmb. i only rmb i caught this glimpse of humongous tree with weisheng outside vivocity.
my fav converse sneakers, in super huge size.

i need my fav scent smtimes b4 i doze off.

to celebrate tian's bday at the early part of this year.