Friday, June 27, 2008


rmb how guys used to to think talking like 'hey piggy, you wake up so late again?' 'you very lazy leh.' 'eat eat eat. so pig.' is sexy and gets girls attention? i so wana faint. really dun feel like being a bitch, but guys like tt are so annoying and kills my gd mood. no no, turning me on is absolutely outta the question. and i wana say, no wonder they dun get any girls. or not all they get are the same kinda girls who will go aiyo... you very pig leh. eat so much. hmph. heeeee. yeah, go get them. nonono, not me. i'll totally kick your ass cos talking to me like that is insulting my intelligence, and personal attack by calling me a pig who eats and sleeps and do nth else.

1 comment:

WeiSheng said...

i never knew saying things like "piggy", "eat eat eat" and "lazy leh" was in any way supposed to be sexy and gets girls' attention.

or is it?