Friday, January 25, 2008

i'm back, for gd? i dunno.

oh ya. i do have a blog, don't i?

oh god. when was the last time i blog? no way, i'm too afraid to look. yes, i dun have to guts to admit. its still my blog, and i'm still responsible for it somehow, right?

thanks weisheng, for still rmbing me, and my blog. haha.

anywaysss, i think i've mentioned that i should have been on my books since ages ago, and i haven't. well, i've been addicted to tv since i was lil, and i guess i still am now. kim asked me out to study, but the timing wasn't quite right, and i'm totally regretting it now, cos i spent my time watching all videos of gossip girl. finishing all the way 'til ep.13, and waiting for ep.14 to be uploaded after being aired on 28th.

ok, now let me do some updates.

kim straightened her hair, so did our dear wanyi.
i cut my hair. well, trimmed, rather.
wanyi celebrated her 22nd birthday and we gave her an $88 ang bao.
zefeng's going to korea, and i'm going back to hongkong. hopefully i'll somehow get to visit macua as well.
chinese new year is coming, and i'm actually looking forward to it. however i'm not too sure if its to visit my relatives or to get outta town.
celebrated christmas with darling steph. spent the day shopping and spent the evening at her house eating, slacking and watching dvds. tt was when the memory card in my camera decided to die, taking along all my photos with it.
i fell for the same guy as my good friend but i've decided to give him a pass since i'm not too deep into it yet.
i revamp my room, and i swear it's sm much more tidier and cleaner.
i've got a job offer, and i think i'll be accepting it if everything goes well.

well, i can't think of anymore. tt's more or less about it. time for me to go bathe and get ready to meet my 2 cuties for dinner. well, chat with them while they eat. i've taken my dinner. =x

p/s: hey, the liang cha does work wonders don't it? but no matter how sick i am i don't think i'll take it, unless i'm not the verge of dying. haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG i jus saw the mail u sent wif the lizard tink... tt pic make me wana puke after tt super FILLING dinner jus now!!!! ANYWAY U R BACK!!!!! HAHAHHA~~~ SEE U SOON! *HUGS* wy