Thursday, February 21, 2008

Complexity kills. Let's stay simple.

Just finished season 2 of The L Word. (yay!)

Jenny Schecter's freaking me out. But at the same time it reminds me, complexity kills. And I'm so sick of the fact that everything nowadays are getting so complicated. New innovation are suppose to give us more convenience and better quality. I dunno about quality, but apparently more than one type can be found for the same item.

First, there's shampoo.
Then, they separate conditioner from shampoo. Yes, better hair quality, I agree.
Now, you have you choose whether you have more serious scalp condition, or hair. Hair, you again have to pick the type of condition you possess. Dry, damaged or oily?
Great, now there's even hair mask.

Eventually I dun even like the idea of shampoo-ing anymore.

Yes, this is the most bimbotic example you can find. (I'm still a female after all.) But this theory works for everything. (TOE aka. Theory of Everything. Lol.) Just... take a look around you.

I even hafta set up different email accounts for different purposes. This one's for work, that one's for friends blah blah blah... (Well you can't expect me to ask companies to email me at some funny email add.) Now I hate the thought of having to check emails.

Differentiate might cause things to have better quality, (e.g. my bosses dun think I'm 2 faced and I can gossip about you at my the other blog) but it just kills.

But yet again I can discuss my another side of me which some of you can't accept somewhere else. Ha.

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