Monday, April 30, 2007


work's just tiring. =(

at least i'm quite satisfied with my work now. though it's really busy (!), and i dun have much time to eat. oh well, at least i'm saving money and burning more calories then taking them.

and the best thing of all, i dun have any supervision from anybody. hmm.. maybe sometimes the greeters will bully me a little, but at least i won't get any trashing from customers anymore. hahaha.

someone called to complain about how unfair her work is today. i see where its coming from. it's like, you've been committed to this company for years!!! c'mon! who works tt long with the same boss when you dun even have a pay raise? or rather, a pay cut. well, quite indirectly, but its still a cut.

she asked me wat to do. i agreed tt talking to her directly might hurt her feelings, or maybe both of them will get hurt, and things starts to get awkward blah blah blah.. but still i think she should. if she's on the verge of quitting, why not, right? at least you leave the company with your injustice being voiced out.

enough of tt. i'm upset tt a.j. got kicked out of antm. i love her!!! she's so beautiful yet not as brainless as typical ms beauty pageant who says world peace. =((( wat's wrong with having attitude?

and ya, i got greedy today and i thought it might be ok to steal a tiny weeny bit of the brownies i saw at my office today. and ya, i got my retribution. think the bit got into my gums or sth. it got swollen.

back to studying tmr. BORING...

i almost forgot sth. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!!! =D

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