Tuesday, March 20, 2007


i was damn blurrr today.

as i was traveling to meet kim at bishan on a 88 bus, i saw tt the bus actually passes by sab's place. at least it was quite near.

so(!) after tuition today, i decided to walk to tt bus stop to take 88, as the usual bus i always take just gone and 88 stops just right in front of my hse. i walked to the bus stop, the bus came, and i took the bus.

everything seems smooth till like 15min later, and i still haven't reach my hse.

wth i should have waited for 159. i didn't know 88 takes tt long.

... until i saw a sign saying ang mo kio. wth!!! i took the bus from the wrong side!!!

really damn stupid, and damn blurrrrrrrrrr...
nvm about tt. all thanks to tt i didn't study today. waste my time...

watched the arena today, and i think maybe the RI boys get alittle tooo.. agitated? actually had quite high hopes on them, and i tot the little indian kid look kinda like hadi (so cute!).

i think RI guys are quite true in the part where in every schools they have their elites, be it sports or normal sec schs, but i think maybe they shouldn't blame it on the system but sgeans' attitude and perspective?

c'mon, even if the slowest person can get to a uni by sec->ite->itc->poly->uni. slower, but at least it proves this person is willing to work hard.

ah craps. i think the best way is to not think so much and go with the flow. saves loadsa brain cells, and thinking tooo much can't change anything anyway.

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