Tuesday, March 20, 2007


i was damn blurrr today.

as i was traveling to meet kim at bishan on a 88 bus, i saw tt the bus actually passes by sab's place. at least it was quite near.

so(!) after tuition today, i decided to walk to tt bus stop to take 88, as the usual bus i always take just gone and 88 stops just right in front of my hse. i walked to the bus stop, the bus came, and i took the bus.

everything seems smooth till like 15min later, and i still haven't reach my hse.

wth i should have waited for 159. i didn't know 88 takes tt long.

... until i saw a sign saying ang mo kio. wth!!! i took the bus from the wrong side!!!

really damn stupid, and damn blurrrrrrrrrr...
nvm about tt. all thanks to tt i didn't study today. waste my time...

watched the arena today, and i think maybe the RI boys get alittle tooo.. agitated? actually had quite high hopes on them, and i tot the little indian kid look kinda like hadi (so cute!).

i think RI guys are quite true in the part where in every schools they have their elites, be it sports or normal sec schs, but i think maybe they shouldn't blame it on the system but sgeans' attitude and perspective?

c'mon, even if the slowest person can get to a uni by sec->ite->itc->poly->uni. slower, but at least it proves this person is willing to work hard.

ah craps. i think the best way is to not think so much and go with the flow. saves loadsa brain cells, and thinking tooo much can't change anything anyway.

stupid women+craps

i saw this scene while i was on the travelator (is that how you spell tt?) sm time ago.

man: *trying to get past a bunch of youngsters who occupied one whole space of the travelator blocking ppl's way* excuse me.
gal (part of the clique) : COME ON! who walks on a travelator when it's moving for you?

COME ON! common sense tells you even though it helps you to 'walk', it doesn't stops ppl from walking! and i dun think she has the right to be tt sarcastic to anyone when it's not tt man's fault. and isn't it common sense tt the left sides are for ppl ain't walking, and right are those who are in a hurry and needs to walk? it's already rude enough to block the way and creates a 'human jam', and even worse when she made sucha comment. maybe it's just tooo embarrassing for her to say sorry, but at least SHUT UP. *roll eyes*

i think sg ppl ain't very well mannered, but still they ain't as bad and un-civilised as ***** ppl, maybe except for tt particular lady mentioned above. shan't say about ***** ppl as i may get sued. haha.

exams coming, and work flowing in as well. i kept have the feeling tt i am lack of time. but when i see the ppl ard me still having fun, ahh, tt's sth to think about it. so am i too up-tight or are they too slack? lol.

the meet-up today with my in-charge was quite ok, but smhow it made me feel even worse.
overall i think she's a very nice lady, and very concern for others, like me, thou she only meet-up with me for the 1st time. e.g. my coming exams. well, everyone like compliments and praises, but i think it sorta add on the burden to me. it made me think i SHOULD be up to tt standard. i dunno how well, but at least i should be competent. maybe cos i'm not cut out to be competent, tt's y i feel the stress.

nvm. i'm just gonna try my best and see how it'll turn out to be like.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

expects to much

smtimes maybe i just dun cut out for this world.

when i blog, i EXPECT readers. when i dun see it, i dun blog.
when i sign in msn, i EXPECT friends to talk. when i dun, i rather appear offline.
i EXPECT a reply when i initate a conversation, or even when i just ask a simple qn. when i dun, i rather dun talk.
i EXPECT ppl to be appreciative. i EXPECT friends to be nice.

expectations gets others stressed up, as well as myself. i told myself not to, yet smtimes i think it's in-build in me.

maybe the best way out is to not have friends. lol.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

why fit in?

"why fit in when you stand out?"

i got these words from "what a girl wants", and i find it beautiful. too bad, i dun think it applies to me.

spent the whole day at home slacking. didn't even study. i woke up at 10plus, napped twice. think i won't be able to slp tonight.

oh ya! i havent bathe. lol.