Sunday, January 7, 2007

pre cny blues

just the other day-

steph: anticipating cny?
me: anticipating the pre and post. pre when shopping for clothes, doing up hairs, buying shoes; post when counting ang bao money.

kinda startling at how things become, eh? cny's suppose to be the time where family members gather around once in a blue blue moon, talk and ask how are each other, catch up on those missing parts of each others life.

but somehow it becomes a review of the individuals' life- how did we fare.

bitchyauntie1: eh, how's your exams last year? you know my son got all As leh..
bitchyauntie2: got bf already not? you know my daughter's bf is gg to inherit his dad's company leh..
bitchyauntie3: wha. so big le ah? wat job ya holding? my son's a doctor leh. heheheheheheh.

sounds kinda familiar? well, it always happen every year, over and over and over again. it seems somehow those aunties got some kinda satisfaction outta it. maybe they got despise by their other family members and need to boast and trample those who are less better off than them.

and what we can do is just to give tt bitter smile.

whatever it is, i just hope things will all turn out ok (i won't say fine 'cause it's always difficult) and the least is to look forward to seeing my cousins. (they ain't as boasty and aunties..!)

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