Friday, January 12, 2007


i opened blogger's 'new post' window and i dunno wat to say.

sometimes life can get that bad, i dun think living, or rather struggling, is worthwhile.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

pre cny blues

just the other day-

steph: anticipating cny?
me: anticipating the pre and post. pre when shopping for clothes, doing up hairs, buying shoes; post when counting ang bao money.

kinda startling at how things become, eh? cny's suppose to be the time where family members gather around once in a blue blue moon, talk and ask how are each other, catch up on those missing parts of each others life.

but somehow it becomes a review of the individuals' life- how did we fare.

bitchyauntie1: eh, how's your exams last year? you know my son got all As leh..
bitchyauntie2: got bf already not? you know my daughter's bf is gg to inherit his dad's company leh..
bitchyauntie3: wha. so big le ah? wat job ya holding? my son's a doctor leh. heheheheheheh.

sounds kinda familiar? well, it always happen every year, over and over and over again. it seems somehow those aunties got some kinda satisfaction outta it. maybe they got despise by their other family members and need to boast and trample those who are less better off than them.

and what we can do is just to give tt bitter smile.

whatever it is, i just hope things will all turn out ok (i won't say fine 'cause it's always difficult) and the least is to look forward to seeing my cousins. (they ain't as boasty and aunties..!)

Saturday, January 6, 2007

home home home


ok, maybe it wasn't the 1st time but it's damn boring. watched "driven" on ch5 in the evening. not that bad. i think joe was stallion, and jimmy's cute! i'm dead. i start to look at ang mos.

and i didn't reply zf's sms! he's gonna kill me. 'cause i was rolling all around the hse. yes, i'm having the day of the month again, and it's killing me. yuwei said i sound a bit nutty. oh well.

and kim's having her bonkers period also.

kimmy - says:
dun care laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kimmy - says:
kimmy - says:
. . .
eMiLy (monotonically) says:
pre mense. hahah.
kimmy - says:
bonkers bonkerss

haha. told ya.

ok, chatting with zf, eddy in the afternoon wasn't tt bad. at least i got some entertainment.

i tried studying but only managed to accomplish a few pages.

oh well. i should appreciate it man. back to hectic days from tmr.

new lift buttons

they changed new lift buttons!

but same old people living in the building. lol.
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bored in class

ok, i drew my hand. i just yearn for cloudy days. hahah.Posted by Picasa

from faysa

sab's sister gave them to me b4 xmas.

sweet right? i tot it's a hint for me to buy her xmas present. well, tt pin looks kinda dull so i decided to decorate it. hahah..Posted by Picasa

green tea kit kat

was at watson's the other day, and look wat i've found!
ok, it's $5.90, apparently it's a bit ex, but for green tea kit kat, can you resist???
and it comes in small packets inside! they did not just dump all the chocolates tgr with them sticking to each other.

a rat at the station

i was going home the other day after work, and it was raining cats and dogs. well, that's not the point. the main thing is wat i saw on the stairs when i was walking up on the underground tunnel.
Y.E.S. a rat.
damn gross. there was a couple standing there kept looking at it. i thought wat was it at 1st.
the couple was quite fancinated by me taking pictures of it, but i just screamed to them OMG! HOW CAN THERE BE A RAT AT SUCH PLACE! lol.Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

sab's xmas present

look wat i bought for sabrina as xmas present!

it's those kind you can stuff your hand in to manipulate its hands. cute right??? i wonder if its a deer or giraffe. lol.

and this is wat i got for sab's sister- a cute little bear!

Monday, January 1, 2007

the artist is PBF

cute cute?
i wonder if it's a cub or puppy though.
dun ask wat is this. hahah.
ahh ma..!
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the artist in class

dun blame me. the class was tooo boring..!
teacher:blahblahblahblahblah (she seems like she's singing some lulluby)

i drew this on kim's paper.

..and she drew this on the table.

lol. seems like she's waiting for someone to give her flowers.

caught in action!
and she went back to sleep after that.

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the most blessed cat

i wana get this kitty for my store next time. wang zhong dai wang. hahah.
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stay current, or else..

kim and i was amazed with how they advertise SIM. well.. maybe no one wants to get thrown into the bin. i guess i won't, if i found a golden turtle. haha.
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my cup

i koped a cup from SIM, drew my name while in the bus, brought it to work. =p
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SIM playground

yes! there is a playground in SIM. take a look if you dun believe me.
the SIM see-saw. look how happy the 2 sharpeners have gotten.
the slide.
oops. maybe barriers should be made at the sides of the slide.
well, i guess the only missing is the swing.Posted by Picasa


yeah! finally switched to the new googletypeofblog. the new blog? hmm.

it was really kinda happening for a new year's eve to new year celebration.

wisma->clark quay's tcc->walk around clark quay->raffles city (we hid there due to the rain)-> citylink->marina square's xing wang hk's cafe-> near to esplanade (where we met aiysha, qiaoping and geolan)->bugis (and we sat there like hell while trying to find a way to reach home)

I hanged out till wee hours (think 2plus?) at bugis trying to figure a way out to get home safely. (we dun wana walk all the way home from there cos we’ll pass by little ***** and I strongly believe some things will happen there.) xiangquan agreed to do me a fav and fetch us home, but stephy’s dad came instead. Thanks uncle! And xiangquan tooo.

To me, sporeans are gen feng yi zhu. (though to a certain extend I agree with kim that sg’s way tooo small to contain so many ppl. I mean outta their little cosy HDB for most ppl and condos and bungalows for some.)

You work a 9-5 job.
Goes home after work.
Shop occasionally during lunch breaks.
Go for breakfast/lunch with your family during wkends and shop awhile after that.
Get outta your hse to marina square to watch fireworks (which happens for every special occasions recently) thru tt pathetic citylink (which you had to squeeze your way thru) and squeeze/rush/push all the way back to city hall thru citylink again to catch the last train home b4 1.30am.

Blissful for most. Pathetic lifestyle for most. Well, at least for me.

anyway, it's time for new year resolution.
1. accept things that i am able to fufil and do the best while rejecting things but i'm full with activities. after all there's only 24hours per day yeah? (b4 minus-ing at least 8hrs of sleep per day)
2. be responsible by do the right things which are within my control (e.g. giving up my seat to that old lady instead of pretending to be asleep); not get upset and accept the fact that there's always things we can't take control of. (e.g. some ppl trying to get fresh with gals during special occasions while they're in public areas celebrating)
3. improve my english (since i intend to further my studies somewhere).
4. be tidy (yes kimmy i'll try my best to improve..) and clean.
5. zao sui zao qi (damn.. tt's the hardest)
6. get my driving licence.
7. be nice, which means controlling my temper. (damn, tt's even harder than hardest)
8. save save save! (which means i gotta control the temptations from all those shopping malls. shit)
9. keep my words, and more str forward. (when some people try to use forceful persuasion to pester me to go for their outing, its normal reaction to pretend to agree to go, then not turn up during the last min. it suck, esp when you are labeled with the most bu shou xing yong when it’s totally not your fault.)
10. (I typed it b4 everything’s gone. Luckily I saved part of wat I typed previously. But I just couldn’t seem to rmb this part.)