Wednesday, August 17, 2005

boring day..

was studying for afa. haven't practise anything yet. hopefully i won't FAIL! simply hate and scared of afa..

watched wedding crasher with yansze on mon after audit paper. it was great! it was hilarious.. i couldn't stop laughing.

took neo prints with her also. she's a pro in tt area. really know how to choose the type machine and decorate the pictures. haha.. wait till she send me the pictures then i'll post it them here k? zhiwei, *ahem* i welcome u to see the pictures. haha..

slept at 7am tis morn. was chatting with puppy and studying afa.

wanted to bid an emily watch but.. nvm. was outbidden by a guy at the last 10 sec. =(

hmm.. shall update more next time. my life's kinda boring nowadays.

*miss kim and wanyi*

going sch on sat to practise 2.4 and gg sentosa to meet wanyi after tt.

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