Thursday, July 21, 2005

new blog!!!

yes! finally got my new blog done! hey.. is tis explanation good enough for not updating for so long? hee.

finally my iap project is done for tis sem! wat we left is to touch up and check a bit more.. i'm lazy. just let me do it tonight. *bleah*

as usual, went sch n didn't do my afa tutorial. hmm.. nth much about today.

maybe just let me update a bit of wat i did last few days?

17/7- went for percussion practice and thank yuwei for sending us back after practice! n i love lipeng. *muack*

18/7- watched all about dogs with mervyn and yuwei. it suck! ppl, pls dun watch it.

19/7- watched fantastic 4 with yansze, weisheng and zhiwei. new friend! thanks weisheng for sending us home! =)

20/7- hmm.. i shall keep that a secret. my good friends will know when the time ripes. hee.

21/7- gg for guitar lesson l8r..

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