Thursday, November 26, 2009

what makes you think you can decide for me?

I haven't been blogging for months, but now that I have time, I'm guessing I'd have more blogging time! I guess it's time that I should vent out my frustrations that probably has been lying within me for say, months? Or a year or 2?

Now the frustrations that lie within is, do people really get satisfaction outta making other people's life miserable? Okay I admit, yes I do. For some other bitches out there, probably. Those who used to annoy the hell outta me last time, or hurt me very bad in the past. And I use this method to make myself feel better. Because if they fall, it just seems like karma to me. Effective I'm telling you.

But things are different if it's about someone who is very close to you. Yes, even for close friends and family, we do have different personalities, characters etc... Thus very different views and decisions made in the end. Do you really have to overwrite other people's view and thoughts just because you think you will do them that way?

For god's sake, I'm not YOU. Yes, I'm not YOU.

For example, if I were to encounter school bullies (if I'm still studying right now), probably I will...

1) Show the bullies you're just not another weaklings that they should choose to pick on;
2) Go to your teacher and make this incident known to an adult;
3) Quit this school, go to another school to start afresh; and
4) Appear with a knife the next day and stab each of them hard.

If it's the last option, I will not blame you if you try to stop me, because that's just overboard and against the law. But if I choose to quit school and yet you persuaded me not to, just because it doesn't seem necessary to you, it doesn't mean it's unnecessary to me! I could end up with a depression if I don't leave the school you know?? And you ain't the one going through everything! What makes you think you should decide for me??

If I appear indecisive, you can offer me options, not make decision. If I have already made up my mind, I wish you could be supportive. If you are not, at least keep your goddamn mouth shut and get outta my life, period!

And yah, btw, you really don't have to add fuel to the fire by asking me to pay you back that lunch money that you initially offered to treat, just because I'm not the kind of friend you thought I was.

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