Monday, April 14, 2008

monkeys at upper thomson!

YES! the monkeys are horrible. kim tried to tell me they were behind me but i just jumped up and walked away cos i tot she was trying to say there's a
bug or sth. and i think i scare the hell outta her as well. was quite amusing. lol.

and oh god, they are digging trash from the dustbins like no one else's business. the worse is the are piling the rubbish outside instead of inside the trash bin! was so afraid they might attack us. luckily we had no food.

the bus heng-ly came in time.
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'high tea' at xing wang cafe

'high tea' with kim after jay dee sale! (and she said i was smiling 'fakely'. lol.)

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Friday, April 11, 2008

guitar? lol...

You Should Play the Guitar

You're very independent - both in spirit and in the way you learn.

You can teach yourself almost anything, even if it makes your fingers bleed.

You're not really the type to sit patiently through a music lesson - or do things by the book.

It's more your style to master the fundamentals and see where they take you.

Highly creative and a bit eclectic, you need a wide range of music to play.

You could emerge as a sensitive songwriter... or a manic rock star.

Your dominant personality characteristic: being rebellious

Your secondary personality characteristic: tenacity

normal or weird?

You Are 25% Normal

You sure do march to your own beat...

But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all

You think on a totally different wavelength

And it's often a chore to get people to understand you

what kinda rocker are you?

You Are an Emo Rocker!

Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.

That doesn't mean you don't rock out...

You just rock out with meaning.

For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding.

5 factors personality profile

Your Five Factor Personality Profile

You have medium extroversion.
You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.
Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.
But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."


You have high conscientiousness.
Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.
Most things in your life are organized and planned well.
But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.


You have low agreeableness.
Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.
In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.
And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.


You have high neuroticism.
It's easy for you to feel shaken, worried, or depressed.
You often worry, and your worries prevent you from living life fully.
You tend to be emotionally reactive and moody. Your either flying very high or feeling very low.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything.


i can't believe how long i had slept. 7pm to 7am+! expect that i woke up at 12am+ cos i had a throbbing headache. really so bad i thought my head's gonna explode.

ate medicine and went back to sleep. woke up at 1am+ to bathe, then went back to sleep again. kim's gonna call me a dirty monkey. hahaha.

anyway, i bought a pair of levis' jeans and swiss military watch ytd at jay dee sale! i simple love the watch so much that i kept staring at it before i fell asleep ytd. haven take photos though. maybe later, than i shall upload all my photos straight.

trying to study msm now but can't seem to concentrate. feel like going back to sleep again.

yawn.. till later. hah.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


haven't been blogging. haven't been feeling so irritated for quite some time.

i couldn't emphasize enough.


RESPECT your family.
RESPECT your friends.
RESPECT who they are.
RESPECT the decisions they make.

fuck it. is that so hard. i'm not asking you to RESPECT their decision when they decided to kill their parents and run away with their money. i'm just asking for your acceptance for the everyday decisions. so minor that if you won't even notice if you stop being sucha b-i-a-t-c-h. in the first place, did i ever stop you from becoming one? no, i RESPECT you becoming/being a bitch, TOTALLY.

maybe i'm single for a very long time that i can never be tied down no more, maybe i'm not a person who can accomodate with your fucking feeling when it doesn't even affects the slightest part of you. so please, gimmi sm space. i haven't even start lecturing you about those i cannot stand about you, so stop nagging str in my face telling me to do this and that. i'm not your dog. don't think i'm the balloon in your mouth which you can control the size. no. maybe you can think of me as the ancient emperor. he can have tons of wives and even you know its ridiculously wrong, the only thing you can do is gossip softly behind his back. dun you dare let him find out. he might just rip your head off without even stainly his hands.

i really dun wana be such an ass. dun force me to.

for all you care i am mean, mad, anorexic, bulimic, punk, rock, lesbian, smoking, drugs, shopaholic, alcoholic. i am who i am. if you can stand me, then disregard my existence.

even said so, there's only a fine line between you thinking for me and thinking for you. like parents, they might wan their children to work hard so they can have a better future, or they can do they just because they wan 'face' among their relatives and friends. same results they are looking for, different total meaning.

i couldn't emphasize enough, talking bad behind your back doesn't makes me a hypocrite. wat i can say is everyone of us are different beings. we cant agree about everything with each other, not even twins. and i'm not cool enough to think and absorb every bit of irritations others cause. i need to complain, i need to rant to get that shit outta me. it won't stay healthy inside. like farting is wrong, but keeping inside is totally unhealthy. that doesn't make me a backstabber. god, think of it this way. shane thinks sleeping with others ok, yet alice thinks that even having the thought about other being is total immoral in a relationship. so does that make shane a betrayer? use your head.