Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wedding? (You gimmi money??)

You know wat, this is frustrating, annoying, and pissing me off!

Just a little preview:-

Irene says:
wedding is of course necessary lah, if not don like marry leh
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
hmm. i rather dun get married if wedding is necessary.
Irene says:
y not
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
it's like use my own money, then let everybody eat shark fins, then everyone happy except me.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
but it's my money.
Irene says:
is fun leh, although it will pretty tired
Irene says:
will earn back 1 mah
Irene says:
nomatter how simple, u still need to take wedding photos mah
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
haha. only take wedding photos, tt's all.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
if even one person say must have wedding, then i dun get married.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
then i'll blame tt person if i cannot get married.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
or else rite, tt person sponsore me lo.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
tt simple.
Irene says:
wedding will also earn $ mah
Irene says:
u still young leh, still can save $$$$$$$
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
i rather take the money to pay for the hse or spend on myself then pay for other ppl's shark fins.
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
Irene says:
u hah, is a celebration mah
jasMiNe - "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance [1923] says:
haha. unless got ppl sponsore me.

This is wat I think:-

1. Wedding is not necessary to feel like marriage. You have the grandest wedding, and you end up in divorce. Wake up, little minds of the 70s.

2. Wedding photos can be taken as and when. Of cos, I do wan wedding photos. But is there a clause saying I have to a wedding for the photos? Hell no! all they wan is money! I can always look pretty in photoshoots then to wear the awkward pretty dresses during wedding dinners, which I totally look awkward n not pretty, at all.

3. Wedding is not a celebration whatsoever. It just consists of opinions flying everyone, the bride and groom cracking their heads to please everyone, money pouring out not for ourselves, not tasting a single mouth of food on dinner time, and latecomers yawning and spending a boring time during wedding dinner. And oh yah, did I mention gossips are gonna go on with the venue, food, dresses… just plain dumb, isn’t it?

And the dumbest thing is, everyone is following them! Wedding is just plain boring and tonnns of brainless ppl trying to get you drunk and puke all over. Spending money on pukes? No, thank you. And plus the fact tt I hafta smile at those ppl who try to make you puke and tease you offensively about your wedding nights. (wtf?!)

Man, I can go on list and list with stuffs have can ppl have weddings! It’s not like I’ll get Bill Gates as a husband! (which means he can provide me with 100 Chanel bags, all LV accessories, and practically let me own Juicy Couture)

No! marrying a normal guy means you hafta pay equally for HDB/Condo, share PUB/Cellphone/Internet/Cable bills and every other miscellaneous expenses.

How about using tt 20k+ to hire a part-time maid (assuming both will be working), or paying more every month for your flat so you will accumulate lesser interest? I can foresee the usefulness of the money than to pour in for some useless food and grand venues. I assume hotels will do fine without my money?

And stop saying asking my future hubs to sponsor me. If you wonder why, it seems to be tt future contribution would be made by both of us, be it more or lesser of whoever. If he contribution to some worthless wedding, I presume he would have less of the savings to contribution in the future. Which idiots out there dun understand???

Conclusion: if you ain’t gonna sponsor, stop talking craps, unless you intend to contribute $300 angbao money per head and ahhh, probably I won’t mind being the organizer plus the model of the day. *wink*

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