Tuesday, September 18, 2007

slacking the whole night.

uploaded a few photos. =)

went slacking with chris and my new found friend, mr xiao didi. lol. think he kinda get pissed when i call him tt. well, who dun like being young?

anyway saw this steamboat shop when we reach east coast. just celebrated xmas with johnny tt year, which was the day which tsunami happened. time flies... and we're old.

wanted to go hk cafe but apparently they're close freaking early. or were we there too late?

xiao di was damn bo liao..

and i was even worse. lol.

kimmy! see! even mac reminds you of me even though you're not with me. stop haunting me!!!the scenary at the airport was pretty. =)

havent slack the whole night for sucha long time. =)Posted by Picasa

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