Saturday, June 10, 2006

friendship v.s relationship


people still have the sterotype thinking that gals and guys can never be pure friends. but i guess i have lotsa good boy-friends. =p whereas for my mr.right.. i'm still waiting. =)

good boy-friends:
*yongkai (ok, good cousinly boy-friend)

good boy-friends that lost contact:

if you realised your names ain't under my list, it means either your gender ain't male, you name just slipped off my mind or it doesn't even belong to the list. you can try asking at the tagboard to see if you belong there.

to me, friends are just friends. no different between a good gal-friend and a good boy-friend. just tt maybe you can't shall the tips about where to buy a good bra. (maybe only bryan) whereas for a boyfriend, tt idiot gotta stuck with you for the rest of your life (if you intend to commit). so, i won't just choose any tom, dick or harry. i'll only accept my mr.right. (i'm ms.left)

talking about my mr.right, was chatting a little with jinghui last night (or you can call it early morning), and was a kinda surprised wat she actually commented.

jh: i think you are very happy being single.

wat sia!!! err, anyway, continue..

me: ..y???
jh: from you way you look lo.
me: but i'm losing lotsa friends.
jh? like wat? your friends like you and you can't be friends anymore?
me: *roll eyes* no la. more and more friends are getting attached, and they have less and less time for you. sometimes i wana find someone to talk to, i scroll down my contacts, and i can find no one.
jh: if it's true friends, they'll surely find time for you.

speaking of tt, i think the person one is kim. (the only person who came to my mind) the rest are just zhong se qing you. friends=spare tyres. wat's the f*cking use of treating them well and be there for them whenever they need you?

quoted from jinghui's blog:

dun understand how ppl can be so f*cking selfish and irresponsible.
there's nth wrong to put frens b4 urself.
make sure ur frens put u b4 themselves 1st
if not den its not worth it.

call me selfish, but i'm the same as her. i don't believe in being there for you always, and wait till your boyfriend dump you, then you realise how important friends are.

i dun mean you have to zhong you qing se (treat friends better than boyfriend), but at least equal.

you are concern about your boyfriend, so show some concern to your friends.
you call your boyfriend back when you missed his call, please call your friends back when you missed their calls.
you cancelled the date with your friends 'cause your boyfriend asked you out last min. i dun expect you to put your boyfriend's aeroplane, but at least dun cancel the date with me.

don't tell me that
your boyfriend treats you i won't treat you,
you boyfriend sends you home everytime you 2 go out i won't,
your boyfriend won't mind when you are late for the date,

'cause i won't dump you. (if you don't dump me)

love relationship and friendship are just 2 extremely different graphs.

friendship is a constant straight line graph.
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e.g. kim is y=10. maybe it'll flicker a bit sometimes when we both get sick of each other, but yeah, it's never ending.

love relationship is just like a economic total product curve.
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it started slow, 'cause u 2 just got attracted to each other, then fast, increasing in a decreasing order. after getting tgr, things started to cool down, increasing in a decreasing order. everything starts to slow down after you discover each others flaws. (seriously, no one is flawless like fann wong's skin.) it hit the highest point, when the honeymoon period is over, everything starts to go downhill.

dun tell me your boyfriend do so much for you. the graph tells everything. but, dun expect to have the cake and eat it. if the str line graph is me, you'll see tt line heading for zero.

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