Sunday, February 12, 2006

early vday celebration

*just read black jack*

*yawn* slept at 3.30plus last night. sooo tired. anyway work was ok.. and the part where xuan came in was kinda funny. a lady came in to buy hi card ytd, and she just sat in the shop to test the card without paying for it yet.

xuan: hey, she haven't pay leh. should i ask her to pay?
me: ehh.. maybe wait awhile ba.
xuan: i know wat. i'm gg to ask her whether doesn she need a receipt. maybe she will zi dong yi dian..
*xuan went to ask the lady*
lady: erm, no need. thanks *went back to play her hp*
xuan: *came back to me* hey, die la. she haven't say she wan2 pay lo.
me: nvm la, you go serve customer. i help you look out.
*few mins later*
xuan: should i ask her to pay?
me: erm.. say "bu hao yi si, ni ke yi xian fu jian ma?"
xuan: *hesitated, then went to ask the lady*
lady: oh OH! i forgotten to pay! aiya, should just tell me ma. sorry sorry.
*look at me and laughed*

she looked at me and laughed! wth. she must knew we had been discussing about her not pay cos we kept whispering to each other. so pai seh!!!

went out with yuwei after work. i was so freaking sway on fri! i lost my swaroski bracelet (cost me like.. 200+?) while having dinner with huayi performers. we went around to look for a replacement, but tooo bad.. i guess the bracelet obsolete.

had dinner at olio. (issit spelt like tt?) hmm.. took some photos with yuwei's hp, but he haven't send me the pictures so can't upload. shall upload next time? hmm.

and hey ppl, look at this.

this is wat yuwei gave me..

this is the box..

this is the yellow rose..
i'm gonna make it into dry flower..
this is the necklace.. =)

and then, look at wat my dad bought for me..

wat the hell, it's like.. almost the same?! and the necklace is.. ok, identical. can't stop laughing.

oh ya mingxuan, this is for you. and it's found in singapore.


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