Thursday, November 13, 2008

wolf in sheep's skin, amazing sewed to be permant.


you dun look like a wolf in sheep's clothings.


f.y.i: if a wolf's in sheep's clothing, it simply means it's in DISGUISE. it doesn't wans you to find out the ugly fact that he's cunning, sly... and things like tt.

if you know, or managed to find out, a wolf is in sheep's clothings, it merely means the wolf has low IQ. bad at acting, bad at lying. no no, it DOESN'T makes a wolf who's gd at hiding his true self a innocent lil puppy (oops, sheep) inside out, does it? *roll eyes*

probably we all should stop forming perspection during the inital stage, or maybe before even we got to know every little nitty gritty detail about tt creature.

or maybe the way it treats you is enough for you to judge, then be it. for all i care, i'm not a selfish freak that only care about myself.

or maybe the wolf's just a kind hearted nature soul born in the wrong skin.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

random... A LOT.

random photosss in archivesss.
kim's doggie- hazel.
mama's cosmetic pouch bought from batam.
clarence bought me strepsils when i was having a bad sore throat.
foodcourt inside liang court.
hougang mall's... one of the mall.
sweet kimmy.

Monday, November 10, 2008

happy two.

happy two=happy two of us.

mmmmmuacksssss. =)

i wan four, five, six, seven, eight.... on and on and on.

2009 resolutions, tentatively...

haven't been blogging for awhile.

2009 isn't here yet (let alone xmas), but apparently i haven't been keeping any of my 2008's resolutions made. i'm being sucha lazy girl who lack of discipline.

let me note down some of the resolution tentatively made for 2009.
i dun wana forget and find myself a perfect excuse not to stick by them.

1. shop lesser. think thoroughly before spending. keep track of money in bank.

apparently the requirements for items to get into my shopping list have been getting low, which concluded why am i ending up with more stuffs and lesser cash in bank. a card, or rather cards, in hand can create a lot of avoidable disasters and unnecessary guilt within moi.

shall i start with stop to explore shops i haven't been before? that way probably i'd have lesser shop under the favourites.

2. eat with table manners. chew my food before swallowing. eat slower dun be greedy.

my habit of not chewing food results in fast eating, and before my stomach recognises it's full, i already overeat, resulting in unwanted flesh growing around my limps and tummy, thighs and occasionally uncomfy in gastrics.

3. have 8 hours of sleep every night.

i love you my boy, and probably tooo much that even though i know i can't make it for the 8 hours, i still wana hog on the phone. i dun wana heart you any lesser, but smtimes 8 hours is necessary to have more concentration for you, and probably everything else.

4. drink 1.5 litres of water everyday.

i need my daily dosage of 1.5. i dun wan any water rentention, dehydration, or wateva other illnesses that follows.

5. lesser coffee, more... plain water, and green tea.

which i think it's the effect of not having 8 hours. and the aftereffect after more coffee would be non-white teeth, which then i'll be tempted to doing teethwhiting, and thereafter would be deduction of amount from the bank.

6. read the papers. know the world.

lack of discipline here. i really do hafta know the news, be it entertain or... ok, i dun hafta know about entertainment. i really need to know about global news. i do lack of knowledge.

7. be a tidy and clean girl.

partly tidy and clean, partly to shop less, buy lesser, to have lesser stuffs in my cosy freakalious small room. again, it's link.

8. stop eating junks and be a junkie no more.

let see here... i hafta quit on white bread, chocolates, biscuits, cookies.
and yah, the ultimate- chilly. can smone please stop me?

9. stop being sucha quitter and pick things up again tt i've already know... 1/2 way.

i should really get back to them- guzheng, guitar, drumming.

10. watch less tv.

really, tv shows do nth gd. yes, bad neither...
unless probably for me to pick up eng, canto, jap...

wow. so many bad habits.
i bet there're smmore.
till then, chao~