Saturday, May 31, 2008

random pictures

the car looks like inital D's.
desmond gave clarence the hamster. i dunno kept these photos for how long.

Friday, May 30, 2008

random pictures

i did realise i haven't been 'picture blogging' for quite sm time, and my photos are piling up in my folder. so just let me clear a bit and update my stories. haa.

my bro looking so ever cute with my eyore. ehhh. how to spell ah?
his brilliant idea of kiap-ing his wallet in between him and his sling of the bag. was bragging that he had both hands free.

my mum's fav cute shoes. so cute right?

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

happy birthday kim!

kim, you're so gonna kill me.






















Tuesday, May 27, 2008


just woke up. had a headache, but luckily not to terrible. smtimes i wonder is there anything wrong with my head. *choy*

i'm sooo vex right now. things seems a 'lil undone, unconfirm here and there. everything is just on the pending list. i can't be sitting on the bench waiting for things to happen. i wan things to happen. god, i do not enjoy the joy of waiting.

didn't studied at all. well, hafta later. hope things go well. *wink*

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


omg. how can i have nth on and wake up and 9am+? think the body just refuse to let me have more than 8 hours of slp str. anyways, gonna write about a few random stuffs.

my parents are back from a 2 day trip to indo, and i'm so happy! they bought me a pouch! mind you, the pouch is so pretty tt i cannot take my hands off it ytd when i 1st saw it. haha. now its safely in my bag. but i'm still jealous thou. the trip seems pretty fun. and its like they're having so much fun while i'm mugging like mad in this humid country.

mugged alone ytd at kfc. (i need the air con!) home was people-less cos my bro went to visit his friend.

me: where you gg tmr?
him: visit my friend.
me: wat? play games?
him: no. tan bing.
me: wat bing?
him: brain tumour.

?!?!?! he made it sound so simple man. i would have wreck the world if it happen to anyone near me, be it close or not. i just hope his friend would get well eventually. heard he hasn't been gg to sch for almost a year for chemo.

talking about headache, i had the worse headache ever just the other day.

i drank coffee on the day on FR paper, and i guess it was so strong that i cannot slp that night. went shopping with my mum the next day in the morn, and acc my bro to the dentist's after that. cannot really study after that. was pretty drained.

at night, the headache really came. fuck it. i tried to ignore and go to slp. panadol do anyone no gd when taken too much. i tried to refrain from taking as much as i can.

the headache persist. at 2am, i woke up due to the headache. went to take 1 panadol, and tried gg back to slp. can you imagine you felt so damn slpy yet the pain won't allow?

got up at 3am and took another one. went to the living rm to lay on the sofa. felt nausea and wana cry. went to toilet and finally i vomitted. and worse. there was blood.

i just hope its not brain tumour or wat, and its just my gastric.

wth. STUDY again! lol.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

teeth obsession

why the hell am i still doing here???

haha. i think no matter how hectic life can be i still need a breather. went thru my pics and think we all are kinda obsess with teeths nowadays. (cute right???) well, i'm still v happy with my white white front teeth. they may be a lil crooked, but who's perfect? not me, but i'm still satisfied.

hmm. but seriously, my bro need braces.

1 paper gonna be down in 2 days time! technically speaking, tmr's my paper. =)

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