Sunday, December 12, 2010

Newly Dyed Hair (from Cuttour Studio)

I understand my blog is reeeeeally stagnant for a damn damn long time. And you guys shouldn't mark my words when I promise to blog regularly. Seems like I already am having problem catching up with my daily life routine.

But nonetheless, blogging is a healthy habit, 'cause voicing out to life human beings involves some kinda different opinion, and some opinions are unnecessary, and maybe opinions shouldn't be needed at all at some cases!

Like, how I wan to brag about my newly dyed hair fresh from Cuttour Studio's oven.

Many camwhore-ed photos.

I wanted to dye my roots to the colour I originally had, but Janet mentioned the colour sorta faded already, and would need to freshen up the whole thing. Well, I deem her knowledge more professional than mine, so I did what she recommended.

And yah, my original hair colour.

Quite a big difference, ehh?

Alright! Will try my best to blog more... Wanted to say mark my words, but owells. =)

Life's already unpredictable, so what's more can I say about myself?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Halloween Photos!

testing the photo uploading function. =)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Youtube Video: Sesame Street-- Outdoors with Jason Mraz

I know I know... I haven't been blogging for a long while!
But hey wait! This clip is tooo amazing to miss.

I love Jason Mraz. =)
And Elmo and all the other monsters. XD Who says monsters can't be cute?